Domain Names facts
While investigating facts about Domain Names Uk and Domain Names Search, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Microsoft once sued a high school student named Mike Rowe who registered the domain for his part-time web-design business. A settlement was finally reached that included sending the teenager an X-Box in exchange for the domain.
how domain names work?
Microsoft gave the domain to a guy named Bob in exchange for
What domain names should i buy?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what domain names to buy. Here are 50 of the best facts about Domain Names Nz and Domain Names Australia I managed to collect.
what domain names are available?
The domain name ".tv" is the domain representing the country of Tuvalu. In 1998, Tuvalu signed a contract for the exclusive marketing rights for the domain name, allowing it to finally raise enough money to join the United Nations.
The Pokemon Company has registered over 700 domains for each type of Pokemon that, when a Pokemon's name is typed in as a url, they will be brought to the official Pokedex entry for the Pokemon they entered as the url.
Microsoft sued a high school student named Mike Rowe after he registered the domain He eventually gave up the domain for an Xbox (among other things). He later sold legal documents from the case on eBay for $1,037 as "a piece of Internet history."
The Soviet Union lasted long enough to be given it's own internet domain name, .su, which it received only 15 months before dissolving
The country of Tuvalu was unable to join the United Nations until 2000, because it did not have the $100,000 fee to join. This was until the internet, where Tuvalu sold its domain name of .tv to other companies to make most it its money.
The most expensive domain name is, which was bought for $35 million, beating out more commonly searched domains such as,,, etc.
When Montenegro became independent from Yugoslavia, its internet domain name went from .yu to .me
A guy named Jon Postel once hijacked the Internet, causing all domain name controls to be transferred to his computer.
The .tv domain name is actually the country code for Tuvalu, and is the source of a large amount of their GDP (which is the lowest of any country)
- was one of the most expensive domain names to purchase. Selling for exactly 4.20 million dollars
Domain Names data charts
For your convenience take a look at Domain Names figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why domain names so expensive?
You can easily fact check why domain names cost by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1994 Princeton Review registered the domain name of their competitor Kaplan. They offered to return it to them for a case of beer, but Kaplan refused and sued them instead.
Microsoft once sued a student named Mike Rowe for creating the domain "" - source
The most expensive domain names ever sold; sold for $872 million, sold for $49.7 million in 2010, sold for $35.6 million in 2010, and sold for $35 million in 2007. - source
When do domain names expire?
Skype would have named it "Skyper" because the software is derived from "Sky peer-to-peer. However, some of the domain names associated with "Skyper" were already taken.
How domain names are organised and managed?
In 2006 Morgan Stanley filed a complaint against a cat named Meow over a domain name the cat owned.
The language oppression in Turkey. It is, amongst others, forbidden to use Kurdish in most domains and it is not allowed to use Kurdish letters when naming a child
The domain name .io is assigned to the Chagos Islands, but the British, who exiled the local people, take all profit for the domain name.
In 2005, agreed to pay $90 million for the domain name. It's the most expensive domain sale ever.