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Good Vibrations facts

While investigating facts about Good Vibrations Lyrics and Good Vibrations Sf, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The electric vibrator predates the electric iron and the vacuum cleaner by a good decade.

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Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys was one of the most expensive songs in history. "The cost of recording was phenomenal: between $50,000 and $75,000." It had used up 90 hours of tape from 17 separate recording dates with LA’s top sessioneer's for the 3min 36secs song.

What does good vibrations mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the song good vibrations about. Here are 20 of the best facts about Good Vibrations Song and Good Vibrations Store I managed to collect.

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  1. Brian wilson of the Beach Boys wrote the song "Good Vibrations" on LSD and considered it the "summation of his musical vision"

  2. Shortly before the release of the iconic Beach Boys song "Good Vibrations", the master recording tapes were stolen from the studio, only to mysteriously reappear in Brian Wilson's home two days later.

  3. The production costs for the Beach Boys hit "Good Vibrations" make it the most expensive of any single ever produced.

  4. The song "Good Vibrations" was Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch's top hit. It hit number one on the Billboard charts in the early 1990s.

  5. Barry Sadler's "Ballad of the Green Berets", a pro-Vietnam War song, spent 5 weeks at #1 and beat out "Sound of Silence", "Paint it Black", "Good Vibrations", and others for Billboard's Song of the Year in 1966

  6. Even though its been known for a good while that a cat's purring isn't exclusively tied to happiness, the other factors are largely unknown (reasons and purposes). But one new theory states that the vibrations of purring are actually physically healing for the cats.

  7. It was an electrotheremin, not a theremin, used for that signature sound in The Beach Boys Good Vibrations because it is significantly easier to play than the theremin. It was invented by Paul Tanner, a trombonist in the Glenn Miller Band.

  8. "Good Vibrations" is the only hit song to have the beginning of a word recorded in one studio and the end of the same word finished in a different studio ("excitations" at 1:41)

  9. At the time of its recording in 1966, the Beach Boys song "Good Vibrations" was the most expensive single to have been procuded at the cost of over $50,000.

good vibrations facts
What is good vibrations about?

Why is good vibrations a good song?

You can easily fact check why is good vibrations by examining the linked well-known sources.

Cher holds the record for longest time span between two consecutive number one hits in the USA, with the songs 'Dark Lady' in 1974 and 'Believe' in 1999 - a gap of 25 years. Second place is The Beach Boys, with 'Good Vibrations' and 'Kokomo' from 1966 and 1988 for a gap of 22 years.

Mark Wahlberg was a rapper named "Marky Mark" and performed in a song called "Good Vibrations" ft the Funky Bunch - source

Mark Wahlberg before his days as an actor, was a RAPPER. Not only that... his group Marky Mark And The Funky Bunch made the infamous song Good Vibrations. - source

Mark Wahlberg (Marky Mark) was a professional rapper, and sung in 'Good Vibrations'.

Mark Wahlberg is Marky Mark in the song "Good Vibrations" - source

When was good vibrations released?

In the Music Video for Good Vibrations (by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch), dancers do the Dab at around the 30 second mark, but with their head back instead of forward. The track was released in 1991.

How to have good vibrations?

The Beach Boys song "Good Vibrations" cost $50,000 and six months to complete.

Sometimes when women fart the air bubble goes forward instead of backward and vibrates the labia as it passes through. And it feels kind of good.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Good Vibrations. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Good Vibrations so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor