Human Rights facts
While investigating facts about Human Rights Act and Human Rights Watch, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Weird Al' Yankovic recorded a parody of Lady Gaga's "Born This Way," entitled "Perform This Way," and all of the proceeds from the parody and its music video were donated to the Human Rights Campaign, to support the human rights themes of the original song.
how human rights are violated?
In 2011, the United Nations declared that access to the Internet is a basic human right.
What human rights are being violated?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what human rights are absolute. Here are 50 of the best facts about Human Rights Commission and Human Rights Act 1998 I managed to collect.
what human rights do we have?
The film Lord of War (2005) was officially endorsed by the human rights group Amnesty International for highlighting the arms trafficking by the international arms industry
The human eye is capable of seeing some ultra-violet light but it is filtered out by the lenses in our eye. Painter Claude Monet had that lens removed due to cataracts and may have been able to see ultra-violet in his right eye.
In 1996 and 1997, Emily Rosa, 9, tested 21 therapeutic touch practitioners whether their claims to detect "human energy fields" were true. After finding they were right only 44% of the time, she published the results on 1998, becoming the youngest person to have a research paper published.
2 students were arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison, in Portugal for "raising a toast to freedom" in 1960. The news of this inspired British lawyer Peter Benenson to lay down the foundation for one of the largest human rights organizations in the world, the Amnesty International.
India bans captive Dolphin shows as ‘morally unacceptable’ - They believe they are highly intelligent & should be seen as ‘non-human persons’ with their own specific rights.
In 539BC, Persian King Cyrus the Great issued the first ever decree on human rights. He freed slaves, declared that all people had the right to choose their own religion, and established racial equality.
Oscar winning actress Emma Thompson quietly adopted a former child soldier from Rwanda who now works as a human rights lawyer.
In Mexico If you escape from prison and do not break any laws, you will not be charged for anything and if you are caught time will not be added to your sentence... escaping is in human nature and there not only legal but considered to be the right thing to do.
In the same way that humans tend to be right-handed or left-handed, elephants can be right-tusked or left-tusked. Their dominant tusk is easy to identify, because it will be more worn down than the less dominant tusk, according to the World Wildlife Fund.
The film Lord of War (2005) was officially endorsed by the human rights group Amnesty International for highlighting the arms trafficking by the international arms industry
Human Rights data charts
For your convenience take a look at Human Rights figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why human rights are violated?
You can easily fact check why human rights are universal by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2009 Israel tried to create private prisons but their Supreme court ruled against it, saying they were a violation of basic human rights.
The CEO of Nestle said that Drinking Water is not a human right, and that there should be a market value for it - source
A Japanese magazine illegally released the names of juveniles tried and convicted for the rape, torture, and murder of a 16 year old girl, saying that "human rights aren't needed for brutes." - source
Julian Jaynes's "Bicameral Mind Theory" which suggests that ancient humans were not self aware and that the right hemisphere communicated with the left via auditory hallucinations. These voices may have been interpreted as "gods" by early humans.
Left-spiraling snails are generally as rare as left handed humans, especially because left and right spiraled snails can't mate together easily, but in Japan snakes gobble up righties easily but can't bite into the lefties, so there are way more lefties. - source
When human rights are violated?
Norway's sovereign wealth fund (worth approx. $850b) excludes Wal-Mart from its investment portfolio because of serious or systematic human rights violations.
How human rights were created?
I learned of camp 1391, a "secret" Israeli prison where prisoners are locked in a 2m by 2m cell, are sexually and physically abused by the guards. No lawyers or human rights activists are allowed in.
Human Rights watch predicts an explosion in people living with AIDS in the Philippines because the Catholic church opposes condoms and sex education
Malcolm X and possible Martin Luther King Jr. were planning on bringing the US Government in front of the United Nations on charges of human rights violations against African Americans
Charles Sheridan repeated Milgram's experiment with one difference. He used a puppy as a victim instead of a human. Intriguingly, the six students out of 26 that refused to go on were all men while all thirteen women who participated in the experiment obeyed right up until the end.
In Argentina, orangutans are granted human-like rights