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Holiday Inn facts

While investigating facts about Holiday Inn Express and Holiday Inn Express Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Jewish composer Irving Berlin struggled to pen a Christmas song for the film Holiday Inn. Finally finishing "White Christmas", he supposedly said "Not only is it the best song I ever wrote, it's the best song anybody ever wrote!" Bing Crosby's 1947 record is the bestselling single...of ALL TIME.

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Every single Holiday Inn has a signature scent. In a recent rebranding, IHG decided to purchase air fresheners in all 1145, using a scent described as “Notes of Jasmine, mixed with Wood, and Honeysuckle.”

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are breakfast hours at holiday inn express. Here are 11 of the best facts about Holiday Inn Club Vacations and Holiday Inn London I managed to collect.

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  1. The band "The Who" were banned for life from all Holiday Inns when Keith Moon started a food fight with a 5-tier cake, once the police arrived he stripped to his underwear, jumped into his car, drove it through a fence and left it in the bottom of the Flint Holiday Inn pool.

  2. The hotel name "Holiday Inn" was coined by architect Eddie Bluestein intended as a placeholder, Holiday Inn stuck as the actual name of the budget hotel name when the founder decided that he preferred the stand in.

  3. Late drummer of "The Who" Keith Moon celebrated his 21st birthday in a Flint, MI Holiday Inn. He proceeded to drive a car into the hotel swimming pool, as well as accidentally slipping on birthday cake and knocking out his front teeth.

  4. The Beirut Holiday Inn - built a year before the Lebanon civil war, it was the site of a month-long Battle of the Hotels which saw 1,000 dead. Many of these were combatants who were thrown off the rooftop

  5. 70% of room service profits in Hilton, Marriot, Hyatt, Sheraton and Holiday Inn hotels is from porn purchased through pay-per-view.

  6. Shortly after music producer Sam Phillips sold his Elvis Presley rights to RCA for only $35,000, he multiplied that money many times over with his early investment of the Holiday Inn motel chain.

  7. Keith Moon from The Who has a lifetime ban from Holiday Inn, Hilton Hotels, among others, for having caused an estimated $500,000 damage using cherry bombs

  8. There's a Holiday Inn in Panama City, FL that has a "Circle of Life" wakeup call for spring breakers every year

holiday inn facts
What's on at holiday inn rotherham?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Holiday Inn. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Holiday Inn so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor