Sets Twins facts
While investigating facts about 3 Sets Twins and Comforter Sets Twins, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Roger Federer is a father of two sets of identical twins. Twin girls born in 2009, and twin boys in 2014.
how many sets of twins do the duggars have?
King Gustav III of Sweden commuted the death sentences of a set of twins to life imprisonment if one drank 3 pots of coffee and the other drank 3 pots of tea to test the effects of the newly introduced coffee.
What are the chances of having two sets of twins?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the odds of having two sets of identical twins. Here are 50 of the best facts about Two Sets Twins and Three Sets Twins I managed to collect.
what are the odds of having two sets of twins?
The first of a set of twins, Samuel, was born at 1:39 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. His brother Ronan was born 31 minutes later just as daylight saving time had ended, making him 29 minutes older.
In 2002, a woman was denied public assistance because a DNA test showed that her children weren't hers. An attorney helped her prove that she had absorbed her twin in the womb, thus giving her two sets of DNA, and that her unborn twin was possibly the biological mother of her children.
People in China were confused at how a couple could work their busy restaurant for 21 hours per day. Turns out it was actually being ran by two sets of identical twins.
A set of British twins separated at birth and raised by different adopted parents, fell in love and got married only to realise that they were brother and sister
A set of twins were born 87 days apart, setting a world record. One of the twins was born 4 month prematurely while the other did not arrive until 3 months after.
A russian farmer's wife gave birth to 69 children, 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets... when she died her husband remarried and had another 18 kids.
Valentina Vassilyeva, the Russian peasant who gave birth to 69 children by her husband Feodor. None were born solo, as she gave birth 27 different times - 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets. Feodor later had an additional 18 children with his second wife.
A woman by the name of Lydia Fairchild took a DNA test that showed that the biological mother of her own children was her twin sister that did not exist. Further testing showed she was a chimera: a person who absorbs their twin in the womb and has two sets of DNA.
A set of twins from the UK - one is black and one is white. They have the same parents.
Tom Berenger once owned a restaurant called Twins, where the waitstaff consisted of 29 sets of identical twins.
Sets Twins data charts
For your convenience take a look at Sets Twins figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about sets twins?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Igbo Ora, a town in Nigeria known as the “twins capital of the world”. It’s in the south west part of Nigeria which has a documented 50 sets of twins born out of every 1,000 births. Locals say it is due to an okra leaf they eat. One woman says it’s responsible for her having 8 pairs of twins.
While Harry Houdini was widely known for his death defying escapes, he meant much more to the Hilton twins. A set of conjoined twins whose mother sold them to a side show during infancy. Harry helped them emancipate from their masters, and gain freedom. The most meaningful kind of escape - source
The first autopsy performed in the New World was for religious reasons. A pair of infant conjoined twins died shortly after birth, and the Catholic Church wanted to determine if they had one soul or two. The doctor, after finding two complete sets of internal organs, declared they had two. - source
It's possible for twins to be delivered days apart; one mother delivered a set of twins 87 days apart
Most authors in the Golden Age of Detective Fiction (1920-39) agreed to a set of "Ten Commandments," which banned lame plot devices like secret twin brothers and hidden passageways. - source
When are two sets identical?
A chimera is when a fetus absorbs its twin and is born with two sets of DNA.
How many sets of twins are there in the world?
The largest amount of babies a woman has given birth to in their lifetime is 69. Mrs. Vassilyeva, who lived in Shuya, Russia in the early 1700s, gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets: 27 pregnancies and 69 children in total.
Due to a hospital error, two pairs of Colombian identical twins were raised as two pairs of fraternal twins. One set was raised in rural farm setting, the other in a middle class urban setting
A woman filing for public assistance failed several DNA tests to prove maternity of her children. She was taken to court and risked losing custody. It was later discovered she had absorbed her twin in the womb and has two different sets of DNA in other parts of her body.
About 90-95% of infants in films are played by twins or triplets, due to child labour laws that restrict how long they can be on set.
The record for most children born to one mother is 69, to the wife of Feodor Vassilyev (b. 1707–c.1782), a peasant from Shuya, Russia. In 27 labors, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets.