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Electronic Devices facts

While investigating facts about Electronic Devices And Circuits and Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In a 60's government funded LSD study, "26 men unleashed a slew of widely embraced innovations shortly after their LSD experiences, including a mathematical theorem for NOR gate circuits, a conceptual model of a photon, a linear electron accelerator beam-steering device," [and more....]

how many electronic devices can i bring on a plane?

The Thing - a listening device in a carving of the Great Seal of the United States. A gift from the USSR to the US, it hung in the embassy for 7 years. It contained no electronics and would activate when a radio signal of the correct frequency was transmitted to it.

What electronic devices is?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what portable electronic devices are permitted in a scif. Here are 50 of the best facts about Electronic Devices Examples and Electronic Devices By Floyd I managed to collect.

what electronic devices are allowed on airplanes?

  1. Bluetooth technology (and its logo) was named after King Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson because he unified Denmark and Norway much like the technology which unifies electronic devices. The logo consists of the Nordic runes for his initials...H.B.

  2. Contrary to popular misconception, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) does not actually prohibit the use of personal electronic devices on aircraft. It's actually Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations that prohibit the use of mobile phones aboard aircraft in flight.

  3. At many military funerals, instead of a live bugler, a ceremonial bugle is used, which is an electronic device that is inserted into the bugle and plays a recording of Taps.

  4. The Mosquito Alarm, an electronic "teenager repellent" device used to deter loitering by emitting sound at high frequency, that can only be heard by younger people. The invention won the Ig Nobel Prize for Peace in 2006.

  5. There is an organization pushing for a universal power cord design to be adopted by all countries. The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) designed a three pronged plug which it hopes will become the universal standard for all plug-in electronic devices. A future without adaptors.

  6. The transistor revolutionized the electronics industry and was critical to the development of many devices including personal computers and cell phones.

  7. Bengal cat likes to explore and it demands plenty of attention. Tall cat tree, plenty of toys, puzzles and interactive games are essential to keep it mentally stimulated and prevent boredom that can lead to unwanted behavior (breaking of wires and destroying of valuable electronic devices). Bengal cat likes to collect and hide small, glistening items such as keys and jewelry.

  8. Workers do not wear gloves when dismantling electronic devices and are exposed to metals and toxins such as chromium and lead.

  9. Large sheets of mica are often mined from pegmatite and used to make components electronic devices, circuit boards, optical filters, detector windows, and many other products.

  10. The law being used to compel the unlocking/unencrypting of electronic devices is known as the All Writs Act of 1789. It was written 93 years before the first public use of electricity, and 157 years before the invention of the computer.

electronic devices facts
What are examples of portable electronic devices?

Why electronic devices use dc current?

You can easily fact check why electronic devices should be allowed in school by examining the linked well-known sources.

Sheet mica is used to electronic devices such as medical electronics, radar systems and oxygen breathing equipment.

Nearly all WiFi routers and WiFi enabled devices are susceptible to a de-authentication attack, where a code is sent to the router preventing connected devices from staying logged in. Though there is a protocol which prevents the attack, most routers and electronics don't use it. - source

The Punk band "The Misfits" famous skull mascot is originally from a 1946 film serial titled "The Crimson Ghost" in which the titular character plots to steal a device that can short out any electronic. The Crimson Ghost has also been featured in an Iron Maiden music video. - source

Various electronic devices have stickers inside that change color when in contact with water.

Television commercials send ultrasonic signals to electronic devices that are used to link the owner to TV viewing habits and to tie multiple devices to one owner. - source

Potential risks when using electronic communication devices?

A monkey called Britches. He had his eyelids sewn shut and an electronic sonar device attached to his head. The experiments were designed to study the behavioral and neural development of monkeys reared with a sensory substitution device.

How to disinfect electronic devices?

About one hundred million words are digitized every day through the use of Recaptcha. By confirming the spelling of words, you are helping computers recognize them, allowing books to be read on electronic devices.

Need for Speed the video game first debuted on the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer multimedia unit. The 32-Bit device was released at MSRP$700.00 (USD) in 1993 and was conceived by Trip Hawkins, one of the founders of Electronic Arts. The 3DO faced its demise by 1997 with only 2 million units sold.

Nokia's 1100 series handset is not only the best selling mobile phone of all time, but the most common single model of any consumer electronic device in history.

Electronics can grow metal whiskers at up to 1mm/year, and they can cause short circuits as devices age.

Pornohub is working on a wristband to charge electronic devices using the motion of masturbation

Interesting facts about electronic devices

In 1972 the world's champion chess player Boris Spassky was so psyched out by Bobby Fischer during there tournament he thought the American might be messing with his head using electronic devices or chemicals. This escalated with the find of two dead flies.

Police use special dogs to sniff out hidden hard drives, flash drives, and other electronic data storage devices.

After Japanese subs attacked 10 ships off the coast of California during WWII, a homeowner in Santa Cruz built an electronic anti-submarine device hidden in a middle eastern-style temple called the ‘Court of Mysteries.’ The device is said to have worked and his temple still stands today.

In 2012 we were close to get all electronic devices burn out by EMP released from the Sun's Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). There is 12% chance of same event happening in the next 10 years (data from 2014).

Disney research scientists created a room where your electronic devices begin to recharge as soon as you walk in the door.

How do i clean battery corrosion from electronic devices?

A Earth narrowly missed a powerful EMP like solar storm that tore through the earth's orbit in 2012, which would have knocked out all electronic devices on the planet. This event was severely under reported by the media.

A digital lollipop is an electronic device that synthesizes virtual tastes by stimulating the human tongue with electric currents. The device is capable of producing four of the primary tastes: sweet, sour, salty and bitter.

IP Code, a rating system that helps understand if a smartphone (or other electronic devices) are waterproof (and more).

You can reconstruct broken off plastic tabs on electronic devices with super glue and baking soda

Putting a wet smartphone or other electronic device in rice to soak up the water is a myth. The best thing to do is disassemble the phone and scrub any conductive materials that got wet using rubbing alcohol, then let dry.

The intricacy of music has been steadily decreasing since the 1960s and that most of today’s music in made with only electronic devices.

Scientists isolated the smell of death and it can be useful useful in training cadaver dogs or perhaps even creating an electronic death-sniffing device.

On the 23 of July 2012 the sun released Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), if CME strikes the Earth it can cause serious damage to all electronic devices and it will take a decade to recover the electricity. Luckily for us the Earth was on the other side when the erruption happened.

Small solar storms on the sun happen around 20 times per day. Also, they can fly many things like devices and electronics.

The theremin is an electronic musical instrument controlled without physical contact by the thereminist. It is named after the Westernized name of its Soviet inventor, Léon Theremin, who patented the device in 1928.

Because of devices getting thinner, lighter and more disposable some 41.5 million tons of electronic waste was generated in 2011, and that number is expected to rise to 93.5 million by 2016

The "Elephant's Foot" reactor core from Chernobyl had chunks for analysis shot off from a distance as electronic devices could not function near it due to the intense radiation

The 'Psychedelics in problem-solving experiment' resulted in space probe experiments devised to measure solar properties, design of a linear electron accelerator beam-steering device, a mathematical theorem regarding NOR gate circuits, and several other scientific advancements.

There is a clinically proven electronic device that is cleared by the FDA for the treatment of depression and anxiety, using electronic brain stimulation.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Electronic Devices. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Electronic Devices so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor