Federal Minimum facts
While investigating facts about Federal Minimum Wage and Federal Minimum Wage History, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There is no national minimum drinking age in the United States. Instead, a law called National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 punishes states that allow anyone under 21 to purchase alcohol by cutting their federal highway funds by 10%. The last state to comply was Louisiana in 1987.
how federal minimum wage?
Order of parental glory" is a state award and medal awarded to parents of the Russian Federation that raise a minimum of 7 children.
What's federal minimum wage?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's federal minimum wage 2018. Here are 19 of the best facts about Federal Minimum Wage Increase and Federal Minimum Wage 2018 I managed to collect.
what states are at federal minimum wage?
Louisiana was the last state in the US to raise the minimum drinking age from 18 to 21 in 1996, doing so only because the Federal Government threatened to revoke $17 million in Federal highway money if the state didn't comply with the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1986.
In 1984 Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, which required states to raise the minimum age to purchase alcohol to 21 by October 1986 or lose 10% of their federal highway funds.
Minimum drinking age is a state right but Congress uses federal funding to punish states with a drinking age under 21.
There is a federal program called HARP that helps home owners reduce their mortgage/interest payments and requires no minimum credit score
Richard Nixon actually repealed the federal 2–10-year mandatory minimum sentences for possession of marijuana
Two-term presidents get health insurance for life, but one-term presidents are denied federal health coverage. One-term presidents don't meet the minimum 5-year federal employment cutoff.
In the UK you are criminally liable for your actions between ages 8 and 10. In the USA you are criminally liable for your actions at age 11 at the Federal level. 33 states have no minimum age
In 1984, Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, which withheld federal highway funding to any state that allowed people under 21 to purchase alcohol.
The federal poverty threshold is determined in part by multiplying the minimum cost of food in 1963 by 3. A loaf of bread in 1963 was 22 cents.
There is data from 18 states proving no negative effects from raising the minimum wage above the Federal level (other than maybe a little less profit for those at the top?)
Federal Minimum data charts
For your convenience take a look at Federal Minimum figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why federal minimum wage should not be raised?
You can easily fact check reasons why federal minimum wage should be raised by examining the linked well-known sources.
In the United States, there is no federal law concerning a minimum age to possess a “long gun” (rifles, shotguns, etc.), meaning gifting an 8-year-old a gun is perfectly legal. Only 23 states have imposed a minimum age.
If a waiter/waitress doesn't make at leasr federal minimum wage when including tips, the employer is required to increase their wages to compensate - source
There is no federal law in the USA making the drinking age 21. Ronald Reagan created a policy withholding federal funding from states who didn't impose a minimum 21 year old age limit. All states eventually conceded to receive funding. - source
The minimum Federal hourly wage in the US was $1.40 an hour in 1967, which in 2017 dollars is about $10.37 an hour.
More than 460,000 Americans with college degrees are working in jobs that pay federal minimum wage (or less). - source
When was the last time the federal minimum wage was raised?
The US federal minimum wage for employees who earn tips is only $2.13 an hour.
How does the federal minimum wage increase?
Working 40 hours/week, 52 weeks/year at Federal minimum wage $7.25/hour puts you only $9/day above 2015 Federal Poverty Level.
Federal minimum infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Federal Minimum numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Have increases in the federal minimum wage kept up with increases to Congressional salaries?