Florence Nightingale facts
While investigating facts about Florence Nightingale Museum and Florence Nightingale Theory, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1854, during the Crimean war, the British hospital in Constantinople was extremely unhygienic. Patients lay in their own excrement, and rodents and bugs scurried past them. More soldiers died of disease than injury. Florence Nightingale fixed this by getting patients to clean the hospital.
how florence nightingale died?
Florence Nightingale Single-handedly Increased the Lifespan of Britains by 20 Years by Improving Sanitation of Private Residences
What florence nightingale was known for?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did florence nightingale invent. Here are 43 of the best facts about Florence Nightingale Effect and Florence Nightingale Biography I managed to collect.
what florence nightingale was famous for?
In 1859 Florence Nightingale wrote Notes on Nursing - a book about caring for patients.
Florence continued to champion nursing, writing letters, giving advice, and helping to improve the attitude about the profession.
Despite the stigma of nurses being prostitutes and alcoholics Florence Nightingale left her comfy bourgeoisie lifestyle to become a nurse and invented the modern hospital ward, pie charts and the death certificate!
Queen Victoria awarded Florence Nightingale the Royal Red Cross in 1883.
Many monuments and even a museum have been dedicated to Florence Nightingale for her work to help the sick by improving hospital care and nursing.
The Florence Nightingale syndrome. It consists in a caregiver developing romantic feelings, sexual feelings, or both for their patient, even if very little communication or contact takes place outside of basic care.
At 17 Florence refused a marriage proposal by an upper class gentleman. It was expected that Florence would marry someone of high social class, but she chose to pursue nursing, against her parent's wishes.
Florence Nightingale's efforts began to become known. When she returned to England at the end of the Crimean War in 1856, Florence was a national heroine.
Many of Florence Nightingale's admirers sent her letters to thank her for her work in Scutari. She received thousands of letters from people she didn"t know.
Florence Nightingale data charts
For your convenience take a look at Florence Nightingale figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why florence nightingale is famous?
You can easily fact check why did florence nightingale die by examining the linked well-known sources.
Florence Nightingale is considered by many to be the founder of the nursing profession. She founded the first secular nursing school.
Florence believed that nurses should have a proper education and founded the Nightingale Training School in 1860 at St. Thomas" Hospital in London, England.
Hodgkin received many national and international awards for her work and was the second woman to receive the Order in Merit after Florence Nightingale.
Florence Nightingale often made rounds at night carrying a lamp for light. She became known as "The Lady with the Lamp". She was instrumental in nursing care during the Crimean War and pushed for more sanitary hospital practices.
Florence Nightingale enrolled in nursing school at the Lutheran Hospital of Pastor Fliedner, in Germany in 1850.
When florence nightingale died?
In 1853 Florence Nightingale was hired to run a small hospital in London. She was only 33 when she was hired for the job.
How did florence nightingale die?
Florence Nightingale was named after the city she was born in - Florence, Italy.
In November, 1854, Florence Nightingale and a group of 38 other nurses she had organized arrived in Scutari (Istanbul, Turkey), at the request of her friend Sidney Herbert, a government official.
Queen Victoria, Florence Nightingale and Marilyn Monroe were proud owners of Persian cat.
Florence organized the other nurses and changed the conditions of the hospital. The hospital was properly sanitized and soldiers were properly cared for, with clean bandages and sheets, and were properly fed.
Soldiers began to refer to Florence Nightingale as ‘the lady with the lamp" because she was often seen at night walking around at night with her lamp to check on the patients.