Earned Doctorate facts
While investigating facts about Earned Doctorate Canada and Earned Doctorate Degree, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After running late to a class, George Dantzig copied down two problems he thought were homework and solved them. The two problems were in fact two famous unsolved problems in statistics, which later earned him his doctorate.
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The saying "an apple a day keeps the doctors away" dates back to 19th Century Wales, and was originally phrased "Eat an apple on going to bed, and you'll keep the doctor from earning his bread."
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does earned doctorate mean. Here are 40 of the best facts about Earned Doctorate Wes and Earned Doctorate Meaning I managed to collect.
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Helen Magill White was the first American woman to earn a PhD. Raised by a Quaker father who believed she have the same education as her brothers, Helen attended Boston University, where in 1877, she earned a doctorate in Greek. Her thesis “the Greek Drama” was discovered at Cornell in 2018
Calling yourself "doctor" if you don't hold a PhD earned in Germany is a criminal offence
An Electrical Engineer once named his five children Electron, Positron, Neutron, Deutron and Proton. One of those children is Doctor Electron Kebebew who is a leading cancer researcher and top earning civil-servant in the US.
The Brazilian football player Sócrates, was a doctor of medicine, a degree he earned concurrently playing professional football. He was also noted for being an intellectual, a heavy drinker and a smoker.
In Cuba a taxi driver could earn in one day what a doctor makes in a month
Shaq earned a doctorate degree in education in 2012.
"Navayana Buddhism" which re-interpreted Buddha's original teachings to emphasize social equality. It was founded by a man from the lowest caste in India who would later earn doctorates both Columbia University and the London School of Economics.
Rachel Maddow was the first openly gay or lesbian American to win an international Rhodes Scholarship. She used it to earn a Doctor of Philosophy in politics from Oxford University
Clive Cussler's first non-fiction book published, The Sea Hunters, earned him a Doctor of Letters degree. In 1997 the State University of New York Maritime College's Board of Directors accepted the book in place of a Ph. D thesis, and gave him the degree.
After earning his bachelor's degree in 1922 and his Master's degree in 1923, Beckman and his wife Mabel moved to California where he earned his doctorate at Caltech and later became a professor.
Earned Doctorate data charts
For your convenience take a look at Earned Doctorate figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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After earning her doctorate in 1905, Arber continued her research and eventually published her first book, Herbals, Their Origin and Evolution, in 1912.
After finishing graduate school and going on to earn his doctorate, Alcala returned to Silliman as its vice president of research and eventually as the university's president.
In 1742 Junipero Serra earned a theology doctorate from Lullian University.
During prohibition in the United States doctors earned ~$40 million for whiskey prescriptions
He transferred to Wadham College, Oxford where he earned a Doctor of Science degree in physiology.
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Benjamin Cabrera became a doctor in 1945 after earning his degree at the University of the Philippines.
Harvey earned his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Padua on April 25, 1602.
During World War I his family emigrated to Vienna where he earned his doctorate from the Vienna University of Technology ( Technische Universitat Wien) in 1928.
The saying that "An apple a day will keep the doctor away" originated from an even older saying, ‘‘Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.”
His doctoral advisor was Salvador Luria who in 1969 earned a Nobel Prize for his work on the nature of genetic mutations.
Bosch earned a doctorate in organic chemistry from the University of Leipzig in 1898.