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Florida Everglades facts

While investigating facts about Florida Everglades Map and Florida Everglades Tours, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Burmese pythons have overrun the Florida Everglades partly as a result of Hurricane Andrew destroying a breeding facility in 1992, which released hundreds of snakes.

how are pythons affecting the florida everglades?

The Florida Everglades is the only environment on earth in which Alligators and Crocodiles coexist

What to do in the everglades florida?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what animals live in the florida everglades. Here are 20 of the best facts about Florida Everglades National Park and Florida Everglades Airboat Tour I managed to collect.

what are the everglades in florida?

  1. Crocodiles can live to 70-100 years while alligators live 30-50 years. Gators can reach about 15 feet and crocs can grow to about 20. The Florida Everglades is the only place in the world where the two coexist.

  2. The restoration of the Everglades in South Florida is an issue that drives much political debate in the region today.

  3. Roughly 33% of the people living in Florida rely on the water in the Everglades for their fresh water supply. Protecting the Everglades is extremely important for Floridians.

  4. Everglades National Park includes mangrove swamps, estuaries at Florida Bay and the Gulf Coast, dry tropical hammocks, pinelands, and wet sawgrass prairies.

  5. Endangered species that live in Everglades National Park include the Florida panther, the manatee, and the American crocodile.

  6. The state of Florida held a "Python Challenge", a contest for citizens to hunt down the Burmese Pythons whose populations have exploded in the everglades.

  7. In 1972, Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 crashed into the Florida Everglades while landing in Miami. During decent the flight crew became distracted by a burnt-out landing gear indicator light and did not notice the autopilot had turned off. 101 people died.

  8. The Florida Everglades are actually a 60-foot wide, 100-mile long shallow river that flows about a half-mile per day.

  9. After crashing in the Florida Everglades, Valujet promptly bought a smaller carrier and adopted its name. That airline? AirTran, which was later incorporated into Southwest.

  10. Dade-Collier Training and Transition Airport in the middle of the Florida Everglades. Originally meant to be the largest airport in the world, construction was halted in 1970 and only one 10,500' runway was ever completed.

florida everglades facts
What lives in the florida everglades?

Why are the florida everglades important?

You can easily fact check why is florida's python hunt important to the everglades by examining the linked well-known sources.

Giant Burmese pythons have invaded the Florida Everglades in massive numbers

Burmese pythons were introduced to the Florida Everglades when Hurricane Andrew destroyed a breeding facilities in the 1980s - source

Alligators can respond to verbal commands. In this video an alligator named Casper responds to the trainer, Chris, at the animal rehabilitation center Everglades Outpost in Florida. You can watch the alligator respond to "come here" at 8:44 in the video.

An agricultural project made for "Flood Control" of the Florida Everglades led to halving the alligator population and nearly driving otters extinct. - source

When is the best time to visit the florida everglades?

There are wading birds in the Florida Everglades that feed their chicks to crocodiles for protection against other predators

How big is the florida everglades?

There has been active oil drilling and production in the Florida Everglades since the early 1940s

The Burmese Python infestation in Florida Everglades likely comes from the destruction of a 900 snake breeding facility during Hurricane Andrew in 1992

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Florida Everglades. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Florida Everglades so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor