Gave Birth facts
While investigating facts about Gave Birth To Puppies Codycross and Gave Birth To A Horse, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A woman was sentenced to life in prison for poisoning her child to death with antifreeze. She gave birth to a second child while in prison, who was given to foster care. But he became sick with the same symptoms, indicating a genetic metabolic disorder, not poisoning. She was later released.
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A Ugandan mother gave birth to a girl on a flight from Amsterdam to Boston, but the newborn was considered and processed as a Canadian citizen by customs as she happened to be born in Canadian airspace.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering girl who gave birth at 5. Here are 50 of the best facts about Give Birth Synonym and Gave Birth To Little Lions Perhaps I managed to collect.
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In a medical first, a mother who received a uterus transplant from a dead donor gave birth to a healthy baby. After five months of the transplant, the uterus showed no sign of rejection, ultrasound scans were normal, and the woman was menstruating regularly. The fertilised eggs were implanted.
Dupont, a chemical company, knowingly dumped an incredibly toxic chemical, called C8, into the Ohio River. The chemical eventually made it's way to aquifers downstream and gave thousands of people different kinds of cancers, and many kids birth defects.
A female zebra shark held in captivity in Australia gave birth asexually in 2017. It is only the third documented case of a vertebrate of any species switching its reproductive strategy from sexual to asexual. Sperm storage was ruled out when genetic testing was done on the offspring.
The children's book 'Love You Forever' simple four-lined verse was a poem the author would sing silently to himself after his wife gave birth to two stillborn babies.
In 1955 a woman in Morocco went into labor, and needed a c-section. Terrified of the surgery she fled the hospital and never gave birth. 46 years later, stomach pains revealed the now calcified 'stone' baby in her womb.
When a US Navy ship returns from deployment the first sailors allowed off the ship are sailors whose wives gave birth while they were away
A woman gave birth to three children whose DNA didn't match her own. Despite being monitored while giving birth, she was charged with benefits fraud until it was discovered she carried two complete and differing sets of DNA.
Loki gave birth to an 8-legged horse, after disguising himself as a mare in heat and having relations with a stallion. It became "the best horse among gods and men".
A 1964 Olympic champion, Ewa Kłobukowska, failed the newly-introduced gender test before the European Cup in 1967 and was consequently banned from competing and stripped of her records; a year later, she gave birth to her first child.
When the Emperor Nero began to go nuts, he would stage long singing performances wherein the audience would not be allowed to leave. Women gave birth during these performances and men would fake their deaths in the hopes of being carried out just so they could get away.
Gave Birth data charts
For your convenience take a look at Gave Birth figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why give birth naturally by examining the linked well-known sources.
Oprah was born to a single mother, wore potato sacks for clothes, was molested by her family, and gave birth to a stillborn child at 14
Family Guy's song "Prom Night Dumpster Baby" is a reference to Melissa Drexler. In 1997 she gave birth in her high school bathroom during prom. She discarded the baby in the trash and returned to the prom. She was sentenced to 15 years for manslaughter but was released on parole after 37 months. - source
A black, Nigerian couple living in the U.K. gave birth to a white, blonde, blue-eyed baby that they call the "miracle baby." - source
Sleeping Beauty's deep sleep was caused by a splinter of flax in her finger, and during her sleep she was raped by a king (her father was a Lord). She gave birth to twins while enchanted and one sucked on her finger to remove the flax which woke her up.
A russian farmer's wife gave birth to 69 children, 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets... when she died her husband remarried and had another 18 kids. - source
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Valentina Vassilyeva, the Russian peasant who gave birth to 69 children by her husband Feodor. None were born solo, as she gave birth 27 different times - 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets. Feodor later had an additional 18 children with his second wife.
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Myrtle Corbin, a woman born with two pairs of legs and two sets of internal and external reproductive anatomies, who gave birth to five children in her lifetime and had no major health issues, living to the age of 59
A 56 year old woman gave birth, to triplets, while acting as a surrogate for her daughter, therefore giving birth to her own grandchildren
A woman named Rifca Stanescu became the world's youngest grandmother at the age of 23. Rifca, from the Romanian town of Investi, was 12 years old when she gave birth to her daughter, Maria. Maria, in turn, had her first child, her son Ion, at age 11.
When Mount Tambora erupted in 1815, its ash cloud circled the planet and changed the global climate. One night in 1816, Lord Byron, Percy Shelley and Mary Shelley met and told ghost stories inspired by the dark, dismal atmosphere. That night gave birth to Frankenstein and the Byronic Dracula
The mother of King Henry VII gave birth to him at the age of 13. The pregnancy was so difficult for her, due to her size and youth, that it made her unable to have anymore children. By the age of 15, she’d been married 3 times.