Incredible and fun facts to explore

Football Pitches facts

While investigating facts about Football Pitches Near Me and Football Pitches For Hire Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There was a little ice age between 1600 and 1814. The river Thames in London used to completely freeze over for 2 months per year allowing "Frost Fairs" to take place with football pitches, bowling matches, fruit-sellers, shoemakers, barbers... even a pub or two.

how football pitches are made?

Russia will provide you with a free football pitch-sized tract of land in its Far East to settle upon and start your own farm or business. After 5 years, you will be given Russian citizenship.

Why do they water football pitches at halftime?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are football pitches made of. Here are 30 of the best facts about Football Pitches London and Football Pitches For Hire I managed to collect.

why are football pitches watered at halftime?

  1. Two PS1 games (FIFA 01 and Gran Turismo 2) have scratch & sniff disks. The FIFA 01 disc smelled like a football pitch, while the Gran Turismo 2 disc smelled like car tires.

  2. Since, conveniently, the landing area for ski jumping happens to be around the same dimensions as a football pitch, local officials developing stadiums for the 2018 Olympics in South Korea built a stadium that can be used for both

  3. A football referee set a record by showing 36 red cards in a single game, dismissing all the players, subs and coaches during an Argentinean game between Claypole and Victoriano Arenas. The match descended into a mass brawl, with the managers and coaches also on the pitch fighting.

  4. A football match in December 1891 between Blackburn and Burnley had to be abandoned when all the Blackburn players except the goalkeeper simply left the pitch after halftime because it was too cold, causing the Burnley players to constantly be offside

  5. To break an alleged football curse, manager of Birmingham City Barry Fry pissed on four corners of the team's pitch

  6. There's no specific size a football pitch has to be, even in international matches. There is a general range and it just has to be within that

  7. Bob Griese was a triple sport athlete in college. He pitched for the baseball team, going 12-1 one season, played guard on the basketball team, and played quarterback, kicker, and punter for the Purdue football team. There were many games where Griese scored every one of Purdue's points.

  8. In 1969, a professional footballer had his career ended when a dog ran onto the pitch and tackled him, tearing his knee ligaments.

  9. Our planet is losing forest at the staggering rate of a football-pitch sized area every second.

  10. In the UK, drinking alcohol in sight of the pitch during a football game is illegal, punishable by prison sentence.

football pitches facts
What grass is used on football pitches?

Football Pitches data charts

For your convenience take a look at Football Pitches figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

football pitches fact data chart about Real time speed of deforestation of the Amazon Rain forest s
Real time speed of deforestation of the Amazon Rain forest shown over a football pitch

football pitches fact data chart about Every 30 seconds a football (soccer) pitch sized area of Ama
Every 30 seconds a football (soccer) pitch sized area of Amazon rain-forest is removed (14 trees per second), this shows this at the speed it is happening (redesign following reddi

Why do football pitches have stripes?

You can easily fact check why are football pitches striped by examining the linked well-known sources.

India has a 'GARBAGE MOUNTAIN' which is 213 feet taller and has a area more than 40 football pitches. It is causing many serious problems to surrounding neighbours.

The longest extra time in football was 23 minutes because a player passed out and they had to wait for an ambulance to drive onto the pitch - source

Quite different from today, women's soccer was immensely popular in England in a period after WWI. 53,000 attended a match on Boxing Day 1920 at Everton's Goodison Park stadium. In 1921 the Football Association (FA) put an end to the thriving sport, banning women from playing on FA pitches. - source

When his teammate died on the pitch due to cardiac arrest, Italian footballer Antonio Di Natale took financial responsibility of his teammate's disabled sister because she had no remaining family members left to care for her.

Ivorian footballer Francis Koné has saved the lives of four other footballers, two of which were on the pitch during a game - source

When will football pitches open?

Ex Tottenham and England footballer Gary Lineker pooed himself on the pitch at the 1990 world cup.

How many football pitches in an acre?

My city’s football team once scored a goal by deflecting the ball of a beach ball that was thrown onto the pitch

England has the worlds largest offshore wind farm. It's 87 turbines span the size of 20,000 football pitches (approx 145 square km). It is anticipated that the wind farm will generate enough electricity to power around 600,000 homes.

If humans had the same jumping ability as a flea for it's size, we'd be able to jump the length of a football pitch.

The NFL on fox theme was pitched as Batman plays football.

The phrase 'back to square one' became a thing when football was listened to on the radio a lot, and to make it easier to visualize, the pitch was split up into many squares. 'Back to square one' meant a kickoff in the middle of the pitch.

Football pitches infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Football Pitches numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

football pitches fact infographic about Football Analytics: The risk of losing the ball anywhere on

Football Analytics: The risk of losing the ball anywhere on the pitch

When will football pitches reopen?

Over 80 football (soccer) players have died since 1990 from injuries sustained on the pitch, 13 due to cardiac episodes

In 1998, during a football game in Congo, lighting struck the pitch killing an entire team, leaving the other team's players unscathed.

About India's garbage mountain taking up the area of more than 40 football pitches and more than 65 metres (213 feet) high is on course to rise higher than the Taj Mahal within the next year.

Measuring 50,000 m² (538,196 sq ft), the Plaza de España in Seville, Spain, is the size of five football pitches.

A football match between Barbados and Grenada. Barbados intentionally scored a own goal to try and force extra time leaving Grenada trying to score a goal on either end of the pitch and Barbados successfully defending both sides.

How many football pitches in a hectare?

The New Horizons probe is travelling at 14 kilometers a second. If you fired a gun at one end of a football pitch, Horizons would have a touch down by the time the bullet reached the 10 yard line.

About non-rectangular football pitches in Bangkok slums.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Football Pitches. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Football Pitches so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor