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Romans Urine facts

While investigating facts about Romans Urine Teeth and Roman Urine Laundry, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Romans used urine as mouthwash, they even paid high dollar to have large quantities shipped in from Portugal because they didn't think their own pee was exotic enough.

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The Ancient Romans would piss on their clothes (or let strangers relieve themselves in a bowl and collect the urine), let it break down into ammonia, mix it with water and stir the mixture with their feet to clean their laundry.

What unusual things did the romans use urine for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did the romans use portuguese urine for. Here are 34 of the best facts about Roman Urine Mouthwash and Romans Brush Teeth With Urine I managed to collect.

what did the romans use urine for?

  1. Ancient Romans used ammonia from urine to wash togas in a manner simillar to modern day dry cleaning, and the collection of urine was taxed.

  2. A Roman emperor, Caracalla was killed while urinating on the side of the road by one of his sword wielding bodyguards.

  3. Romans used urine to clean their clothes.

  4. The Romans Would Tax Your Urine because of its ammonia content. They found it to be a natural enemy of dirt and grease, valuable for laundering clothes and whitening teeth.

  5. Romans commonly used urine as a mouthwash to whiten teeth. This was because urine contains ammonia, a naturally occurring cleaning agent

  6. The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine.

  7. The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine. Apparently, it works.

  8. Ancient Romans would swish urine for its teeth-whitening effects

  9. Ancient Romans used urine to clean and whiten their teeth. It actually worked due to the ammonia content in the urine acting as a whitening agent.

  10. The Roman Emperor Vespasian instituted a urine tax on the distribution of urine from public urinals where the buyer of the urine (launderers, tanners) paid the tax on the urine.

romans urine facts
What are the best facts about Romans Urine?

Why did the romans brush their teeth with urine?

You can easily fact check why did romans use urine as mouthwash by examining the linked well-known sources.

Wealthy ancient Romans would purchase Portuguese urine (believed to contain more ammonia than other urine) and use it as a mouthwash. Urine remained a popular ingredient in mouthwash until the 18th century.

While filming a scene for Chinatown, Roman Polanski wouldn’t allow a bathroom break for Faye Dunaway. In protest, she pissed in a coffee cup and threw the urine in his face. - source

When was romanian dictator killed?

Romans used urine as mouthwash. Urine contains ammonia, which is one of the best natural cleaning agents on the planet.

The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine. Apparently it works.

Romans consumed urine as a cleaning agent for their mouths and bodies

The Romans used human urine as mouthwash

The ancient Romans used urine to whiten their teeth.

Interesting facts about romans urine

I learned that human and animal urine was a commodity resource that was taxed by the government of ancient Romans. Urine collected was used as an ancient method of dry cleaning.

Ancient Romans used Urine to Whiten their Teeth and other stuff-I'm not even joking they actually did

The ancient romans would regularly use urine to clean and whiten teeth.

Ancient Romans used urine in an attempt to make and keep their teeth whiter.

The Romans would clean and whiten their teeth as well as wash their clothes with human urine. They would also collect the urine from public urinals to sell, which also had its own urine tax.

Ancient Romans would whiten their teeth with stale urine, which made it a luxury. It became so popular for poor people to steal urine from the public toilets and sell it that Emperor Nero had to introduce a 'urine tax'

The Romans used to cleanse and whiten their teeth with urine

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Romans Urine. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Romans Urine so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor