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Doomsday Clock facts

While investigating facts about Doomsday Clock Midnight and Doomsday Clock Dc, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Doomsday Clock is set to 3 minutes to midnight, the first time since 1984

how doomsday clock works?

The Doomsday Clock is currently at 2.5 minutes to midnight. The closest it's been since the Cold War

What's doomsday clock?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens when the doomsday clock hits midnight. Here are 34 of the best facts about Doomsday Clock 2019 and Doomsday Clock Live I managed to collect.

where is the doomsday clock located at?

  1. The Doomsday Clock has been revised to 2 minutes, 30 seconds to midnight.

  2. The Doomsday Clock is currently 3 minutes to midnight - just one minute away from it's worst time during the Cold War.

  3. As of January 2017, the Doomsday Clock is set at 2 and a half minutes to Midnight, the second closest setting to Midnight since the clock's conception.

  4. The "Doomsday Clock", a symbolic clock representing a countdown to possible global catastrophe, is set at "3 Minutes to Midnight"— having only been lower during the Cold War in the 1950s.

  5. The Doomsday Clock is currently set at 2 and 1/2 minutes to midnight, the closest it's been to midnight since the early 80's and the first time it's been moved half a minute.

  6. The Doomsday Clock, a representation of how close we are to global catastrophe with midnight representing the end, has been at 3 minutes to midnight since 2015, the first time since the late 80s that it was that close to midnight.

  7. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scienctists puts us at 3 minutes to midnight on the Doomsday clock. We haven't been this close to annihilation on the clock since 1984.

  8. The Doomsday Clock sits just 3 minutes from midnight(23:57). The second closest it has ever been since its creation.

  9. The Doomsday Clock "represents the Bulletin [of the Atomic Scientists] Science and Security Board's assessment of two fundamental questions": Is civilization safer than it was last year? And is civilization safer than it has been since 1947?

  10. A Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves Doomsday Clock 2 minutes closer to midnight because in 2015, unchecked climate change, global nuclear weapons modernizations, and outsized nuclear weapons arsenals pose extraordinary and undeniable threats to the continued existence of humanity.

doomsday clock facts
What time is it on the doomsday clock?

Doomsday Clock data charts

For your convenience take a look at Doomsday Clock figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

doomsday clock fact data chart about The Doomsday Clock (risk of nuclear catastrophe charted in '
The Doomsday Clock (risk of nuclear catastrophe charted in 'minutes to midnight').

doomsday clock fact data chart about 100 Seconds to Midnight - Analyzing 3 years of news content
100 Seconds to Midnight - Analyzing 3 years of news content to understand what moved the Doomsday Clock

Why is the doomsday clock 2 minutes to midnight?

You can easily fact check why is the doomsday clock 100 seconds to midnight by examining the linked well-known sources.

The doomsday clock, a measure of how close humanity is to exterminating itself, has been at 2 minutes til' midnight since 2018, the lowest its ever been. - source

The doomsday clock as published by the FAS in Jan this year stood at 2.5 minutes to doomsday. One of the reasons cited was Donald Trump becoming the president of the US. - source

What happens when doomsday clock hits midnight?

The "Doomsday Clock" is Two & Half Minutes to Midnight, The Closet It Has Been Since 1953

How does the doomsday clock work?

The doomsday clock that the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists set, that started since 1945, has the clock set at three minutes before midnight 2015, in comparison to 1972's twelve minutes before midnight which was in the middle of the Cold War.

As of 2015, the Doomsday Clock is set to 3 minutes to midnight

What happens when doomsday clock reaches midnight?

The Doomsday clock currently sits at the 3 minute mark. Closest its been to midnight since 1984

The Doomsday Clock is set to 2 1/2 minutes to midnight. This makes it closer to midnight than it was during the early 1980's.

There is a doomsday clock wich keeps track of when humanity will destroy itsself. Its currently at 23:58 (at 0:00 is "the end")

The Doomsday clock" which was launched 1945 showed the closest time to a catastrophe in 2017 which was - Two and a half minutes to Midnight.

How accurate is the doomsday clock?

On the doomsday clock we are two and a half minutes to midnight. The closest to midnight the clock got to was two minutes in 1957.

That, as of January 2018, the Doomsday Clock has been set to 2 minutes until midnight, the closest to Armageddon since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The doomsday clock is real, and it's ticking...

There is a doomsday clock that counts to "midnight", symbolizing the end of humanity. At 2.5 minutes, it is the closest it has been to midnight since the Korean War.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Doomsday Clock. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Doomsday Clock so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor