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Erect Penis facts

While investigating facts about Erect Penis, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2008, the Netherlands voted "Swaffelen" as their word of the year. It means to repeatedly smack one's (usually either flaccid or semi-erect) penis against someone or something.

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Polar bears have a bone inside their penis to keep an erection going, and that pollution is causing the bones to weaken to the point where the bones are breaking.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is erasmus darwin best known for. Here are 50 of the best facts about Erect Penis I managed to collect.

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  1. King Tut's penis was mummified while erect

  2. A 34-year-old man suffered severe bleeding under the skin after pumping cocaine into his urethra. Complications destroyed his penis, nine fingers, and parts of his legs. The penis fell off by itself. His penis had remained erect for three days

  3. If your Penis is 6 inches(15.24cm) long when erect, you're in the 90th percentile according to the largest study on Human Penis Size.

  4. A man suffered a 3 month erection after getting his penis tattooed.

  5. The Brazilian Wandering Spider's venom not only kills, but can cause paralysis and asphyxiation, but worst of all, it causes "priapism". This is when an erect penis cannot return to a flaccid start and is known to be extremely painful.

  6. There has been a case of a permanent phantom erection after amputation of penis.

  7. Iran has a disproportionately high rate of penile fracture due to a local practice called taghaandan, "to click or snap when forcibly pushing the erect penis down" to get rid of an unwelcome erection

  8. The Cerne Abbas Giant, a massive 2000-year-old turf-cut outline filled with chalk on a hill in Dorset, England that depicts a large naked man with an erection. His 36-foot long penis and testicles points toward the rising sun each year on May Day.

  9. King Tutankhamun was mummified with an erect penis

erect penis facts
What did erasmus darwin study?

Erect Penis data charts

For your convenience take a look at Erect Penis figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

erect penis fact data chart about Correlation between erect penis length and height - Penis le
Correlation between erect penis length and height - Penis length distributions for each height

erect penis fact data chart about Average values for erect and flaccid penis length around the
Average values for erect and flaccid penis length around the World

What is true about erect penis?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Howard Cater discovered Tutankhamun's body with a fully erect penis, standing upright at a 90 degree angle. Theories suggest it honours the fertility god Osiris.

A priapism, or an erection lasting several hours, is often an ischemic event. Aka- the reason it is so dangerous is that there's no new oxygenated blood getting to the erect penis, so it can become necrotic, black and die. - source

Tutankhamun was buried with an erect penis - source

Banana slugs (which are hermaphrodites) can be 6-8 inches and their erect penis can be just as long. In addition, their penises emerge from their heads. After mating, banana slugs eat each others penises.

Physiologist Giles Brindley dropped his pants and showed a room full of people, his erect penis to prove that the cure he invented for ED works. He even invited the audience to come and take a closer look. - source

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The first presentation on a cure for erectile dysfunction happened when a urologist pulled out his erect penis in the middle of his presentation at a urology conference.

If a man has an erect penis length of 7in or greater he is in the top ~10% of global penis lengths. Only ~0.6% of the population has a dick smaller than or equal to 2.75in erect and the average is about 5.17in.

King Tut was mummified with an erect penis

The average human erect penis length is 5.17 inches.

1920s France made an electronic penis ring that alerted your parents if you got an erection

An erection is actually caused by muscles RELAXING. Absent muscular activity the penis will be erect. This explains "angel lust", or erections on corpses.

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Tattooing on penis caused permanent erection in a 21-year old Iranian man. Doctors tried to fix it using various procedures but failed and eventually the man decided not to pursue any more corrective measures and continues to live with the condition.

Every time we're dreaming, we have erections. The penis gets erect and the blood vessels of the vagina become engorged. But it's not because of sexual thoughts, it's just how it is.

King Tutankhamun was mummified with an erect penis

Ducks can get an erection sometimes longer than themselves and ejaculate in less than a third of a second. Essentially a pistol penis.

The Egyptian deity Babi, known as "King of the Baboons", was often shown with a raging erection. He would sail the righteous dead to heaven, using his gigantic penis as a mast for his ferry.

Ancient Egyptian lettuce was tall, straight, and released a milk-like substance when rubbed, characteristics superficially similar to the penis. Thus one of their gods, Min, was often represented on a bed of lettuce and always had an erect penis.

That, while giving a lecture at a conference about erectile dysfunction, an elderly professor injected himself with a medication, dropped trou, and presented his now-erect penis to the crowd, encouraging viewers on the front row to touch it in order to note how hard it was. (There were screams.)

Priapus was a Greek god who was most well known for his giant, constantly erect penis.

About this unlucky daddy longlegs, the first found fossilized in amber with a fully erect penis, that has been there for 99 million years

Penile fractures are a thing and you'll know immediately from the cracking or popping sound when it happens. It usually requires surgery and the scarring can lead to a curve in your penis when you get an erection (if you are still able to afterwards).

The average size of a mans erect penis is 5.16 inches in length, and 4.59 inches around.

Female Hyenas have a large pseudo penis that can become fully erect

Execution by firing squad has been observed to instigate death erections. For example, in a massacre in a village near Xudun, Somalia, 30 men were killed whereupon most of these corpses had erect penises. The region has since been renamed qooro taag, meaning "upright penis".

Lake ducks not only have the largest avian reproductive organ, but also the longest penis of all vertebrates in relation to the size of its body. Typically coiled in flaccid state, when erect the penis can be as long as the animal itself.

Phallophobia is fear of an erect penis and an excessive aversion to masculinity

The largest penis is history (13.5 in when erect) was so big that airport security stopped him because they thought he had a bomb in his pants.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Erect Penis. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Erect Penis so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor