Directly Linked facts
While investigating facts about Directly Linked Synonym and Directly Linkedin, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Scientists in Berlin asked adults to play Super Mario 64 over a period of 2 months for 30 minutes a day. The group showed increases of grey matter, demonstrating "the direct causal link between video gaming and a volumetric brain increase."
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After Officials in Richmond, California, learned that 70 percent of the city's murders and firearms assaults were directly linked to 17 people, they decided to pay them to behave. With individual coaching, health care coverage and a monthly stipend, murders decreased from 62 to only 11 last year
What languages are directly linked to small basic?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering within the organization what are line departments directly linked to. Here are 42 of the best facts about Directly Linked Meaning and Directly Linked Definition I managed to collect.
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Scientific evidences show direct link between poor understanding of the physical world - and paranormal and religious beliefs
Childhood trauma is directly linked to sickness in adult years, and that it is much more common than originally thought
There is no scientific evidence to support a link between breakfast and obesity. Claims that a good breakfast helps "kickstart" the metabolism are not directly supported by scientific evidence.
The Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure, the government's official collection of hilarious and unethical abuses of resources by employees (direct link in comments)
White tigers, siamese cats, and other albino animals all tend to have crossed eyes, because the genes that cause albinism are directly linked to visual pathway abnormalities.
Winston Churchill had a secret Transatlantic radio-telephone link directly to the White House disguised as a private toilet. The door had no guards or security locks, only a standard "VACANT/ENGAGED" toilet lock.
5,6% of internet users self-identify as trolls and that trolling is directly linked to psychopathy, sadism and narcissism.
The comedy movie Airplane took scenes and dialogue directly from an earlier movie called Zero Hour (YouTube link comparing the two)
JFK installed a phone in the Pentagon that links directly with the Russian Kremlin. To test it, every day during the even hours, the USA sends excerpts of Shakespeare or Mark Twaim. During the odd hours, Russia sends Anton Chekhov's writing or Russian poetry.
There is a study that concludes 45% of jobs will be replaced with automation within the next 20 years. [reposted with direct link to article]
Directly Linked data charts
For your convenience take a look at Directly Linked figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is documentation directly linked to the financial health of the practice?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
There may be a genetic link between the handedness of a person and the direction of their hair whorls.
The dilation of pupils is a direct measurement for how hard someone is concentrating. Source: Daniel Kahneman, “Thinking, Fast & Slow” (attached link is just a quick source for proof) - source
The girls name "Madison" is directly linked to the 1984 movie Splash. Darryl Hannah's mermaid character just chose the NY avenue as her name. - source
About GOES-3, originally a weather imaging satellite launched in 1978, tracked the Mt. St. Helens eruption, was a communications satellite later in life, ultimately was able to directly link North and South Pole, when placed in graveyard orbit in 2016 was one the longest functioning spacecraft.
Certain types of the Cicada bug have gestation periods linked directly to prime numbers - source
When a liquid thermometer is held in direct sunlight?
Sharks - and all other elasmobranchs - can't smell a drop a blood any better than a salmon. This was in a podcast called 'Science Vs' from June of this year and starts about 13:15 in. There is also a direct link to the study on the podcast's page.
How are poverty and homelessness directly linked?
There is no pattern linking mental health symptoms directly to crime. Of the 1.2 million people with mental illnesses incarcerated, only 7.5% committed crimes directly linked to their symptoms.
Nikola Tesla the patron saint of alternating current died under lights powered by direct current. (IEEE Article link in comments)
Recent claims of “2.8 million illegals voting in 2008” are extrapolated from a study that found 5 confirmed instances of out of about 80,000 surveyed. They “extrapolated” to get 2.8 million. Direct link to table in comments.
The AOL communications service for PCs was a direct descendant of the Quantum Link service for the Commodore 64.
No dinosaur in Jurassic Park (1993) were 100% CGI. Most dinos were puppets. For the rest, they used "go motion" to record puppetry movements directly into the computer. Those motions were added to the film using CGI. The linked vid is very interesting!