Imdb Rating facts
While investigating facts about Imdb Rating Movies and Imdb Rating Of Kabir Singh, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Two privacy researchers from the University of Texas were able to unmask Netflix users' political and sexual orientation by taking the "anonymized" movie ratings (released as part of Netflix Prize) and comparing them against non-anonymized movie ratings posted at IMDB.
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There is a movie called "Gayniggers From Outer Space" that has an IMDB rating of 6.5/10
What's imdb rating?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is imdb rating system. Here are 44 of the best facts about Imdb Rating Series and Imdb Rating Of Kgf I managed to collect.
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The creator of HBO's Chernobyl (currently the highest rated TV show of all time on IMDB) also wrote Hangover II & III, Scary Movie 3 & 4, and Superhero Movie.
Quentin Tarantino's celebrated WW2 film 'Inglorious Basterds', which is rated the #100 best movie of all time on IMDb, only has an 6.9/10 average score by critics
The lowest rated movie on IMDB is called Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny (1972) with a score of 1.3/10. When Santa's sleigh gets stuck in Florida, he tells a group of kids the story of Thumbelina.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly has won no awards other then 2nd place in an less known award show. Its now rated #6 on IMDb top movies of all time.
The IMDb rating for This Is Spinal Tap is out of 11
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" and "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" are the 2 worst-rated shows with 5000+ ratings according to IMDB.
'This Is Spinal Tap' is rated out of 11 instead of 10 on IMDb because of the famous scene from the film
Spinal Tap is the only movie on IMDb to be rated out of 11 stars
The only IMDb film rated out of 11 stars is 'This Is Spinal Tap'
The worst-rated movie on IMDb with a weighted rating of 1.4 out of 10 is Bollywood movie called “Gunday”.
Imdb Rating data charts
For your convenience take a look at Imdb Rating figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check 13 reasons why season 2 imdb rating by examining the linked well-known sources.
Instead of being rated out of 10, the rating on IMDB for "This Is Spinal Tap" is out of 11, a nod to a famous line from the movie.
The IMDB rating for the film Spinal Tap goes up to 11 instead of 10 in reference to the famous "these go to 11" scene. - source
Rian Johnson directed the most AND least popular episodes of Breaking Bad, according to IMDB ratings. (S03-E10 "Fly"; S05-E14 "Ozymandias")
Barney and Friends is IMDb's #370 highest rated Sci-Fi series with more than 1000 votes - source
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Quentin Tarantino's highest rated title on IMDB is, "The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson"
How imdb rating is calculated?
On IMDb the rating system for "This is Spinal Tap" goes up to 11 instead of standard scale of 1-10.
The movie Spinal Tap is rated on imdb with a scale that goes to 11. Received an 8/11
Spinal Tap is the only film on IMDB that has a 0-11 rating (8 out of 11 to be exact)
Joaquin Phoenix's top-rated project on IMDB is not the Joker (8.6), but Dominion (9.1), an undercover cam documentary about farm animals which he narrated in 2018
Imdb rating infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Imdb Rating numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Game of Thrones IMDb rating per episode (S01 - S06)