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Amnesty International facts

While investigating facts about Amnesty International Jobs and Amnesty International Usa, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The film Lord of War (2005) was officially endorsed by the human rights group Amnesty International for highlighting the arms trafficking by the international arms industry

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2 students were arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison, in Portugal for "raising a toast to freedom" in 1960. The news of this inspired British lawyer Peter Benenson to lay down the foundation for one of the largest human rights organizations in the world, the Amnesty International.

What amnesty international do?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's amnesty international. Here are 18 of the best facts about Amnesty International Australia and Amnesty International Canada I managed to collect.

what we do at amnesty international?

  1. The film Lord of War (2005) was officially endorsed by the human rights group Amnesty International for highlighting the arms trafficking by the international arms industry

  2. In 1996 Amnesty International called on the US to ban the use and export of stun-belts arguing it is a torture device two years before an LA man representing himself in court was shocked with 50,000 volts for interrupting the judge after asking "you are going to electrocute me for talking?"

  3. In 2003, Metallica music and popular American children's songs (e.g., the theme songs to Sesame Street and Barney) were used by U.S. interrogators to break the will of their captives in Iraq. Amnesty International claimed this may constitute torture and be in violation of the Geneva Convention.

  4. A 2004 survey by Amnesty International of 246 diamond stores found that less than a third had a process to verify they were not selling blood diamonds, a practice that has resulted in 3 million deaths. 110 stores refused to respond.

  5. 2015 saw a dramatic rise in the number of people executed – at least 1,634 – the highest recorded by Amnesty International since 1989. Nearly 90% of these happened in just three countries: Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. But these figures exclude China, where numbers remain a secret.

  6. Saudi Arabia takes punitive action against activists and family members of victims who contact independent human rights organizations like Amnesty International

  7. All royalties from selling "The Architecture of Open Source Applications" book goes to charity (Amnesty International)

  8. Mauritania didn't abolish slavery until 1981. Even then, no laws were passed to enforce the ban, and the government only allowed the prosecution of slaveholders in 2007. Amnesty International estimates that there are still 43,000 slaves in Mauritania, around 1% of the total population.

  9. When Switzerland voted to automatically expel criminal foreigners, it drew condemnation from across Europe. Commentators said the decision would breach treaty obligations. Amnesty International called it 'black day for human rights'

  10. There's a children's author who goes by the pen name "Odo", who trained as a doctor in both Melbourne and London, worked for Amnesty International reporting on torture victims and European hospital conditions, and did a masters in Political Thought at Cambridge.

amnesty international facts
What amnesty international has done?

Why was amnesty international founded?

You can easily fact check why did amnesty international start by examining the linked well-known sources.

Life in the ADX Supermax prison, condemned by Amnesty International for its long-term isolation of prisoners, is rather agreeable as far as Unabomber Ted Kaczynski is concerned

The former head of Amnesty International Taiwan and current leader the taiwanese party NPP, Freddy Lim, is also the lead vocalist of the death metal band Chthonic - source

That, following the publication of the controversial Danish Muhammed cartoons which sparked riots around the world, Amnesty International published a statement saying that "freedom of expression is not absolute" - source

Isreals mossad "honey trapped" one if its own nuclear technicians for exposing details of its nuclear weapons program to the british press. Amnesty international consider him a prisoner of conscience.

When amnesty international founded?

Mswati III, king of Swaziland, was accused by Amnesty International of abducting an 18 year old girl for marriage. Despite the efforts of AI and the girl's mother, she became his 15th wife.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Amnesty International. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Amnesty International so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor