Easter Bunny facts
While investigating facts about Easter Bunny Tracker and Easter Bunny Pictures, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Easter is really the celebration of the fertility goddess Eostre and that eggs and bunnies are her symbols.
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The Easter Bunny originated among German Lutherans in 1682 and originally played the role of a judge, evaluating whether children were good or disobedient in behavior at the start of the season of Eastertide. He then would proceed with bringing colored eggs for the children.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering why is there a bunny at easter. Here are 24 of the best facts about Easter Bunny Fight and Easter Bunny Images I managed to collect.
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Sweden has the Easter Wizard and not the Easter Bunny, due to a language misunderstanding
Approximately 90 million chocolate bunnies are sold at Easter.
Dav Pilkey's Dumb Bunnies book series includes The Dumb Bunnies (1994), The Dumb Bunnies" Easter (1995), Make Way for Dumb Bunnies (1996), and The Dumb Bunnies Go to the Zoo (1997).
The biggest chocolate bunny was created by an artist in South Africa in 2010. It weighed 3 tons and stood at 12 feet.
American football player William Hayes does not believe in dinosaurs, claiming that archaeologists place their bones underground for others to find (like an Easter bunny). He is also a firm believer in mermaids saying that we have a higher chance of finding a mermaid than dinosaur.
In Lithuania, during Easter, children base their egg activities around the Easter Granny instead of the Easter Bunny.
Easter is named after the Anglo-Saxon Goddess Eostre, and that the Easter bunny is also associated with pagan mythology.
A chocolatier created "Cumberbunnies" for Easter, which is basically a chocolate easter bunny with Benedict's face on it.
Approximately $14.7 billion is spent every Easter, with an average of $130 for each home. 120 million pounds of candy are sold at Easter. Approximately 75% of people will eat the chocolate bunny's ears first.
There is quite the mystery in determining the origin of the Easter Bunny. A growing consensus now suggests that EB is an evolution of the Germanic Goddess Ostara (which became Easter), and folklore abounds celebrating Ostara's return each Spring to welcome back the sun.
Easter Bunny data charts
For your convenience take a look at Easter Bunny figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why easter bunny tradition by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1942 James and Clara Easter had a baby on Easter sunday. They named her Bunny Easter.
Easter eggs are 30 times older than Jesus but the Easter bunny has only been around since the 1600s - source
Australia has an Easter Bilby, not a bunny, since rabbits there are an ecological pest.
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Easter Bunnies can be sitting watching you and you can walk past and not even notice, as their camoflauge is so effeggtive.
How easter bunny is associated with easter?
The Easter Bunny originated among German Lutherans in 1682 and originally played the role of a judge, evaluating whether children were good or disobedient in behavior at the start of the season of Eastertide. He then would proceed with bringing colored eggs for the children.
A 2008 Easter time poll identified the Rabbit of Caerbannog as Britian's 3rd favorite movie bunny, after Roger Rabbit and Frank from Donnie Darko.
We eat chocolate bunnies because it is a modern mash-up of commerce, confectionery, and immigration. In German Easter was tied to fertility (hence bunnies) and some model Easter bunnies were made with cavities for hiding chocolates/sweets. Around 1890 the first chocolate bunnies showed up.
The namesake of the festival of Easter is the Germanic divinity Ēostre, or Ostara, and that hares and eggs were ancient symbols of fertility and spring and are the origin of the Easter Bunny.
The Easter Bunny is the king of candy sales