Cinco De facts
While investigating facts about Cinco De Mayo and Cinco De Mayo Menu, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Cinco de Mayo is bigger in the US than it is in Mexico, mostly because beer manufacturers saw it as a marketing opportunity in the 1980's
how cinco de mayo is celebrated?
Cinco de Mayo is only popular among the Chicanos in the US. In Mexico, it's not even a national holiday.
What is celebrated at cinco de mayo?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's cinco de mayo. Here are 50 of the best facts about Cinco De Mayo Recipes and Cinco De Mayo Facts I managed to collect.
what happened at cinco de mayo?
Cinco de Mayo is in celebration of the day Mexico defeated the French, at the Battle of Puebla. Where France were trying to collect on previous loans Mexico stopped making payments on.
Napoleon III of France tried to invade Mexico, and lost on May 5, 1862, the origin of the holiday Cinco de Mayo
Knott's Berry Farm did a Cinco de Mayo promotion where guests would enter the park for only 5 cents. The park closed its gates at 10 a.m. after reaching capacity, turning away 4,000 people from the park, and getting so hectic that over 200 officers in riot gear were called in to restore order.
The French, under Napoleon III, tried taking over Mexico to use it as a base to help the Confederate States win the Civil War. They failed and a year later Mexico celebrated "Cinco de Mayo" for the first time.
Cinco de Mayo is not the day for Mexico's independence, it is The date to to commemorate the Mexican Army's difficult victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla.
Cinco de Mayo is virtually ignored in Mexico and only became popular in the 80s when beer companies started to promot it.
Americans purchase more beer on Cinco de Mayo than for the Super Bowl or St. Patrick's Day
A year after Mexico defeated the French army they came back with 30,000 soldiers and took Mexico City. It only lasted for three years, until Mexico took control once again.
In Mexico, Cinco de Mayo is called "El Día de la Batalla de Puebla", which means The Day of the Battle of Puebla.
2 years after Mexico beat France in the 1862 Battle of Puebla (marked by Cinco de Mayo), France did successfully, briefly, invade Mexico. Claiming it was to collect debts Mexico owed, they installed an Emperor of Mexico. 1 year later, a post-Civil War USA demanded the French leave, so they did.
Cinco De data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cinco De figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why cinco de mayo?
You can easily fact check why cinco de mayo is celebrated in the us by examining the linked well-known sources.
When Mexicans defeated the French, it also impacted the U.S. It made it impossible for Napolean III the ability to get supplies to the Confederate rebels.
It is also celebrated in Malta, a country right below Italy.
In 2005, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution to recognize the "historical significance" of Cinco de Mayo.
Americans drink more beer on Cinco de Mayo than on Super Bowl Sunday or St. Patrick's Day. - source
When cinco de mayo?
The French army was better equipped, better trained and was much larger. Mexico only had approximately 4,000 poorly-armed soldiers and France had between 6,500 and 8000 well-equipped soldiers. France hadn"t been beaten in 50 years.
How cinco de mayo is celebrated in mexico?
All the public schools in Mexico are closed on May 5th.
During the U.S Civil War, France took advantage of the situation and installed an unpopular Austrian Archduke to the throne of Mexico. Too weak to act, America began to celebrate Cinco De Mayo as a way of protesting the following year. They have been celebrating every year since.
In Canada, there is a Cinco de Mayo Street Festival held in Windsor, Ontario. A Vancouver, British Columbia sky diving clubs holds a Cinco de Mayo sky diving event.
Some mistakenly believe that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's Independence Day. Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of the victory at the Battle of Puebla that took place in 1862.