High School facts
While investigating facts about High School Musical and High School Musical The Series, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The United States' 2.9 million female high school athletes, only 3% are cheerleaders, yet cheerleading accounts for nearly 65% of all catastrophic injuries in girls' high school athletics and carries the highest rate of catastrophic injuries in sports.
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Rapper J. Cole graduated high school with a 4.2 GPA, accepted a scholarship to St. Johns University, was the president of a pan-African student coalition in college, and graduated with a magna cum laude in communication and business.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering where is liberty high school at. Here are 50 of the best facts about High School Musical Cast and High School Musical 4 I managed to collect.
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The Guinness Book of World Records has vehemently refused to validate any attempt at the world record for the longest time spent awake, believing that it's dangerous to human health. The current record is 264 hours or around 11 days, which was set by a high school student as a science project
Japan's high schools often have strict standards of conformity regarding hair color. Half of Tokyo's schools require students whose hair is not naturally black to provide baby pictures as proof; in 2017 a Japanese student sued her school after being forced to darken her hair with dye.
A teenager fooled an entire school, multiple police officers, and a car dealership that he was the youngest State Representative ever. He was escorted to the school, given a tour, and spoke to the high school students about being involved in politics.
A teenager fooled an entire school and its officials by pretending to be the State Senator. He was chauffeured, given a tour, and spoke to the high school students about being involved in politics. They only found out when the real Senator showed up the next month.
In 2001 Kenny Waters, a Massachusetts man who was wrongly imprisoned for 18 years for murder, was finally freed after his high-school drop-out sister went to law school to prove his innocence. However, 6 months after his release, he died in a freak accident.
Reggie Miller, NBA Hall of Famer, couldn't escape his older sister Cheryl's shadow while in high school. On January 26, 1982, he scored a career high 40 points. He tried bragging about it on the car ride home, only to find out Cheryl scored 105 points and broken 8 national records!
Two of the founders of the punk band the Germs were classmates at an alternative high school where they were allowed to create their own class. They created a class for themselves called Fruit Eating in which they would go to a market, eat fruit for an hour, then return to school.
A teenager fooled an entire school, a car dealership, and police officers that he was the youngest elected State Representative ever. He was escorted around the school, given a tour, and even spoke to the high school students about his involvement in politics.
In high school, with his imposing physique and creepy mustache, most Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson’s classmates thought he was an undercover cop.
Directing the famous "Truffle Shuffle" scene was so uncomfortable that "The Goonies'" director Richard Donner bought the actor who plays Chunk a gym membership and took a personal interest in his fitness. Jeff Cohen went on to be captain of his high school football and wrestling teams.
High School data charts
For your convenience take a look at High School figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why catholic high school by examining the linked well-known sources.
A Chicago high school played Justin Bieber's "Baby" in between classes in the hallways. As a fundraising technique they made students pay to stop the song. They raised $1,000 in three days.
In 2008, high school football coach Kris Hogan got many of the fans of his team to cheer for and support the other team because the other team was from a maximum-security juvenile correctional facility and did not have fans of their own - source
After the publication of 1984, George Orwell sent a copy to his high school French teacher, Aldous Huxley, who responded with a letter commending the book and contrasting it with his own Brave New World. - source
Donald Glover was voted "Most Likely to Write for The Simpsons" in high school. In his last year of college, it was a spec script he wrote for The Simpsons that started his career as a writer for 30 Rock.
Of 2.9 million female high school athletes, only 3% are cheerleaders, yet cheerleading accounts for nearly 65% of all catastrophic injuries in girls' high school athletics - source
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In 41 states, parents without high school diplomas or GEDs are permitted to homeschool their children
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Former NFL player Warrick Dunn raised his five siblings while attending college and then playing in the NFL, after his mom, a police officer, was shot dead while he was in high school. He built 145 houses for single moms, and also met and forgave the man who was convicted of killing his mother.
Dexter Holland from The Offspring graduated high school as valedictorian, has a PhD in Molecular Biology from USC, has his pilot license and flew solo around the world in 10 days, runs marathons, and has his own hot sauce company.
In 1991 the Junipero Serra High School football team was so bad they failed to score a touchdown or win a game yet they never tried starting the backup quarterback. That backup QB they never started is 5-time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady.
Biggie, Jay-Z, Busta Rhymes, and DMX went to the same high school and rap battled each other during lunch
Actor Kevin James was the number one spot on his high school wrestling team, until he had a season ending back injury. His friend took over his place and became WWE star Mick Foley.
High school infographics
Beautiful visual representation of High School numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

US counties by percent of population with a high school diploma