Boy Scouts facts
While investigating facts about Boy Scouts Near Me and Boy Scouts Store, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A California girl sued the Boy Scouts of America after they wouldn't let her join because of her gender. She lost.
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The USA is one of the last countries that hasn't combined Boy and Girl Scouts.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's boy scouts. Here are 50 of the best facts about Boy Scouts Of America Store and Boy Scouts Abuse I managed to collect.
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To get revenge on fellow Boy Scouts who bullied him, a Tokyo resident mailed more than 500 boxes of soggy, smelly garbage including old underwear and rotten tea leaves to his tormentors, writing a random destination as the address with the bully's return address in order to escape detection.
The Nazis kept a secret list of people to be immediately arrested after the invasion of England. The list included numerous political leaders, but also Virginia Woolf, Aldous Huxley, H.G. Wells, and the head of the Boy Scouts
Poland's Boy Scouting association was transformed into an armed resistance force during WWII and fought in the Warsaw Uprising, assassinated SS officials, and liberated a concentration camp
Harrison Ford had extensive knowledge of reptiles from his childhood participation in the Boy Scouts of America. This was jokingly reversed as a fear of snakes in his portrayal of Indiana Jones.
In 1994 a Boy Scout named David Hahn attempted to make a neutron "gun," and dangerously irradiated himself and his neighborhood in the process until his arrest.
As a knife-wielding assassin jumped out of a crowd of people & lunged toward the President of the Maldives, a quick-thinking Boy Scout who was standing in the crowd in his uniform grabbed the blade & saved the leader’s life. As in the US, the motto of the Maldivian Boy Scouts is: “Be Prepared.”
The Boy Scouts of America's own consultants told them that same-sex orientation in adults or youth was NOT a risk factor for abusing children.
11 of the 12 men who walked on the moon were Boy Scouts
At the outbreak of WWI, the Boy Scouts of America was the largest uniformed body in America. It was twice as large as the Army and 4x as large as the Navy.
Boy Scouts data charts
For your convenience take a look at Boy Scouts figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why join boy scouts by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1994, a Boy Scout named David Hahn created a nuclear breeder reactor for his Eagle Scout project. It emitted 1000 times the natural background radiation and had to be confiscated by the government.
The President of the United States serves as the honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America during his term in office. - source
American soldiers and Boy Scouts regularly burn the US Flag, as the most dignified way to dispose of it when the flag has been damaged/become unfit to represent the United States. - source
Over 2/3rds of all astronauts were former Boy or Girl Scouts
The Girl Scouts are suing the new Scouts of America (formerly the Boy Scouts) for admitting girls, seeing it as a misuse of the trademark and a "ploy to target girls," who would, in the Girl Scouts' opinion, be better off in programs created 'directly for them.' - source
When boy scouts founded?
Harrison Ford routinely volunteers his flying skills for mountain rescue missions. He once rescued a stranded climber from over 11000 feet. He also joined a search for a missing 13 year old Boy Scout in Yellowstone, which he successfully about 10 miles from camp and returned to safety.
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In 1996, an Boy Scout working on his Atomic Energy badge created the first nuclear reactor ever made by a private US citizen.
The only confirmed T. Rex track on Earth is in a Boy Scout Camp in New Mexico.
Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts Association, was a spy for the British army in the late 1800s, and often disguised himself as a butterfly collector when in enemy territory, encoding hidden messages into his diary drawings of butterflies and moths.
The bugle's limitations have resulted in it not being a common instrument in orchestras or other forms of music and it is most commonly associated with military use and Boy Scouts.
Battalion Zośka was a Polish unit of former Boy Scouts who liberated a German camp with a stolen tank during the Warsaw Uprising