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Enemy Combatants facts

While investigating facts about Enemy Combatants Are Not Subject To and Enemy Combatants Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When the "Red Baron" was shot down and killed in combat, his enemies buried him with full military honors and a wreath that said: "To Our Gallant and Worthy Foe"

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During the first combat usage of the American Sidewinder missile in 1958, a dud hit an enemy plane and became lodged without exploding. The pilot returned to base, allowing Soviet engineers to study it and reverse-engineer a nearly identical missile for their own use.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are enemy combatants destiny 2. Here are 50 of the best facts about Enemy Combatants Are Not Subject To Quizlet and Enemy Combatants Destiny 2 I managed to collect.

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  1. Yogendra Singh Yadav, a soldier of the Indian army, climbed up a vertical, snow-covered cliff face while under machine gun and rocket fire. Despite taking three bullets, he managed to finish the climb, grenade a bunker and then kill four enemy soldiers in hand to hand combat.

  2. Comedian and filmmaker Mel Brooks not only discovered Dave Chappelle, he also discovered Gene Wilder (The original Willy Wonka). He also served as a Combat Engineer in the Battle of the Bulge, defusing explosives, and set up his own loud speakers and sang to enemy propaganda loudspeakers.

  3. Tear Gas (and pepper spray) are illegal to use in warfare. Used on our own citizens in riot control, it cannot be used on enemy combatants.

  4. Hans-Ulrich Rudel is the only person to be awarded the "Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds", the highest a soldier could achieve; he flew 2,530 combat missions and was shot down or forced to land 32 times, several times behind enemy lines.

  5. During the attack on Pearl Harbor the USS Aylwin, with only 50% of her crew and under the command of an Ensign, made it out of the Harbor and was able to effectively engage the enemy. She remained under the command of the Ensign for over a day while she conducted combat patrols.

  6. The USS Constitution, a wooden frigate first launched in 1797 and still active for ceremonial and educational purposes, is the only active ship in the U.S. Navy fleet to have sunk an enemy vessel in combat.

  7. Donning the enemy uniform during a time to war to conduct espionage or sabotage is not illegal as it is considered a "ruse of war" however donning the enemy uniform to conduct combat and assassination is a war crime.

  8. In 1967, a fighter pilot purposely flew through enemy air defenses to make enemy aircraft leave him alone, then flew his damaged aircraft back into combat and destroyed two missile sites defending a target. Allowing 70 of the 72 other friendly aircraft to survive the mission.

  9. Navy SEALs began as a Naval Combat Demolition Unit eliminating obstacles on enemy-held beaches at Normandy prior to invasion. The NCDUs at Omaha Beach blew 8 complete gaps and 2 partial gaps in the German defenses by clearing 700 yds of beach in 2 hours, another 900 yds by the afternoon.

  10. Only one F-117 fighter has ever been shot down in combat, the pilot, who ejected and was rescued behind enemy lines in Yugoslavia, opened a bakery and years later became friends with the man who fired the SAM missile

enemy combatants facts
What are enemy combatants?

Why are enemy combatants held at guantanamo bay cuba?

You can easily fact check why are enemy combatants held at guantanamo bay by examining the linked well-known sources.

Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, a military surgeon for Napoleon. He pioneered the first field ambulance that rushed into combat to carry both friend and foe to be medically treated. He was a humanitarian who believed in treating enemy soldiers with dignity and compassion.

About Robert Wright and Kenneth Moore. Two combat medics who parachuted behind enemy lines on D-Day without weapons. For 3 days without sleep, they treated wounded soldiers from both sides and civilians. - source

while some have been destroyed through friendly fire, not one M1A1 Abrams tank has ever been destroyed in combat by enemy fire. - source

A WWII German fighter pilot that shot down 352 enemy aircraft and crash landed 14 times, all due to mechanical failure or getting hit by debris from a plane he downed. Credited with having the most aerial combat victories, Erich Hartmann earned the nickname "Black Devil".

The "Counting Coup", a war act originated by American Indians by which warriors would sneak up on enemy combatants, touch them on their body, and silently leave without being detected or causing harm. Escaping unharmed was considered a great prestige, especially if risking death or capture - source

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Chuck Yeager - first pilot to exceed Mach 1 - was shot down over France in WW2, taught bomb-making to Resistance groups who helped him, escaped into Spain, argued the high command into letting him back into combat against regulations, then became an Ace (bringing down 5 enemy aircraft) in 1 day.

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During the Gulf War, when faced with extensive trenches of Iraqi soldiers American forces decided to simply use combat earthmovers and bury the enemy soldiers alive

John R. McKinney, who in World War II single-handedly fought off 100 Japanese soldiers, and armed only with a rifle, "cut down waves of the fanatical enemy with devastating fire or clubbed them to death in hand-to-hand combat", killing 40

Flying Officer Lloyd Allan Trigg of New Zealand is the only Victoria Cross recipient to receive the award based solely on testimony provided by enemy combatants. His VC was awarded on the testimony of the surviving crew of the German U-boat his plane sank with depth charges.

The term "No quarter" means refusal to house prisoners of war. Therefore all enemy combatants must be killed. This is also forbidden under the Modern Laws of War "Article 23 (d)"

The term "byzantine diplomacy" evolved from the West not understanding the Eastern Roman Empire's relative sophistication in diplomacy and preferring playing enemies against each other as opposed to outright combat. They also couldn't understanding why they read and ate with forks and knives

Interesting facts about enemy combatants

There are diving specialists in the military who perform tasks such as placing underwater mines, manning torpedoes, disposing of bombs, sneaking behind enemy lines, and direct combat.

After 86 hours of combat, 18 wounds sustained, 145 enemy soldiers killed, and 48 years waiting U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Bennie G. Adkins was awarded the Medal of Honor.

The Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM), a rucksack-size nuclear bomb fielded by the US in the 60's. If war broke out, specially trained combat engineers would parachute into enemy territory with the device and sabotage bridges, dams, power plants, among others.

One study found that only 15-20% of combat infantry were able to fire their weapons on the enemy and there were 80% that were de facto conscientious objectors during WWII

During the early days of WW1, air combat was extremely rare, and mainly used for reconnaissance. The respect among pilots was extremely high. There are stories of the crew of enemy aircraft exchanging nothing more than smiles and waves when passing.

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A UN protocol prohibits the use of "Blinding Laser Weapons" - weapons designed to cause permanent damage to an enemy combatant's eyesight.

USS Washington (BB-56) was the only US Navy battleship to have defeated an enemy battleship in "ship to ship" combat.

During the Battle of Attu in WW2, Pvt Joe Martínez rallied and led an open attack on heavy Japanese machine gun fire, where he killed 5 gunners at the cost of his own life. He was the first Hispanic MOH recipient and the only such recipient for combat heroism against an enemy on US soil in WW2.

The USAF had a concept to increase the combat radius of jet fighters by attaching them to a bomber, one hooked up to each wingtip. The hope was that it would increase fuel efficiency, effective range and allow the bomber to carry its own fighter escort into enemy territory.

The top US fighter pilot in WWI, Eddie Rickenbacker, volunteered and flew 300 combat hours, more than any other American pilot, surviving 134 aerial encounters with the enemy. As a national hero but feeling humbled, he refused lucrative acting roles and offers to endorse commercial products.

During the Gulf War US forces used "combat earth movers" on enemy trenches- burying alive at least 650 Iraqi soldiers.

In 1945, the Allies on the Western Front took 1-2 million Germans prisoner. Eisenhower decided to designate them as "Disarmed enemy combatants" instead of "Prisoners of war" to avoid Geneva protections. The conditions were "appalling" according to Red Cross visitors. 3-6000 prisoners died.

In WW2, soldiers used condoms to cover rifle muzzles on D-Day, to waterproof underwater explosives, to store corrosive materials, and for garroting (strangling) the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

Astronaut and Senator John Glenn was a U.S. Marine fighter pilot who flew 59 combat missions during WWII and 63 combat missions during the Korean War and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross on six times. In Korea, he got the nickname "magnet ass" because he attracted so much enemy flak.

Sgt. Thomas Durrant, the recipient of the only Victoria Cross awarded in navel combat, and it was awarded on the recommendation of an enemy officer.

In addition to trying to make a "gay bomb" that would reduce enemy combatant effectiveness by turning them gay, the US military also tried to make a "flatulence bomb" that would make enemy soldiers uncontrollably flatulent, thus reducing enemy moral and making them easier to detect.

In WWII That Charles Lindbergh while working as a civilian liaison with the USAAF to improve upon combat capabilities of aircraft being used in theater, shot down an enemy Japanese squadron commander.

The US Navy employs sea lions that "apprehend and detain divers, who could be enemy combatants or saboteurs". You could be arrested by a literal sea lion.

Kasztanka, Polish Marshal Józef Piłsudski's favorite combat mare, was stuffed upon her death in 1927 and after World War II, was destroyed allegedly on the orders of Piłsudski's enemy, Marshal Michał Rola-Żymierski.

A United States Army Ranger in Iraq reportedly killed an enemy combatant with a spoon.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Enemy Combatants. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Enemy Combatants so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor