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Earliest Documented facts

While investigating facts about Earliest Documented History and Earliest Documented Human, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The term lesbian comes from an ancient greek island called Lesbos. She is believed to be the earliest documented gay or bisexual woman and was born in 615 BC. Sappho was a poet and a playwright but her works were destroyed in the fire that burned down the Library of Alexandria

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One of the earliest uses for the term Round Robin was a document signed by multiple parties in a circle to make it more difficult to determine the order in which it was signed, thus preventing a ringleader from being identified, a mutiny on a ship for example.

What is the earliest documented civilization?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the name of the earliest well-documented supercontinent on earth. Here are 26 of the best facts about Earliest Documented Serial Killer and Earliest Documented Case Of Cancer I managed to collect.

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  1. Isaac Newton lost over £20,000 from the South Sea Bubble, one of the earliest documented asset bubbles in history. Using a set of inflation calculators, the equivalent value is $4,108,793.48 in 2018 dollars.

  2. The earliest documented appearance of "snowflake" with its current gist comes from Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club, published in 1996

  3. The 'Tailor of Châlons', one of the earliest known serial killers, murdered and cannibalized enough children to fill a barrel with their bones. After he was executed in 1598, all court documents regarding the case were destroyed in order to erase his name from history

  4. Snowmen have been made since the medieval times, with the earliest documentation (in the form of an illustration) being from 1380. Additionally the earliest photograph of one was taken in 1853 by a Welsh photographer.

  5. The earliest documentation of pay-to-use toilets comes from the reign of Emperor Titus in 74 AD, almost 2000 years ago. He created them to ease financial hardship from war costs, and when he was ridiculed by his people for the decision, he said “Money does not stink”.

  6. Acronyms POTUS, SCOTUS, etc. -OTUS originated as codes used by telegraph operators. The earliest documentation of this is dated 1879.

  7. The earliest documented use of biological weapons from around 1500–1200 BC, when victims of tularemia -- a serious infectious disease -- were driven into enemy lands, causing an epidemic among the enemy.

  8. The idea of towing icebergs to desert regions for fresh water has been around for a very long time - one of the earliest documented "modern" plans dates back to 1825. (Article from 2011)

  9. The stereotypical musical asian motif, the "Oriental Riff", is a western invention with the earliest documented use in an 1800's play about Aladdin.

  10. The earliest recorded instance of of the word "fuck" is in a 14th century English legal document regarding one Mr. Roger Fuckebythenavele (literally "Fuck-by-the-navel"). The trial had nothing to do with his offensive name.

earliest documented facts
What is the earliest documented religion?

Why did earl warren retire?

You can easily fact check why is earl warren famous by examining the linked well-known sources.

The earliest documented case of child abuse was uncovered in an ancient Egyptian cemetery. A toddler.

One of the earliest documents written in the Italian language, as it was diverging from Latin, is a short riddle containing the words, "negro semen". - source

In 1911, kola became the focus of one of the earliest documented health scares when the US government seized 40 barrels and 20 kegs of Coca-Cola syrup in Chattanooga, Tennessee, alleging that the caffeine in its drink was "injurious to health" - source

King Henry V of England is credited with having invented what some consider the first true passport, as a means of helping his subjects prove who they were in foreign lands. The earliest reference to these documents is found in a 1414 Act of Parliament.

The earliest documented cock rings were in 13th century China and were made of goat eyelids, complete with eyelashes. - source

When was the earliest documented use of binary numbers and who is credited for that?

The earliest recorded documentation by the West about Brunei is by an Italian in 1550, who said the "Bruneian people have fairer skin tone than the peoples he met in Maluku Islands". Some sources stated that the Malays of Brunei came from Yunnan and Taiwan

In May 2010, one of the earliest documented bitcoin transactions involved a user offering 10,000 BTCs (equivalent to 40$ at the time) in exchange for 2 pizzas delivered to his house. By May 2011, these BTCs became worth 76,000$. Today, that Pizza transaction is equivalent to 2 Million $.

The Earliest Known Document that proves the Pythagorean Theorem is a Old Babylonian Cuneiform Tablet from 1770 B.C. held in the National Museum of Iraq. The work predates Pythagora's life by 1200 years.

The earliest documented "mic drop" in history was done by Eddie Murphy at the end of his 1983 stand-up special "Delirious"

The word "Trumpery" means something showy but worthless, nonsense, rubbish, deceit, fraud, or trickery. It comes from the French word tromper (to deceive), and it's earliest documented use in English was 1481.

From 14th century court documents, we know that a man named "Roger Fuckbythenavele" existed. It is also the earliest recorded instance of the word "Fuck" used in its current, modern meaning

When is the earliest that a workaround can be documented in 'problem management'?

The earliest documented earthquake in Japan occurred in 416 AD, when the Imperial Palace at Kyoto was leveled by the severity of the Earth's tremor.

The earliest documented instance of The Mandela Effect, the term given for mass misrememberings of events such as Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 80's, was during an Art Bell live radio show in 2001.

About the Harpe Brothers, the earliest documented serial killers in the United States

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Earliest Documented. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Earliest Documented so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor