Finding Nemo facts
While investigating facts about Finding Nemo Cast and Finding Nemo Characters, I found out little known, but curios details like:
If Finding Nemo had been biologically accurate, Nemo's dad would've switched sexes after Nemo's mom died and mated with his son.
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A notable portion of the Finding Nemo production crew were Filipino, and the name "P. Sherman" was chosen because it sounds like how one with a Filipino accent would say the word "fisherman
What finding nemo is really about?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's finding nemo's dad's name. Here are 50 of the best facts about Finding Nemo Full Movie and Finding Nemo Google Drive I managed to collect.
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Finding Nemo" is the second film to be dubbed in Navajo, following the success of Navajo "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope". It was a joint effort between the Navajo Nation Museum and The Walt Disney Studios for more than a year
Finding Nemo, a movie about the suffering of a captured clownfish, ironically caused home aquarium demand for them to triple.
Finding Nemo had the opposite effect that was intended. Despite its negative portrayal of keeping fish in aquariums, the use of clownfish prompted The demand for aquariums to triple. Demand was met by large-scale harvesting of tropical fish from the wild which devastated Clownfish Populations.
Ellen DeGeneres was cast as Dory in Finding Nemo when the director, Andrew Stanton, watched her 'change the subject 5 times before finishing the sentence' in conversation with his wife.
In 1994 the writers of Toy Story concepted WALL-E, A Bug's Life, Monster's Inc., and Finding Nemo all during a single lunch.
If the story told in the animation "Finding Nemo" was real, when Nemo's mum and siblings got eaten, Nemo's dad would have developed female gonads and formed a breeding pair with Nemo.
The Pixar movies "A Bug's Life," "Monster's Inc," "Finding Nemo," and "Wall-E" were all brainstormed during one lunch in 1994 by the writers of "Toy Story."
The sharks built for the movie Jaws were collectively named "Bruce," a tribute to Steven Spielberg's lawyer. Bruce the Fish Friendly Shark from Finding Nemo was also a reference to Jaws.
In 1994, four of Pixar's directors had a lunch where they came up with four movie ideas. Those ideas became A Bug's Life, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, and WALL-E.
The Blue Tang Fish 'Dory from finding Nemo' is poisonous to eat, has venomous barbs on their back, and will cut you.
Finding Nemo data charts
For your convenience take a look at Finding Nemo figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was finding nemo made?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The shark Bruce from Finding Nemo was actually named after the model sharks they used in Jaws
If Finding Nemo was to be a scientifically accurate movie, after Nemo's mother died, his father would have turned into a female and mated with him - source
Finding Nemo is the best-selling DVD of all time. - source
Pixar originally rendered "Finding Nemo" at a resolution of only 1600x900, and later re-renders of the film have minor animation differences due to the use of random seed numbers
If "Finding Nemo" happened in real life, when Nemo's mom and siblings were eaten, Nemo's dad would have developed female organs and formed a breeding pair with Nemo. - source
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In the five years following the release of Finding Nemo, clownfish populations in some coral reefs fell by 75%, likely because the fish were captured and sold as pets.
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In order to get the look and feel of Finding Nemo’s characters and world just right, Pixar’s art team was required to take courses in marine biology, oceanography, and ichthyology in addition to enrolling in scuba diving classes.
The shark in Finding Nemo is named Bruce as an homage to the animatronic shark from Jaws, which Spielberg named and referred to as Bruce
If the clownfish in finding Nemo were realistic, Nemo's father would have sex changed into a female after Nemo's mother died, and then Nemo would have mated with her.
Finding Dory will be Ellen Degeneres' first full acting role since Finding Nemo. Between the original in 2003 film and the upcoming 2016 sequel, she has had four cameo herself.
At a lunch in 1994, Andrew Stanton, John Lasseter, Pete Docter, and Joe Ranft outlined ideas that went on to become A Bug’s Life, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, and WALL-E.