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Chemically Induced facts

While investigating facts about Chemically Induced Stress Test and Chemically Induced Menopause, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The chemical Thioacetone is the world's smelliest substance. It's so bad that, after a lab technician dropped a vial of it, it induced instant vomiting from people in buildings almost 1/2 mile away.

how long does chemically induced menopause last?

The chemical that makes chili peppers hot induces pain in mammals, who would chew the seeds and destroy them, but has no effect on birds, who swallow the seeds whole and poop them out, serving to disperse them.

What is a chemically induced stress test?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is chemically induced menopause. Here are 21 of the best facts about Chemically Induced Pneumonia and Chemically Induced Psychosis I managed to collect.

what's chemically induced?

  1. Semen is made up of chemicals that elevate mood including testoterone, oxytocin, serotonin, and a thyrotropin-releasing hormone, affection increasing chemicals like cortisol and sleep inducing chemicals like melatonin.

  2. Denatured alcohol (sold in hardware stores) isn't chemically different from drinking alcohol. The only difference is it's purposely laced with poison and nausea inducing additives so you can't drink it. This compromises allows it to be sold without alcohol tax and ensures people don't drink it.

  3. The man who discovered the precursor to Viagra presented his findings at a national urology meeting with a chemically induced boner, which he revealed when he removed his pants during the presentation.

  4. All parts of Jimson weed contain toxic alkaloids (group of chemicals) such as atropine, scopolamine and hyoscyamine. Ingestion of Jimson weed induces delirium, drying of mouth, blurred vision, tachycardia (accelerated heart rate), slurred speech and elevation of body temperature. Unpleasant effects of Jimson weed are summarized in the phrase: "Red as a beet, dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter".

  5. Sea lamprey can induce significant damage to an ecosystem by killing large number of native fish species. For that reason, people use chemicals, electric fences and dams to prevent uncontrolled spreading of the sea lampreys toward sensitive rivers and lakes.

  6. Millipedes don"t have pinchers, fangs or stingers that can be used against predators. They produce foul smelling chemicals to repel predators and secrete substances which induce burning sensation.

  7. Haunted houses pump in a chemical called cadaverine - the chemical that gives rotting corpses their smell - to biologically induce fear in the visitors

  8. Sap extracted from the leaves, stem, root, flowers and seed contains toxic chemicals known as furanocoumarins. These substances induce strong reaction on the human skin known as phytophotodermatitis (light-induced skin irritation). Plant's sap destroys natural defensive mechanisms which protect skin from the negative effects of the sun (more precisely of the UV rays). As a result, large burns and blisters appear on the skin.

  9. Tulips produce tuliposides and tulipalins, chemical substances that induce allergy.

  10. Seed contain alkaloids (group of chemicals) that can induce intoxication of people. It needs to be soaked in the water and thermally processed before consumption.

chemically induced facts
What is chemically induced leukemia?

Why chemical weapons are good?

You can easily fact check why chemical weapons should be banned by examining the linked well-known sources.

All parts of laburnum (root, bark, wood, leaves, flowers, pod and seed) contain toxic substance called cytisine (alkaloid that has similar chemical structure like nicotine). Ingestion of any part of the plant may induce fatal poisoning of humans and animals (such as goats, sheep and horses).

Cannabis contains its own naturally occurring antipsychotic. The lack of this chemical in synthetic cannabinoids (K2, Spice) may contribute to their greater tendency to induce acute psychosis. - source

Some types of ephedra contain tannins (group of chemical compounds) that can induce intoxication of pregnant cows and sheep. Consumption of ephedra is not fatal, but it is often accompanied with vomiting, diarrhea and anorexia.

All parts of deadly nightshade contain tropane alkaloids (group of toxic chemicals) that induce strong hallucinations, delirium, blurred vision, headache and loss of balance (among other symptoms). One leaf or 2 to 5 berries contain enough toxins to kill an adult man. Root of the plant contains the greatest amount of toxins.

In some parts of the world, mimosa is used as fodder. Some varieties of mimosa contain chemicals that may induce poisoning of the cattle.

When were chemical weapons banned?

Walking sticks are also able to release bad-tasting liquid, foul-smelling substance or to emit chemical spray that functions like tear gas which can induce transient blindness in predators. Some walking sticks pretend to be dead until danger is gone.

How to chemically induced menopause?

Angel trumpet contains toxic compounds, chemically known as alkaloids. They can be found in all parts of the plant. Seeds and leaves contain the highest level of alkaloids. These substances induce poisoning of humans. First signs of intoxication appear quickly after ingestion of the plant (even the smallest piece).

Most herbivores avoid soapberries because of the high content of saponins (group of chemical compounds) that induce poisoning when consumed in large doses. Some birds such as robins, cedar waxwings and bluebirds are able to eat soapberries without any visible side effects.

An entheogen ("generating the divine within") is any chemical substance used in a religious, shamanic, or spiritual context that often induces psychological or physiological changes. Entheogens have been used to supplement many diverse practices geared towards achieving transcendence

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Chemically Induced. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Chemically Induced so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor