Fight Club facts
While investigating facts about Fight Club Shoes and Fight Club Cast, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The scene in Fight Club where Tyler is explaining the cost of a recall when "A car built by my company crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside" is based on ACTUAL leaked memos from GM and Ford.
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While filming Fight Club, Helena Bonham Carter insisted that her makeup artist apply all of her eye makeup with her left hand, as she did not believe that Marla Singer would be someone who was particularly good at applying makeup
What's fight club about?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the rules of fight club. Here are 50 of the best facts about Fight Club Explained and Flight Club London I managed to collect.
what fight club is really about?
Ford did NOT actually base their decision about the Ford Pinto on their estimated legal costs of lawsuits. It is a myth that was given new life by Fight club.
Two New Jersey day care employees were sentenced to prison in 2015 for running a toddler fight club
The author of FIGHT CLUB came up with the foundation of the novel after being beaten up on a camping trip when he complained to nearby campers about the noise of their radio. When he returned to work, nobody would acknowledge his injuries instead asking things like "How was your weekend?"
Fight Club, The Green Mile, American Beauty, The Sixth Sense, Magnolia, Toy Story 2, and Being John Malkovich were all playing in theaters on December 24, 1999.
Rosie O'Donnell spoiled the ending of Fight Club to millions of people just because she didn't like the film.
Mr. T's wearing of gold chains and other jewelry was a result of customers losing the items or leaving them after a fight at the night club where he was a bouncer. He would stand out front wearing the items in case a customer who was kicked out from the club came back looking for them.
Mr. T's wearing of gold chains and other jewelry was a result of customers losing or leaving them after a fight at the club where he worked as a bouncer. He would stand out front wearing the items in case people who was kicked out came looking for them. He was a living lost and found
Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk used to listen in on telephone and sex chatlines to find appalling, original stories for his writing.
A line of pillow talk in Fight Club was originally supposed to be “I want to have your abortion,” but Laura Ziskin, a producer at Fox 2000, found that too offensive and begged it be changed. It was changed to “I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school."
Fight Club data charts
For your convenience take a look at Fight Club figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is fight club rated r?
You can easily fact check why are fight clubs illegal by examining the linked well-known sources.
Rosie O'Donnell hated the movie 'Fight Club' so much, she spoiled the ending on her talk show and urged viewers not to see it
Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight Club, has stated that he was embarrassed of the book, because the movie made the plot much more effective - source
In the movie "Fight Club" Tyler Durden was originally going to recite a workable recipe for home-made explosives as he does in the novel. But in the interest of public safety, the filmmakers decided to substitute fictional recipes for the real ones. - source
Following Fight Club 's release, several fight clubs were reported to have started in the United States. A "Gentleman's Fight Club" was started in Menlo Park, California in 2000 and had members mostly from the tech industry.
Valentine's Day is the day that St. Valentine was beaten with clubs and tortured to death for performing secret marriages against the Emperor's wishes. The Emperor banned all marriages because soldiers didn't want to leave their families to fight in wars. - source
When does fight club take place?
A Delaware daycare center once ran a toddler fight club. They were caught when cell phone video emerged of the employees encouraging two 3-year-olds to fight in an organized battle.
How does fight club end?
There's a sequel to Fight Club, writer Chuck Palahniuk published it in Graphic Novel format - the story takes place 10 years after after the events of the book/film and is told from the restrained perspective of Tyler Durden as he sits in the subconscious of the narrator.
Brad Pitt consented to the removal of pieces of his front teeth which were restored when filming of "Fight Club" ended
Chuck Palahniuk submitted his first novel, Invisible Monsters to publishers who rejected the novel saying they were disturbed by its content. Palahniuk then began work on another novel to disturb them further. That book was Fight Club.
About the Churchill Club, a group of highschoolers who started a Danish resistance against the Nazis because their government and army didn't put up a very good fight
Brad Pitt appears in Fight Club at least six times before Tyler's first scene. Once on a moving walkway, once as a waiter on tv, and 4 times in subliminal single frame shots.