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Easter Eggs facts

While investigating facts about Easter Eggs Online and Easter Eggs Tesco, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When Ready Player One was released, there was an easter egg in the book that lead readers to three challenges, including playing a new Richard Garriott game and setting a world record on a game for the Atari 2600. The winner of the challenges was awarded a vintage DeLorean.

how easter eggs are made?

During the filming of The Rocky Horror Picture Show the crew held an easter egg hunt on set. Some of the eggs that weren't found can actually be seen in the film. This is suggested as the origin of the term.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what easter eggs are nut free. Here are 50 of the best facts about Easter Eggs Google and Easter Eggs Delivered I managed to collect.

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  1. Rapper Coolio's cameo in Batman & Robin was an Easter Egg setting up a fifth movie in the series. Coolio is uncredited as playing Dr. Jonathan Crane aka The Scarcrow who would've been the main villain in Batman Unchained.

  2. There is a massive Easter Egg involving a hex code and a cypher hidden in the show Archer that hasn't even come close to being cracked yet.

  3. The term "Easter Egg" (referring to hidden secrets in movies, music, or video games) probably comes from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. While filming, the cast had an Easter egg hunt and apparently didn't find a few of them, which found there way into shots used in the final film.

  4. The first known Easter egg in a video game was a secret room in Atari Adventure (1979) that credited the game's developer, Warren Robinett. Atari did not allow their developers to be credited at the time so Robinett added the feature, told no one, and quit before anything could be done about it.

  5. A certain easter egg in Batman: Arkham Asylum went unfound for so long that the creators went and announced it themselves.

  6. Atari didn't allow designers to receive credit on their games, and so Warren Robinett placed a secret object in the game which allowed the players to see a hidden screen displaying "Created by Warren Robinett", one of the earliest Easter eggs to be created

  7. Easter is really the celebration of the fertility goddess Eostre and that eggs and bunnies are her symbols.

  8. The Easter Bunny originated among German Lutherans in 1682 and originally played the role of a judge, evaluating whether children were good or disobedient in behavior at the start of the season of Eastertide. He then would proceed with bringing colored eggs for the children.

  9. The TV series "Psych" once made a remake of there own episode from 2006 filling it with past guest stars, Easter eggs, and a overall parody of remakes.

  10. In the add-on 'Lonesome Road' for the game 'Fallout: New Vegas' there's a fossilized dog statue that you can pick up named "Seymour". It's an Easter Egg to Fry's dog of the episode 'Jurassic Bark' in Futurama.

easter eggs facts
What easter eggs are vegan?

Easter Eggs data charts

For your convenience take a look at Easter Eggs figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

easter eggs fact data chart about Color Distribution of Easter Eggs Found by 2yo during city-w
Color Distribution of Easter Eggs Found by 2yo during city-wide egg hunt

easter eggs fact data chart about Picture graph of Easter eggs found by my 2yo son, arranged b
Picture graph of Easter eggs found by my 2yo son, arranged by color

Why easter eggs history?

You can easily fact check why easter eggs are made by examining the linked well-known sources.

The first ever video game easter egg was created by Warren Robinett in Adventure released during 1979, which featured a gray dot which, when brought back to the beginning, would display Warren Robinett's name as a way to give him credit since Atari only paid him a small amount of money.

The 2007 Will Smith movie "I Am Legend" included as an Easter Egg a poster for "Batman vs Superman" a movie that came out nine years later - source

In 2011 best selling author Ernest Cline hid an easter egg in his book "Ready Player One". It required the reader to discover a hidden url somewhere within the book and the go on to complete three different videogame challenges. The winner received a DeLorean. - source

The game Discworld II(1997) has an Easter egg in which the main character says:"I want to be the first person to say F**K in a sequel". It took gamers 15 years to find it. A similar confirmed Easter egg, has never been found in the first game.

The White House holds an annual Easter egg hunt on the front lawn. This tradition began in 1878 with President Rutherford B. Hayes.

When do you give easter eggs?

The Easter Egg hunt at the Biltmore Estate draw approximately 5,000 children each year.

How to dye easter eggs?

In 1981 the White House began to use wooden Easter eggs so they could be kept as keepsakes.

One of the biggest Easter eggs weighed 7,200kg and was 10.39 meters tall. It was on display in an Italian mall in 2011.

An Easter egg was created called The Real Easter Egg. This Easter egg explains the Christian meaning of Easter. In 2012, 90,000 Real Easter Eggs were sold to churches.

Ethan Hunt's call sign in the Mission Impossible movies is Bravo Echo 11 because it is the mirror image of "1138", a number that appears as an Easter Egg throughout the Star Wars series and other George Lucas movies.

Some of Cadbury's products include the Dairy Milk Bar, Flake, Fudge, Twirl, Crunchie, Easter Crème Egg, Crème Egg Minis, Advent Calendars, Wheaties, Boost, and Fry's Chocolate Cream.

Easter eggs infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Easter Eggs numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

easter eggs fact infographic about Do bunnies lay eggs? The question that is only asked on East

Do bunnies lay eggs? The question that is only asked on Easter (Source: Google Trends)

When do you eat easter eggs?

In 1979, Atari did not yet include programmers' names in game credits. A programmer on the game "Adventure" secretly hid the message "Created by Warren Robinett", which would appear only when a player moved an avatar over a specific pixel at a specific time, creating the first media Easter Egg.

The Tesla Model X has a hidden easter egg program that makes it dance to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Google once had an Easter Egg hidden in Google Maps that would direct you to jet ski across the ocean when traveling between Beijing and Tokyo.

A new easter egg. The clothes Ice Cube wears in the first scene of Friday are exactly the same as the ones he wore in the final scene of Boyz n the Hood.

The Russo Brothers, directors of "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Captain America: Civil War," have been dropping in "Arrested Development" easter eggs in their Marvel films, including Tobias Fünke and the Bluth family stair car.

How to make easter eggs?

Members of the Greek Orthodox faith often paint their Easter eggs red, which symbolizes Jesus" blood and his victory over death. The color red is symbolic of the renewal of life, and as such, Jesus" resurrection.

'A113' an Easter Egg added in many animated films and shows by alumni of California Institute of the Arts. It's originally the door number to the classroom of first year Graphic Design students.

J.S. Fry & Son, a chocolate factory in Bristol, UK, in 1847 molded the first chocolate bar suitable for large scale production. They also produced the first chocolate Easter egg and their version of the Turkish Delight which, after merging with Cadbury in 1919, still bears the Fry name.

In Lithuania, during Easter, children base their egg activities around the Easter Granny instead of the Easter Bunny.

Lucy Hayes (nee Webb) was the first U.S. First Lady to graduate from college in 1850. She also set the modern standard for First Ladies of the future through her routine charitable activities and the now traditional White House easter egg hunt.

Toy Story 3 director Lee Unkrich is a massive fan of The Shining and personally put in several Easter eggs, including a garbage truck with the license plate "RM237".

An Easter tradition in Czechia where men spank women with sticks and get rewarded with chocolate, eggs, alcohol, and ribbons for their sticks from said women.

In 1885, kids attending the White House Easter Egg Roll snuck into the East Room, hoping to meet President Cleveland. They trashed the place, ruining the East Room carpet, which was ground full of freshly smashed hard-boiled egg and broken egg shells.

In parts of Eastern Europe, Easter Monday is celebrated by dragging young women to a nearby river, dunking them in water, and whipping them with branches. Girls can save themselves by paying a ransom of painted eggs

Eggs were a symbol of life to Ancient Egyptians, Persians, Romans and Greeks. The custom of giving eggs at Easter originated with them.

An employee from Maxis was fired because he coded an easter egg in SimCopter3D that involved male characters kissing each other under certain dates

Decorating Easter eggs was traditionally a symbol of the empty tomb. This tradition is called Pysanka. Christians believe that Easter eggs symbolize new life and resurrection.

The annual limited-edition Reese’s Easter eggs ARE scientifically superior than the regular peanut butter cups. (It’s not all in our heads!)

In France on Easter bells are said to grow wings and fly to Rome before returning to deliver eggs and chocolate.

The vertical lights on the CN Tower cycle through what seem to be random patterns, but each cycle is actually a single line that stretches out to form a 2D image. This easter egg went undiscovered for years.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Easter Eggs. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Easter Eggs so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor