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Dollars Damages facts

While investigating facts about Billions Of Dollars In Damages and Dollars Nominal Damages, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Record Companies sued Limewire creators for 72 Trillion Dollars in damages. That was more than global GDP in 2011.

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In 1962 a single missing hyphen in it's code caused the Mariner 1's backup guiding system to fail, leading to the destruction of the spacecraft. This one missing piece of code caused over $130 million dollars in damages.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to dollar shave club face moisturizer. Here are 50 of the best facts about Billions Of Dollars Worth Of Damages and 4 Dollars Damages I managed to collect.

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  1. There are about six million feral pigs in the United States, causing billions of dollars of damage every year.

  2. A massive solar flare missed the Earth by nine days on July 23rd 2012. Estimated cost of damage was $2.7 trillion dollars, and estimated recovery time was four to ten years.

  3. A farmer once sued his neighbor for shooting and killing his dog for 150 dollars in damages. The Lawyer George Graham Vest took the case and in his closing argument gave a eulogy of sorts known as Vest "Eulogy on the Dog" which is memorable to this day.

  4. A Super Solar Storm missed Earth's orbit by 2 weeks, if it had happened weeks earlier it would have likely caused over $2 trillion dollars of damages and there is a 12% chance we will get hit by another one in the next 10 years.

  5. Eminem's mom tried to sue him for $10 million dollars in defamation. She ended up settling for $1,600 in damages

  6. A judge wrote a rap to support her reasons for dismissing a 1 million dollar lawsuit filed against Eminem by his childhood bully, DeAngelo Bailey, whom Eminem rapped about in "brain damage".

  7. On 23rd June 2012 there was a massive solar storm that, had it occured 9 days later, would have hit Earth and caused up to $2.6 trillion dollars damage in the US alone and taken 4-10 years to recover from.

  8. HSBC was caught laundering money again, again, and again, of the collusion of the biggest banks that caused Trillions of dollars of damages (the LIBOR scandal) as well as that they are unanimously deemed as "too big to jail".

  9. Swarm of grasshoppers can induce significant damage to the crops. Grasshoppers destroy crops worth of billions of dollars each year.

dollars damages facts
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Dollars Damages data charts

For your convenience take a look at Dollars Damages figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

dollars damages fact data chart about Cost of Hurricanes that have hit the United States and excee
Cost of Hurricanes that have hit the United States and exceeded 1 billion dollars in damage.

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You can easily fact check why is it called dollar shave club by examining the linked well-known sources.

One man personally introduced starlings to The Americas, which have caused billions of dollars in damages and outcompeted native species, all so he could enjoy birds mentioned by Shakespeare. He also helped introduce the house sparrow, which has had similar effects.

In the 1940s, 50 North American beavers were introduced to the area by the Argentine government to help start a fur industry — their numbers have now swelled to an estimated 100,000, invading roughly 16 million hectares of unique, indigenous forest, and causing millions of dollars of damages. - source

Cochise led raids claimed the lives of hundreds of settlers and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage.

The Great Blizzard of 1888 consisted of 3 days of 45mph winds dropping up to 60 inches of snow producing 50ft snowdrifts, wrecked more than 200 ships, and completely isolated Montreal, Washington DC, and Boston for days. Causing $25million (1888 dollars) in damage and claimed 400 lives.

In 1925, one of the world's most exceptional tornadoes - Tri-State Tornado - was on the ground for 7 hours and 20 minutes causing $1.4 billion dollars in damages - source

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The film 'Project X' has spawned several grandiose parties in attempts to recreate it, resulting in some parties causing millions of dollars in damages, one death, and dozens of drug overdoses.

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Eminem's bully from grade school named D'Angelo Bailey sued him for $1 million dollars due to the song "Brain Damage", claiming that it ruined his reputation.

The owners of a 510 foot long replica of Noah’s Ark in Kentucky demanded their insurance company pay 1 million dollars for flood damage to the ark.

The Johnstown Flood in 1889. The flood killed 2,209 people and caused US$17 million of damage (about $425 million in 2012 dollars).

If you have US dollars that are damaged(burnt, waterlogged, etc.) you can send it to the mutilated currency division in the US. If more than 50% of a note is present or you can prove that the missing portions of the money have been destroyed they will reimburse you for the damaged bills.

When a massive earthquake hit off the coast of the state of Michoacán in 1985, it took the lives of thousands of people and caused millions of dollars in damages.

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The US Dept of Treasury will reimburse you if you send in damaged money dollar for dollar.

In 1982, a truck bomb caused between 3.87 and 50 million dollars in damage to Litton Industries, a manufacturer of American cruise missile components. Ronald Keating, the president of Litton Systems Canada, released a statement following the event, stating that "Bombing is madness."

The videogame company Valve was hacked in 2003 by someone who stole the notorious Half Life 2 game and got arrested for causing over 250million dollars of damage. (Article is from 2011 though)

About Charles Hatfield. He was a self proclaimed "moisture accelerator" that was hired by San Diego, CA in 1915. Hatfield built a tower with 23 chemicals to burn and attract rain. Heavy rain and and flooding ensued for weeks, causing over $800 million in damage (in 2017 dollars).

About "Balloonfest ’86" - An event that released a record-setting 1.5 million balloons in Cleveland, Ohio... But at a cost... Two men died, two lawsuits as a result of those deaths and several millions of dollars worth of damage in surrounding areas.

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The US Treasury has a mutilated currency division and offers a free service of replacing damaged dollar bills.

When San Diego experienced severe floods in 1915 after "rainmaker" Charles Hatfield was commissioned to make rain, the city refused to pay the $10,000 rainmaker fee unless Hatfield agreed to accept responsibility for the multi-million dollar flood damages.

Chis J.Fury a civilian painter and painter set fire to the USS Miami "in order to get out of work early". The blaze caused $400 million dollars in damage

In 1926 a single lightning strike wiped out a US munitions base with explosions and fires that lasted for 3 days. The damage of the ammunition lost was in the billions (today's dollars).

A man golfing in Benin, Africa hit a bird over an air force base which in turn caused 40 million dollars in damage and disabled the entire country's airforce

The shooting of a Salvadoran man by an African-American rookie police officer at Cinco de Mayo celebrations in D.C. led to riots lasting over 2 days, with over 200 arrests and hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages

Bobby Kennedy's bachelor party, thrown by JFK, caused $1,040 worth of damages (about $10,000 in 2015 dollars) to the Harvard Club of New York

The Morris worm, which was written by a graduate student in 1988 with the initial intent to gauge the size of the Internet. Instead it shut down a significant portion of the Internet, did millions of dollars of damage, and became the first worm to gain significant media attention.

The conspiracy in the assassination of MLK was proven in front of a court of law in 1997, and the co-conspirators, including the Memphis Police, were only condemned to 100 dollars in damage.

The 1992 Los Angeles riots over the acquittal of four policemen responsible for assaulting Rodney King. The riots resulted in the loss of over 50 lives, 11,000 arrests, and 1 billion dollars in property damage.

Damaged, worn, or torn US dollar bills will not be accepted in Nicaragua.

Microsoft Sued The Recycling Company That Illegally Resold 70k Copies Of Office 2010 Causing Microsoft Damages Worth "Millions of Dollars"

A Colorado man once went on a rampage with a self-made armored bull dozer, destroying at least 6 buildings across the town, including the police station and city hall. Before he was done he'd caused more than 7 million dollars in damages.

Someone in New York filed a lawsuit over a rabid dog, seeking $2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars ($2 Undecillion) in damages

During VE-Day celebrations in Halifax sailors on shore leave rioted and looted the city. Aftermath: Five million dollars in damages, three dead and 363 arrested.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dollars Damages. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dollars Damages so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor