Incredible and fun facts to explore

Dry Cleaning facts

While investigating facts about Dry Cleaning Near Me and Dry Cleaning Prices, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The process of dry cleaning was invented in 1821 by an African American business owner named Thomas Jennings. He was one of the first African Americans to be granted a patent. He had to use the proceeds from his invention to buy his wife and children out of slavery.

how dry cleaning works?

Dr Seuss's first book was rejected 20+ times. He was on his way to burn it when he ran into a college friend who had just been made children's editor at Vanguard Press. Seuss later said, 'If I'd been going down the other side of Madison Ave, I'd be in the dry-cleaning business today.'

What dry cleaning means?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what dry cleaning solvent. Here are 36 of the best facts about Dry Cleaning At Home and Dry Cleaning Process I managed to collect.

what's dry cleaning?

  1. When handling old books and rare manuscripts it’s actually better to just have really clean and dry hands rather than wearing gloves or other protective material.

  2. In 2014 the beard of the Golden Mask of Tutankhamun fell off as it was cleaned by Museum employees, trying to cover up their mistake they tried to glue it back on with quick-dry plastic glue, leaving it off-center. This was later noticed and the employees got charged with "reckless destruction".

  3. Oil-Dri was, a product invented for cleaning up oil spills on the garage floor it was not until a cat pissed in a bucket of Oil-Dri that they realized another use for it, cat litter. That is how Cat’s Pride became the first cat litter.

  4. Ancient Romans used ammonia from urine to wash togas in a manner simillar to modern day dry cleaning, and the collection of urine was taxed.

  5. Chinchillas clean their fur by taking dust baths, rolling around in dust made of fine pumice. The dust gets in their fur and absorbs oil and dirt. They don’t bathe in water because their dense fur prevents air-drying, retaining moisture close to the skin that can cause fungus growth or fur rot.

  6. Dry cleaning is not a "dry" process: clothes are soaked in a solvent other than water

  7. The process of mummification was a long one with many steps. These steps included 1) wash and purify body; 2) remove organs and dry them, organs were either put in jars or back in the body, but the heart was placed in the body not in a jar; 3) rinse body clean with wine and spices; 4) fill the body with stuffing; 5) cover the body with natron salt; 6) after about 40 or 50 days the body is re-stuffed with linen, wrapped in a shroud, and placed in a stone coffin.

  8. Although the government pays for state dinners and other official functions, the president has to pay for personal, family, and guest dry cleaning and food which includes personal use of the White House kitchen.

  9. Dry Cleaning isn't dry at all. They just use a hydrocarbon solvent instead of water.

  10. About the Homestake experiment, in which an abandoned gold mine was filled with 100,000 gallons of dry cleaning fluid to detect solar neutrinos. Due to anomalous results the experimenter was accused of making a mistake, but he later shared a Nobel Prize for discovering neutrino oscillation

dry cleaning facts
What does dry cleaning do?

Why dry cleaning is expensive?

You can easily fact check why dry cleaning only by examining the linked well-known sources.

The original Saint nick was a 4th century bishop of Myra in modern day Turkey. In one legend he secretly threw bags filled with gold coins through windows and down chimneys, where they landed in clean stockings hung up to dry.

Badger regularly eliminates dry plants and other waste material from its sett to keep it clean from lice and other parasites. It defecates and eats outside the sett for the same reason. Some setts in the wild are centuries old and still in use.

Operation Algeciras, a failed plan to attack British ships during the Falklands war. After being arrested, the saboteurs took the police to lunch, and picked up some dry cleaning

Dry cleaning isn't dry. It just lacks water. - source

Starch when dry cleaning?

“dry” cleaning is a misnomer, because it isn’t actually dry at all. It refers to a method of cleaning clothes using a liquid chemical solvent instead of water.

How dry cleaning is done?

The US president pays for all of his own meals and other services such as dry cleaning

The best way to preserve a carved pumpkin is to clean it with bleach, and use a water-repellent lubricant to keep it from drying out. If you plan to eat your pumpkin after carving, skip the bleach and use veggie or olive oil instead

In 2014, India’s skin whitening industry launched 'Clean & Dry' intended to whiten a woman’s intimate parts

I learned that human and animal urine was a commodity resource that was taxed by the government of ancient Romans. Urine collected was used as an ancient method of dry cleaning.

The dry cleaning process isn't dry at all

What happens when dry cleaning?

The dry cleaning process is not dry at all

Dry cleaning has been around since at least 79 BCE in Rome (from an aptly named YouTube channel)

ILT how dry cleaning works ... Spoiler alert: the clothes actually do get wet

Dry cleaning works by using using a carcinogenic chemical perchloroethlyne.

How dry cleaning at home?

The President of The United States pays for personal, family, and guest dry cleaning and food

Dry cleaning isn't 'dry' at all, but washed in a machine with a solvent

Dr Seuss's first book was rejected 20+ times. He was on his way to burn it when he ran into a college friend who had just been made children's editor at Vanguard Press. Seuss later said, 'If I'd been going down the other side of Madison Ave, I'd be in the dry-cleaning business today.'

Most dry-clean-only items can actually be safely washed at home.

The reason why kopi luwak coffee is so expensive is because it has to be fed to the Asian palm civet, digested, then defecated. Then humans clean and dry the kopi luwak coffee beens aka civet poop then it's to be sold to the public.

You can use Hand Sanitizer to clean old dry Whiteboards

Most dry cleaners will clean an American Flag free of charge.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dry Cleaning. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dry Cleaning so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor