Ethnic Minority facts
While investigating facts about Ethnic Minority Groups and Ethnic Minority Coronavirus, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Cagots, a minority population in Europe in medieval times. They were shunned, hated, and segregated from entering taverns or touching food in markets. They were not an ethnic or religious group and were indistinguishable from other people, and no one knows why they were so despised.
how many ethnic minority mps are there?
There is an ethnic minority in the Philippines whose life expectancy at birth is 16.5 and at age 15 is only 27.5.
What ethnic minority means?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what ethnic minority groups. Here are 26 of the best facts about Ethnic Minority Meaning and Ethnic Minority Definition I managed to collect.
what ethnic minority populates the southeastern border of turkey?
Between the Turkish and Ottomans states, there were actually three genocides; the well known Armenian Genocide, and then also the Assyrian and Greek genocides. At the start of the 20th century, Asia minor was quite ethnically diverse.
Mixed-race and ethnic minority individuals struggle to find life-saving bone marrow and stem-cell transplant matches. A partial genetic match is required, and direct siblings only have a 25% chance of matching.
There is a Sizable Ethnic Minority group living in Siberia who are reputed to have the "most red-headed" people in the world.
The Act provided for federal elections examiners to observe voting in states, counties, and districts that have historically prevented racial and ethnic minorities from voting.
Hispanics are the largest ethnic or race minority in the United States, making up approximately 17% of the population.
The KGB created most of the popular conspiracy theories about the American government ranging from alternative explanations of the Kennedy Assassination to the intentional "creation" of AIDS by the U.S Army in order to cleanse ethnic minorities in North America.
The ethnic Chinese minority in Malaysia is estimated to control 70% of national economy.
Mota Singh was the first ethnic minority judge to be appointed to the bench in the United Kingdom in 1982 and he was also the first judge to sit on the English Bench wearing a turban instead of a horse-hair wig.
Only five ethnic groups in China were initially recognized: Han, Manchu, Mongol, Tibetan and Muslim. In 1950, 'Visit the Nationalities'-teams were sent out to determine what actually constituted minorities, sub-branches of nationalities, or what groups actually belonged to the Han
Markham, Ontario (a suburb of Toronto) is Canada's most diverse city, with 72.3% of its population coming from ethnic minority groups
Ethnic Minority data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ethnic Minority figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is covid 19 affecting ethnic minority?
You can easily fact check why is covid 19 worse for ethnic minority by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1948, Romania began a gradual rehabilitation of the ethnic Germans: they were not expelled, and the communist regime gave them the status of a national minority, the only Eastern Bloc country to do so.
For many years the third largest ethnic minority in the Czech Republic are Vietnamese, after Slovaks and Ukrainians. - source
In the 1970s Kazakstan became the only Soviet republic in which the eponymous nationality was a minority in its own republic. More than 1 million Russians, Ukrainian and other ethnic groups migrated to Kazakhstan while 1.2 million Kazakh citizens were drafted during WWII - source
In the late 20th century South Africa chose to grant independence to four black ethnic minorities rather than to aactually end apartheid and grant citizenship to those citizens
U.S. Supreme Court common law classifies Native Americans as a political group, not a racial or ethnic minority. Accordingly,the constitutional protections afforded by the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th and 5th Amendments do not apply to Native Americans. See Morton v. Mancari (1974) - source
Ethnic unification occurs when multiple ethnic groups?
In 2014, enrollment of students from racial & ethnic minorities in American Public School system exceeded those of Whites. By 2022, it is projected that minorities will constitute 54.7 percent of the public school student population and whites, 45.3 percent.
How many ethnic minority in uk?
Uyghurs (an ethnic minority in West China) use their own time in lieu of the government's time as a form of resistance to the central government.
There are more FTSE 100 CEOs named Steve than there are from ethnic minorities
The Nobel Peace Price was awarded to Aung San Suu Kyi who then went to lead Myanmar as its military killed families of ethnic minorities
In China, mothers from the Manchu minority ethnic group used to show affection for their children by performing fellatio on their male babies, placing its penis in their mouths and stimulating it. They regarded public kissing with revulsion.
About the Privilege Grant. A scholarship exclusively for White Men to get "equal footing with their female, queer and ethnic minority classmates."