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Earliest Recorded facts

While investigating facts about Earliest Recorded History and Earliest Recorded Human History, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A Japanese farmer discovered a gold seal while repairing an irrigation ditch in 1784. The seal turned out to be 95% pure gold and was a gift from the Chinese Emperor to a Japanese envoy from 54 CE, the earliest recorded date of contact between the two countries

how old is the earliest evidence of life on earth?

Julius Caesar's body was the subject of the earliest known recorded autopsy. Of the 23 stab wounds recorded, only one was potentially fatal on its own; the physician ruled his death due "mostly to blood loss."

What is the earliest recorded history?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are some of the earliest recorded uses of fractions. Here are 50 of the best facts about Earliest Recorded Music and Earliest Recorded Hurricane I managed to collect.

sales should be recorded at the earliest when?

  1. The earliest voice recording (made in 1860) could not be played back until 2008

  2. The pied piper is a legend, not a fairy tale. 'The earliest written record is from the town chronicles in an entry from 1384 which states: "It is 100 years since our children left."'

  3. the earliest audio recording of the word "fuck" was made in 1885. A technician at Volta labs was testing his equipment when it malfunctioned and recorded his iritated response.

  4. The earliest known recording of a human voice was made in 1860 by dragging a stylus over soot-colored paper. The recording was made for visual purposes only and was not played back until 2008.

  5. Cheese making is ancient and predates recorded history. The earliest evidence of cheese making is 5500 BCE, in Kujawy, Poland, where fat molecules were found on ancient strainers.

  6. The earliest historical record of pillow use is from about 7000 BCE in the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia.

  7. The earliest recorded use of the word "Fuck" dates back to 1310, when "Roger the Navel-Fucker" (Roger Fuckebythenavele) was banned from Chester County in England for failure to appear in court.

  8. One of the earliest records we have of dreadlocks are from a civilisation in Crete

  9. The Battle of Kadesh, the earliest battle in recorded history for which details of tactics and formations are known. It is believed to have been the largest chariot battle ever fought, involving between 5,000 and 6,000 chariots in total.

  10. Truth or Dare has existed for centuries, the earliest recorded version being called "Questions and Commands".

earliest recorded facts
What are the earliest recorded biographies in the philippines?

What is true about earliest recorded?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Some of the earliest instances of biological warfare were said to have been products of the bubonic plague, as armies of the 14th century were recorded catapulting diseased corpses over the walls of towns and villages to spread the pestilence.

The earliest known recorded use of the phrase "atomic bomb" comes from H. G. Wells' 1914 novel The World Set Free. - source

The 1642 death of Anthony Van Corlaer may be the earliest recorded shark attack in the New World. A witness to Van Corlaer's death stated that "the devil" in the shape of a giant fish swam up and proceeded to "seize the sturdy Anthony by the leg and drag him beneath the waves." - source

In the early 00's, some 200 wax cylinders thought lost forever were found, containing the earliest known recordings of classical music

There are several periodic meteor showers that astronomers and amateur observers look for every year, for example the Perseid meteor showers with more than 60 meteors per minute and is widely watched each year in August. The earliest record known of the Perseids meteor shower is found in Chinese annals from 36 AD. It is associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle which takes 133 years to orbit the Sun.

When was the earliest recorded use of mathematics?

The earliest recorded pasta is Testaroli, created by the Etruscans

How old is the earliest fossil evidence of dogs?

The earliest supernova to be observed occurred in 185 AD. It was recorded by Chinese astronomers.

In the earliest days of the recording industry, every record was a "master". Between 1890 and 1895 George W. Johnson, recorded his two best-selling recordings "The Whistling Coon" and "The Laughing Song" an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 times.

Al Quaraouiyine is the oldest university in the world opened in 859 AD in Fez, Morocco according to Guiness World Records. Its library came along in 1359 AD and contains manuscripts that are among the earliest in Islamic history.

The earliest recorded school "shooting", the Enoch Brown school massacre on July 26, 1764, prompted Pennsylvania Governor John Penn to reintroduce the scalp bounty system which offered $134 for the scalp of an American Indian male above the age of ten; and $50 for women.

The earliest recorded usage of the word 'cunt' was in 1230 as part of the London street name Gropecunt Lane.

Sales should be recorded at the earliest when?

The earliest recorded film accident occurred in 1914, in Across the Border. The lead actress, Grace McHugh, fell into a river while filming. The lead cinematographer Owen Carter went after her and helped her onto a nearby sandbar, that turned out to be quicksand. They sadly drowned in it.

One of the earliest surviving recordings of music is from as far back as 1888, and you can listen to it right there in the Wikipedia article. Truly mesmerizing!

The Stele of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BCE) was one of the earliest surviving codes of law in recorded history.

The earliest audio recording of a joke was made in the early 1890's.

Animals, including insects, faced the possibility of criminal charges for several centuries across many parts of Europe. The earliest extant record of an animal trial is the execution of a pig in 1266 at Fontenay-aux-Roses.

How old is the earliest evidence for metallurgy in south america?

The earliest recorded freezing of the River Thames occurred in AD1150.

The voice Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd US President, is the earliest preserved recording of a President speaking, made in 1889.

Sushi originated from South East Asia, and the earliest records of the dish are from China

The earliest source of the word fuck comes from a 1310 English Court Record where a man was referred to as 'Roger Fuckbythenavele'

The earliest recorded LARP group was founded in the United States in 1977 and is called Dagorhir.

The earliest recorded recipe for Mac & Cheese is from the 14th century

The earliest reference to a Unicorn is in an Ancient Greek writer's book on India where he describes a donkey with a 27 inch horn. The book also recorded the first reference to the mythical Manticore.

Kuyili, a commander of an all-female army that rebelled against the British. She destroyed a British ammunition depot by dousing herself in oil, setting herself on fire and then walking into the depot. This is one of the earliest recorded suicide attacks in Indian history.

King Mu of Zhou took a ride with his eight precious horses and travelled thousands of miles to the Kunlun Mountains. According to modern scholars, his Western tour should be somewhere between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, which is the earliest historical record between China and the West

The earliest recorded club playing football of any kind was simply called Foot-Ball Club (founded in Edinburgh in 1824)

The earliest human interaction ever recorded was in 1999 when an unborn baby, Samuel Armas, held the finger of his surgeon after a life saving operation at 21 weeks. The photograph became known as "The Hand of Hope"

The earliest name in recorded history is Iry-Hor, who was one of the earliest rulers of Egypt in 32nd century BC.

It is "Battery Day" and the earliest known battery in recorded human history, known as the Baghdad Battery, can be traced back 2000 years ago created with a clay pot containing a metal tube and a metal rod.

The earliest recorded instance of of the word "fuck" is in a 14th century English legal document regarding one Mr. Roger Fuckebythenavele (literally "Fuck-by-the-navel"). The trial had nothing to do with his offensive name.

The earliest joke in recorded history is a fart joke

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Earliest Recorded. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Earliest Recorded so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor