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Homicide Victims facts

While investigating facts about Homicide Victims Support Group and Homicide Victims Photos, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The last victim of the 1966 University of Texas at Austin shooting died in 2001 after having to undergo dialysis for 35 years, 3 times a week, 5 hours each time. His death was ruled a homicide.

how to help families of homicide victims?

"Cold Case Homicides Playing Cards." The deck of 52 playing cards each have victims information and are passed out to inmates in hopes they will come forward with any information. Florida has an average of 2-3 solved cases per deck.

About what percent of homicide victims knew the killer?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what color ribbon is for homicide victims. Here are 26 of the best facts about Homicide Victims Los Angeles and Homicide Victims Rarely Talk To Police I managed to collect.

about what percent of homicide victims knew their killer?

  1. The Boston Miracle resulted in a 79% drop in youth homicides in the 1990s after juvenile handgun homicides more than tripled from 22 victims in 1987 to 73 victims in 1990. A young youth pastor, Rev. Jeffrey Brown, simply went into the streets and listened to gang members problems.

  2. "Cold Case Homicides Playing Cards." The deck of 52 playing cards each have victims information and are passed out to inmates in hopes they will come forward with any information. Florida has an average of 2-3 solved cases per deck.

  3. All the victims who jumped from the WTC towers were re-classified as "Fallers", and therefore all their deaths were ruled homicides.

  4. Worldwide Males commit 95% of all homicides and makeup 79% of all homicide victims

  5. 17% of all homicide victims in Japan are children murdered by their suicidal parents

  6. The well-preserved body of a woman who died from small pox in the 1850s was discovered in an iron coffin in New York City in 2011. The body was originally believed to be a recent homicide victim.

  7. In Switzerland the % of homicide victims by gender is exactly 50% men and 50% women

  8. Men pay 97% of alimony, make up 94% of work suicides, make up 93% of workplace fatalities, 79% of all suicides, 78% of all homicide, are over twice as victimized by strangers than women, 82% of the prison population is male and men are 165% more likely to be convicted than women.

  9. The most murderous state in the US is Louisiana, with 11.8 out 100,000 being victims of homicide annually. The state that takes life the least is New Hampshire, with just 1.3 per 100,000 people being murdered every year.

  10. In 2001 a study was released which found "a pregnant or recently pregnant woman is more likely to be a victim of homicide than to die of any other cause"

homicide victims facts
What percentage of homicide victims knew their killer?

Why are homicide rates higher in the south?

You can easily fact check why did homicide rates increased during prohibition by examining the linked well-known sources.

In the US, a third of female homicide victims are murdered by their partner or ex-partner

About the motivation behind Necrophilia: 1) desire to possess a non-resisting and non-rejecting romantic partner (21%), sexual attraction to corpses (15%), comfort or overcoming feelings of isolation (15%), or seeking self-esteem by expressing power over a homicide victim (12%). - source

About Henryk Siwiak, victim of the only "official" homicide recorded in NYC on 9/11/01 (deaths in the terrorist attack were not counted as homicides in NYC's official statistics.) He was shot once and died as a result shortly before midnight on 9/11. His killer and the motive are still unknown. - source

Of all women who were the victims of homicide globally in 2012, an estimated half were killed by intimate partners or family members.

On 9/11 the bodies of hundreds trapped on the WTC, who jumped rather than die by fire, horrified observers who watched and heard them "smashing like eggs on the ground". The NYC coroner officially stated on death certificates that the jumpers were victims of homicide by "blunt trauma". - source

When they see us homicide detective?

Homicide victims in Brazil in a single year is as high as the annual death rate in the Syrian civil war

"Cold Case Homicides Playing Cards." The deck of 52 playing cards each have victims information and are passed out to inmates in hopes they will come forward with any information. The average of a deck is 2-3 solved cases.

A Washington State Sheriff’s office Cold Case Unit created a deck of playing cards featuring missing people and homicide victims, and distributed them to inmates in the hopes of receiving anonymous tips

African-Americans represented 55% of shooting homicide victims in 2010 but accounted for 13% of the total population

There is a "body farm" in Tennessee where anthropologists study donated human bodies that decay in natural circumstances. The data collected often helps detect how long a homicide victim has been dead.

According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks accounted for 49% of all homicide victims in 2005. About 93% of black homicide victims and 85% of white victims in single victim and single offender homicides were murdered by someone of their race.

When are homicide detective called at a crime scene?

About 1/3 of all Homicide victims in the US are Black Males.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Homicide Victims. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Homicide Victims so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor