Energy Drinks facts
While investigating facts about Energy Drinks Brands and Energy Drinks List, I found out little known, but curios details like:
About RadiThor, an energy drink sold in the 1920s, claimed it provided energy and cured a host of ailments, including impotence. It was simply radium dissolved in water, slowly killing its customers.
how energy drinks work?
A radioactive energy drink called "Radithor" was sold in the US market for a decade in the 1920s. Radium 226 and 228 isotopes we’re used, and the expensive product claimed to cure impotence, among other ills. Some of the more prominent users had to be buried in lead coffins.
What energy drinks are good for you?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what energy drinks are vegan. Here are 50 of the best facts about Energy Drinks Bad and Energy Drinks Side Effects I managed to collect.
what energy drinks do to your body?
Princeton dropout and creator of the 5-hr Energy drink says he has $4 billion more than he needs; he plans to spend his fortune to distribute 10,000 free electric battery-equipped stationary bikes in India, which will run lights/basic appliances for 1day per 1 hr of pedaling.
Famous personal trainer/body builder Greg Plitt died earlier this year while filming a commercial for 'No Fear' energy drinks. He reportedly assumed a runner's stance on the tracks as the train approached, and attempted to out-sprint the speeding train to show the effectiveness of the drink.
The Red Bull was actually created in Thailand in 1976 as an energy drink for truck drivers
Pitbull tried to promote his energy drink by promising to go to the Walmart that received the most likes. As a result, he was sent to Kodiak, Alaska, a city that only has around 6,000 people.
The 2005 Energy Policy Act contains a provision commonly known as the "Halliburton loophole" which exempts drilling companies involved in fracking operations to be exempt from Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and CERCLA
In 2012, the advertising campaign for a UK energy drink called "Pussy" was banned as sexually explicit and offensive. Pussy energy drink ad slogan was: "The drink's pure, it's your mind that's the problem."
There was a radioactive energy drink called Radithor on the US market between 1918-1928. One prominent user was buried in a lead coffin.
In 2014, the makers of Red Bull were sued by a man who found their slogan “Red Bull gives you wings” dishonest, as the drink has less caffeine than a regular cup of coffee, meaning it provided less of an energy boost. They had to reimburse American consumers who bought Red Bull from 2002-2014.
The word "moxie", synonymous with "energy" and "spunk" originates from a brand of soft drink. As with many sodas, it was first marketed as an over the counter medicine called "Moxie Nerve Food". Moxie was created in 1876, is flavored with gentian root extract and is still sold in the eastern US.
Taurine, a common ingredient in energy drinks, was first isolated from the bile of an ox, but now is synthesized in labs. Cat food is required by law to contain taurine, since cats without a taurine-rich diet will go blind, and lose their hair and teeth.
Energy Drinks data charts
For your convenience take a look at Energy Drinks figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why energy drinks are bad for you?
You can easily fact check why energy drinks should be banned by examining the linked well-known sources.
A study was conducted to test the effect of price on the effectiveness of an energy drink. Despite being told that the drinks were identical, the group that bought the higher priced drink performed better on tests. This is called the price-placebo effect. - source
In 2011 a 14 year old girl died as a result of caffeine toxicity after consuming a 0.7 liter Monster Energy drink can. Her mother proceeded to sue, stating that "I just want Monster Energy to know their product can kill." - source
Monster Energy has a pH of 2.7 and Rock Star has a pH of 1.5. This means that these drinks are in some cases more acidic than stomach acid and begin rotting teeth and damaging your digestive system almost immediately.
In 2010, shortly after alcoholic energy drinks were introduced, concerns arose that the "energy" component of these beverages masked the feeling of intoxication, leading people to drink more than they realized. Pressure from the FDA resulted in alcoholic energy drinks being essentially banned. - source
When energy drinks don't work?
The maximum recommended consumption for Monster Energy Drink is 16oz in Australia but 48oz in the USA.
How energy drinks are made?
Most energy drinks contain Taurine. The same amino acid that cats require in the diet to prevent them from going blind.
There is more caffeine in coffee than there is in most energy drinks.
1 Monster Energy drink contains 54 ounces of sugar. This is the same amount of sugar found in 3.5 cups of Frosted Flakes cereal.
Monster (and other energy drink companies) have more caffeine than legally allowed in a soft drink due to the company classifying the beverage as a "supplement."
Red Bull was derived from a Thai energy drink (Krating Daeng) and that the son of it's inventor still holds 51% of Red Bull