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Girl Scouts facts

While investigating facts about Girl Scouts Cookies and Girl Scouts Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Then 13 year-old Danielle Lei, a Girl Scout in San Francisco, was the first Girl Scout to make news by selling cookies outside a marijuana dispensary. She sold 117 boxes in 2 hours.

how girl scouts started?

A California girl sued the Boy Scouts of America after they wouldn't let her join because of her gender. She lost.

What girl scouts learn from selling cookies?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what girl scouts do. Here are 50 of the best facts about Girl Scouts Store and Girl Scouts Of Central Indiana I managed to collect.

what do you do at girl scouts?

  1. The USA is one of the last countries that hasn't combined Boy and Girl Scouts.

  2. Honey Boo Boo is banned from selling Girl Scout cookies

  3. In 2002, Bruce Willis' daughter suggested giving Girl Scout cookies to troops. He bought 12,000 boxes and delivered them to troops stationed throughout the Middle East.

  4. The Girl Scouts were offered an anonymous $100,000 donation, with the only condition being it couldn’t be used to support Transgender girls. They turned it down, and launched a counter online funding campaign that made $300,000.

  5. When Led Zeppelin requested “a lot of flat-chested little birds" for a party in New Orleans, recording industry giant Ahmet Ertegun brought four taxi cabs full of Girl Scouts to the gathering

  6. Bruce Willis bought 12,000 girl scout cookies from his daughter and sent them to troops in the middle east and sailors among the USS John F Kennedy

  7. Girl on the old Czechoslovak one-crown coin was in fact charged with treason and sentenced to ten years in prison for being in Scouts organization, which was banned by the communists. The artist learnt about her story and secretly used her portrait.

  8. During the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, the Girl Scouts helped by cooking and delivering meals to patients throughout the city. They are credited with saving the lives of people too poor to afford doctors and preventing malnourished children from succumbing to influenza.

  9. Over 2/3rds of all astronauts were former Boy or Girl Scouts

girl scouts facts
What's girl scouts?

Girl Scouts data charts

For your convenience take a look at Girl Scouts figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

girl scouts fact data chart about Weight, calorie count, and popularity of eight different Gir
Weight, calorie count, and popularity of eight different Girl Scout Cookie varieties

Why girl scouts are suing boy scouts?

You can easily fact check why do girl scouts sell cookies by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Girl Scouts are suing the new Scouts of America (formerly the Boy Scouts) for admitting girls, seeing it as a misuse of the trademark and a "ploy to target girls," who would, in the Girl Scouts' opinion, be better off in programs created 'directly for them.'

Keebler makes Girl Scout cookies and also makes knock offs of them such as coconut dreams(generic somas) - source

As of 2015, 52 percent of businesswomen in the United States were once Girl Scouts. - source

Girl Scout cookie sales began 100 years ago, when the Mistletoe Troop in Muskogee, Oklahoma, baked cookies and sold them in its high school cafeteria.

Girl Scout cookies differ, depending on where you live - source

When do girl scouts sell cookies?

Girl Scout Cookies are actually made by 2 separate companies with different recipes and the ones you get vary from county to county

How girl scouts support planned parenthood?

There are more Boy and Girl Scouts in Indonesia than the rest of the world combined with 7% of the population participating

There are only two bakeries that bake Girl Scout Cookies and both use different recipes so cookies might be different from state to state

Shirley Temples was a Girl Scout, and earned her patches the same way other girls had to.

Girl Guides were used instead of Boy Scouts during WWI because they were "less boisterous and talkative"

The Girl Scouts of America once performed the Macarena silently in protest of a lawsuit over its use in their camps

When do girl scouts sell cookies 2020?

One million girl scouts in the U.S. sell about 200 million boxes of cookies, managing nearly every aspect of the $800 million business. Some perspective: That’s more than the nearly $675 million in Oreo sales in 2017, and more than sale of Chips Ahoy and Milano combined.

The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) sued the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts for singing copyrighted songs at camp without paying licensing fees; they also sued for copyright infringement on ringtones

Girl Scout cookies have regional differences depending on which bakery they get their cookies from.

During peak girl scout cookie season 4.5 million thin mints are made in a single day

Girl Scout Cookies come from two different bakers and each one makes theirs slightly different, including cookies exclusive to their own region.

How to join girl scouts?

Honey Boo Boo is banned from selling Girl Scout cookies.

Girl Scout Cookies are called different things based on where you live.

In the UK girls are welcome to join the Boy Scouts

An LA marijuana shop had to pull all of its stock of “Girl Scout Cookies” after it received a cease-and-desist from the Girl Scouts of America, otherwise the shop would have been sued for trademark infringement.

Geographically different parts of the United States get dramatically different Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies.

The girl scout cookie empire is worth $700 million

Dollar General Sells Knockoff Girl Scout Cookies

Some Girl Scout Cookies have two different names because they are baked by two different bakeries. For example, 'Peanut Butter Patties' are made by ABC Bakers while 'Tagalongs' are made by 'Little Brownie Bakers".

The Girl Scouts have an official font: it is Omnes

Camp Fire Girls was created to be the sister organization of Boy Scouts, not GSA

Girl Scout founder Juliette Gordon Low financed her club by selling off her pearl jewelry.

In Belgium, the youngest WW1 victim is a 36 year old woman. In 1992 she and her girl scout group made a campfire above a buried artillery shell, causing it to explode. Because her injury was caused by a weapon of war, she is a recognized WW1 victim, and receives compensation from the government.

The first Thin Mint cookies were baked by the Girl Scouts in 1939

Girl Scouts' Thin Mints Nesquik exists in ready-to-drink bottles!

Samoas and Caramel Delites (Girl Scout Cookies) are not the same. They are made by two separate companies, depending on which state you live in you get one or the other.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Girl Scouts. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Girl Scouts so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor