Fastest Growing facts
While investigating facts about Fastest Growing Cities In The Us and Fastest Growing Trees, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The World Record for the fastest growing plant belongs to a certain species of bamboo. They have been found to grow up to 35 inches per day at a rate of 0.00002 mph. That’s nearly 1.5 inches an hour. You could literally watch bamboo grow before your eyes.
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FOX network refused to pick up the South Park series, saying the talking poo character (Mr. Hankey) would stain "[their] network." The series was then brought to Comedy Central, and it became the highest rated show that made the network one of the fastest-growing U.S. cable channels at the time.
What is the fastest growing tree?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the fastest growing city in the us. Here are 50 of the best facts about Fastest Growing Religion and Fastest Growing Cities In America I managed to collect.
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The Amish are among the fastest-growing populations in the world, with an average of seven children per family.
The Villages, the largest gated retirement community in America, also has one of the fastest growing STD rates in the country.
The Amish have such a high birth rate (average of 7 children per family) they are among the fastest-growing populations in the world.
When Stephen Colbert ran for president in 2008, the Facebook group supporting the campaign became the fastest growing group on the site's history, surpassing a million members in 9 days.
Christianity is the fastest growing religion in Iran.
South Park's debut in 1997 was such a ratings success that it made Comedy Central one of the fastest-growing cable channels in the US at that time. The number of households that had Comedy Central jumped from 9.1 million in 1997 to 50 million in 1998.
Shenzhen in China. In 1980, in had a population of 30,000. In 2017, that had sexcentupled to nearly 20,000,000. It is believed to be the fastest growing city in human history.
Christianity is the fastest growing religion in Iran
Sex trafficking is the fastest growing business of organized crime with an estimated revenue of $32 billion annually, or $87 million a day. There are an estimated 15,000 to 18,000 trafficking victims in the U.S alone.
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world and can grow roughly 0.9 meters in a day if presented with the appropriate conditions.
Fastest Growing data charts
For your convenience take a look at Fastest Growing figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is tourism one of the fastest growing industries by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Old Order Amish are among the fastest-growing populations in the world. They prohibit the use of contraception and have low infant mortality rates.
Legal marijuana is the fastest-growing industry in the U.S. in 2015. - source
Senior citizens are the fastest-growing student debtors in US and owe more than $67 billion in student debt. - source
Deer antlers are the fastest growing tissue on earth and are capable of expanding an inch every two days during their velvet stage.
Antlers are the fastest growing tissue in mammals. An adult bull moose can add a pound of bone a day during the summer. - source
When was india the fastest growing economy?
The fastest growing plant is a species of bamboo which can grow 91 cm (35 inch) per day.
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Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in the Middle East. Hindus also make up 13% of Qatar's population.
Sunflower can reach 3 to 18 feet in height. It is the one of the fastest growing plants, able to reach 8 to 12 feet in just 6 months.
In the United States autism is the fastest growing developmental disability.
America's Youngest & Fastest Growing Glacier is in the hollowed-out crater of Mount St. Helen's
Saudi Arabia is ranked as the fastest growing Twitter nation in the world with a 300% growth rate of users.