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Gene Therapy facts

While investigating facts about Gene Therapy Ppt and Gene Therapy Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

With funds from ALS 2014 Ice Bucket Challenge, scientists found a gene called NEK1 and can now develop gene therapy to treat inherited ALS

how gene therapy works?

Red color blind monkeys who underwent gene therapy by having their eyes injected with a red cone, had their color blindness cured, potentially opening a door for curing color blindness in humans.

What gene therapy is and how it works?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is somatic gene therapy. Here are 29 of the best facts about Gene Therapy Companies and Gene Therapy Examples I managed to collect.

what gene therapy can treat?

  1. There is a company that is working on a gene therapy to stop the aging process by reversing telomere shortening, and it's first human test subject is the CEO who recently received the therapy.

  2. A sea slug has taken genes from the algae it eats, allowing it to photosynthesize like a plant. This is one of the only known examples of functional gene transfer from one multicellular species to another, which is the goal of gene therapy to correct genetically based diseases in humans.

  3. The FDA approved the first gene therapy drug for use in the US - the drug modifies patient T-cells to hunt down and destroy cancer cells and has produced very high response and remission rates in clinical trials.

  4. Researchers believe that gene therapy will revolutionize the world of elite sports, as it is a virtually undetectable doping method that could make athletes of the future look like 'super humans' compared to the current drug-enhanced elite athletes.

  5. Dr. Jay Neitz cured color blindness in Red-Green Color Blind (dichromatic) Squirrel Monkeys using gene therapy. The monkeys were given a shot which enabled them to distinguish red or green. After successful trials with the monkeys Dr. Neitz awaits NIH/ORDA/FDA approval for human trials.

  6. In 2016 funding raised by the ALS "Ice Bucket Challenge", led to the discovery of a new gene named NEK1. The gene appears to be one of the most common found in association with the disease and may be a good option for future gene therapy, a new study suggests.

  7. The Progeria Research Foundation was established by Dr. Leslie Gorson and Dr. Scott Berns in 1999. They were parents of a child with progeria, and their work has led to the first drug therapy for progeria and the discovery of the gene responsible for the disorder's development.

  8. While pharmaceuticals like antibiotics, insulin, and vaccines can be considered biotechnology uses, innovations like gene therapy and gene suppression would also meet that definition.

  9. In a successful ALD gene therapy trial, patients had their stem cells removed, had new genes added using an altered form of HIV to penetrate the cells, then had their altered stem cells returned, effectively curing them of ALD. [40:00]

  10. Permanent hearing loss gene therapy could allow people with permanent hearing loss to hear again

gene therapy facts
What is cell and gene therapy?

Why gene therapy is good?

You can easily fact check why gene therapy is important by examining the linked well-known sources.

As new practices in biotechnology occur, additional subfields of the science have been created, including genomics, gene therapy, immunology, and more.

New applications are being studied that utilize biochemistry techniques for the pharmaceutical industry, gene therapy, gene suppression, and more.

In 2013 it was reported by London's Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust that 6 hemophilia patients were successfully treated with gene therapy.

Scientist have restored hearing in mice through gene therapy and are testing in humans now!

Despite the general fact that women aren’t heavily impacted from X chromosome linked diseases, the first person cured of one through gene therapy was a girl. - source

When gene therapy was discovered?

Researchers have found a cure to type 2 diabetes and obesity in mice using gene therapy

How gene therapy is done?

Jesse Gilsinger, the first gene therapy patient to die in the USA. His tragic death in 1999, was a huge setback to gene therapy research.

Gene therapy has been developed for erectile dysfunction.

Mice with up to 200 tumors have been completely cured of lung cancer using a gene therapy technique.

The first human has been treated with gene therapy to reverse aging. The treatment went well and full outcome expected within 12 months.

A woman from Oxford has become the first person in the world to have gene therapy to try to halt the most common form of blindness in the Western world.

When gene therapy is used?

Chlamydia is taking a toll on the Koala population. In some groups, the infected rate is at 80%. Gene therapy and strategic culls are being weighed as options in order to help the population rebound.

The CEO of an American biotech company who went to Colombia to treat herself with experimental age-reversing gene therapy in 2015 now has cells that are biologically 20 years younger than she is

In 2003 China was the first country to allow drug based Gene Therapy known as Gendicine that treats patients with a specific type of mutated tumour

About the worlds most expensive medicine. Glybera is a Gene Therapy treatment used to treat a rare disease affecting fat metabolism. It costs over $1 million, and has only ever been used once.

Many species of plant and their fruit are subjected to gene therapy to cause non disjunction within their cells therefore making them bigger.

How gene therapy is used to treat cystic fibrosis?

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has found a new gene associated with ALS that they can now target in their therapy for the disease.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Gene Therapy. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Gene Therapy so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor