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Endangered Species facts

While investigating facts about Endangered Species Act and Endangered Species Chocolate, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A Black Robin named Old Blue has become the mother of her entire species when she was the last fertile female in a group of 5 Robins. There are now 250 Black Robins on the Chatham Islands, and have raised their status from Critically Endangered to Endangered.

how endangered species are protected?

It is illegal to film in Devetashka Cave ever since the Expendables 2 film caused the death/relocation of nearly 25,000 bats. 13 species included were considered to be endangered.

What endangered species are in the amazon rainforest?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what endangered species should we save. Here are 50 of the best facts about Endangered Species List 2019 and Endangered Species In India I managed to collect.

what endangered species have recovered?

  1. The bald eagle hasn't been considered an endangered species since 2007.

  2. Over the last decades the Florida Manatee population has increased by 500% possibly removing them from the endangered species list

  3. Johnny Cash's truck caused a massive forest fire that nearly wiped out an endangered species of condor. Upon being sued by the U.S. national government, Cash proclaimed: "I don't care about your damn yellow buzzards."

  4. Due to the growing popularity of 'pubic grooming', genital crabs are now an endangered species.

  5. Manatees were removed from the endangered species list in 2017 after 50 years on the list.

  6. During conservation efforts to save the critically endangered toolache wallaby, 10 of the last surviving members of the species were accidentally killed during efforts to capture them for a breeding program. The species is now extinct.

  7. As of 2016, Giant Pandas are no longer classified as an endangered species.

  8. Despite having survived on Earth for millions of years, Sturgeon are now more critically endangered than any other species due to increased demand for caviar, over fishing and pollution.

  9. Manatees live to be 60 years old and can demonstrate task learning abilities similar to Dolphins, yet, being herbivores, are nearly impossible to motivate. The English in the 1700s declared Florida to be a manatee sanctuary. Today, they're endangered species and sold on the Asian black market.

  10. California Endangered Species Act doesn't include protection provisions for insects; instead of trying to add insects to the act, a group of environmentalists tried to get bees categorized as fish because the act's definition of fish includes animals without backbones.

endangered species facts
What endangered species means?

Endangered Species data charts

For your convenience take a look at Endangered Species figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

endangered species fact data chart about This ad campaign by the WWF that represents each animal of a
This ad campaign by the WWF that represents each animal of an endangered species with one pixel

Why endangered species are important?

You can easily fact check why endangered species need protection by examining the linked well-known sources.

Humans were once an endangered species. 1.2 million years ago, at a time when our ancestors were spreading through Africa, Europe and Asia, there were probably only around 18,500 individuals capable of breeding.

There are only two living species of alligators on earth: the American Alligator and the Chinese alligator, the latter being critically endangered. - source

White tigers are not an endangered species that need to be saved, but are the result of double recessive traits, and are severely inbred to produce more white tigers, resulting in health problems. - source

Scientists used the frozen sperm from a Black-Footed Ferret who had been dead for 20 years to successfully produce offspring. The Black-Footed Ferret is a critically endangered species.

The Korean Demilitarized Zone has seen so little human activity, that several critically endangered species survive there. - source

When was the endangered species act passed?

Giant pandas were removed from the Endangered Species list

How endangered species become endangered?

Despite being wildly popular on sushi, Eel is actually an endangered species and is one of the only types of fish to be on Seafood Watch's "Avoid at all costs" list for being unsustainable and unhealthy.

A sparrow was shot because it knocked over 23000 domino bricks, just 4 days prior to the Domino Day Event. The shooter was later fined for shooting an endangered species.

Big game hunting in Africa, when done responsibly, can actually benefit endangered species and produce revenue for the conservation

The most expensive caviar in the world was from a 60-100 year old Iranian beluga sturgeon whose eggs went for $35,000/kilo ($1,000/oz.) It would be illegal in the US because Beluga is an endangered species.

Hawaii has more endangered species and has lost a higher percentage of its endemic species than any other U.S. state

When is a species considered endangered?

Marine species in the Indian Ocean that are considered to be endangered include whales, turtles, seals, and the dugong.

Dutch Harbor, Alaska is plagued by bald eagles, who attack people, dig through dumpsters for food and generally make a nuisance of themselves. They call them Dutch Harbor Pigeons and they can't do anything about them because they are an endangered species.

A man planted a 1,360 Acre forest all single-handedly. Enough trees to create an outdoor habitat for five endangered tigers (among other endangered species)

There are ten special concern, threatened, or endangered wildlife species located in Nahanni National Park Reserve as listed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.

There are 59 endangered species living in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. These include, among others, the Hawaiian hoary bat, Hawaiian goose, Hawaiian petrel, and hawksbill turtle.

How many endangered species are there?

Roughly one quarter of the world's population of the endangered mountain gorilla species is located in Virunga National park.

The Stombus gigas is on the endangered species list and trade is very restricted by law - making it less than ideal for moral and ethical reasons to use for creating a conch instrument. This is the species known as Queen Conch.

Out of 18 known penguin species, 5 species are endangered.

Endangered bird species in the Baltic Sea region include the Terek sandpiper, the Mediterranean gull, the southern dunlin, and the black-legged kittiwake.

New Hampshire's state bird is the purple finch and the state butterfly is the Karner blue butterfly. The Karner blue butterfly is on New Hampshire's endangered species list.

The Danube River was once extremely important for fisherman but this has declined since the Middle Ages. Some regions are still very active but there are also a variety of endangered species in the Danube River such as sturgeon species.

There are several endangered species living in Kakum National Park, including the giant bongo antelope, the African elephant, the Diana monkey, and the yellow-backed duiker.

The California Condor, a bird considered one of the most endangered species, can be found in the park.

Mochima National Park is home to four species of endangered sea turtles including the green turtle, loggerhead turtle, hawksbill turtle, and the leatherback turtle.

Despite nearing extinction in the 1950s due to DDT use, bald eagles haven't been an endangered species for over 20 years.

The quokkas lack of fear of humans and the small size of their natural habitat makes them vulnerable to becoming endangered as a species.

Although many governments around the world have passed laws to ensure biodiversity, there are over 300 extremely endangered species that have no laws to protect them.

Sirocco, a critically endangered New Zealandic parrot that became the official spokesbird for his species' conservation after attempting to mate with a zoologist's head on television.

Many of the species of endangered fish in Halong Bay are being threatened by the game fishing that occurs near the coral reefs.

Botswana is home to several species of endangered birds and mammals. These include the cheetah, the Kori bustard, the brown hyena, and the Pel's fishing owl.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Endangered Species. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Endangered Species so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor