Incredible and fun facts to explore

Talent Agent facts

While investigating facts about Talent Agents Near Me and Talent Agent Salary, I found out little known, but curios details like:

For four years, Hugh Grant pretended to be his own talent agent under the name James Howe Ealy. He communicated with people via a fake email account and even disguised his voice with a Scottish accent on the phone. “I saved myself an absolute fortune,” he said.

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After arriving in Los Angeles at 19, a broke Charlize Theron tried to cash a check from her mother to pay for rent, but the teller refused. She got into a shouting match with him, drawing the attention of a talent agent behind her, who introduced her to casting agents and an acting school.

What talent agents do?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what talent agents are looking for. Here are 13 of the best facts about Talent Agent Jobs and Talent Agent Emanuel Crossword Clue I managed to collect.

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  1. Wally Amos - founder of the cookie brand 'Famous Amos' - was once a talent agent who signed the band Simon & Garfunkel

  2. Harold von Braunhut. A con artist, talent agent and the inventer of Sea Monkeys, X-Ray goggles and the dolls that eyes shut when laid down. He supported White Supremacists despite being Jewish. His greatest invention: an invisible goldfish when you got a bowl and fish food but no goldfish

  3. The creator of Famous Amos cookies, Wally Amos, was a talent agent in New York City who was the first to sign Simon and Garfunkel. After inventing his brand of cookies, he started a television show where he teaches children and illiterate adults how to read

  4. Frank Walker, a talent agent of Columbia Records, signed Bessie Smith. He had seen her perform before.

  5. Before founding Famous Amos Cookies in 1975, Wally Amos worked as a talent agent for acts like Marvin Gaye, Simon & Garfunkel and The Supremes.

  6. David Geffen worked in WMA's mailroom prior to becoming a talent agent at WMA and intercepted a letter from UCLA which stated that he had not graduated from UCLA. He needed to have graduated to so he modified the letter to show that he had attended and graduated, submitted it and got the job

  7. The founder I.R.S. Records, Miles Copeland III, had a brother was head of a talent agency called F.B.I. His other brother was the drummer for the band The Police, and their father was a C.I.A. agent.

  8. Leonard Peltier, a native american activist who was wrongfully accused if killing two FBI agents in the 1970s. A talented artist, Peltier continues his painting in a max security prison, at the age of 71.

talent agent facts
What does a talent agent do?

Why be a talent agent?

You can easily fact check why become a talent agent by examining the linked well-known sources.

That, when she was three years old, American actress and singer Miranda Cosgrove was discovered by a talent agent while she was singing and dancing at the Los Angeles restaurant Taste of L.A.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Talent Agent. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Talent Agent so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor