Detention Center facts
While investigating facts about Detention Center Immigration and Detention Center Las Vegas, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Steve Wozniak went to a juvenile detention center for a day for building a fake bomb in high school. he spent the night teaching prisoners how to disconnect wires from fans and connect them to the bars, so people get shocked when they touch them.
how many immigrants are in detention centers 2019?
Steve Wozniak put a fake bomb in a locker during high school and spent the night in a juvenile detention center where he taught prisoners how to disconnect the ceiling fan wires and connect them to bars so it would shock people on touch
What is a juvenile detention center?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are ice detention centers. Here are 24 of the best facts about Detention Center Ice and Detention Center For Youth I managed to collect.
what's detention center?
Steve Wozniak put a fake bomb in a locker during high school and spent the night in a juvenile detention center where he taught prisoners how to disconnect the ceiling fan wires and connect them to bars so it would shock people on touch
The United States incarcerates more of its youth than any other country in the world. Approximately 40% being in privatized for profit detention centers.
One prisoner, who was spending his time at the Baltimore City Detention Center, ended up getting four female prison guards pregnant. Thanks to that, he made around $20,000 in smuggled items.
The Kids For Cash Scandal. 2 judges that accepted money for increasing the population at 2 juvenile detention centers.
In 2014 'Joseph Andrew Dekenipp', a prisoner escaped a detention center in Arizona just to spend Valentine's Day with his girlfriend. He went from jailbird, to lovebird, and back to jailbird all in three hours.
The Cherokees tried to resist by way of legal battle, but any decisions made in their favor were not enforced and they were forced into detention centers. Disease and starvation killed many of the Cherokee Natives. More than 15,000 Cherokee Natives were removed from their homeland by the U.S. military.
To deter asylum-seekers, Australia denies the chance to any who arrive by boat w/o a visa to stay. They are sent to a detention centers in Nuaru or Papua New Guinea while their claims are processed & if judged to be genuine refugees, they are settled in PNG; otherwise they are sent back home.
Pinochet's government in Chile (1973-1990) had a secret detention center named Discothèque to conduct political oppression. In addition to physical abuse, many of the prisoners suffered sexual punishments; prisoners testified that spiders and live rats were often implanted on their genitals.
Two judges in PA were arrested for accepting money from a for-profit detention center in return for sending as many juveniles to that center. As a result, the PA Supreme Court had to overturn hundreds of adjudications.
Detention Center data charts
For your convenience take a look at Detention Center figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are immigrants in detention centers?
You can easily fact check why juvenile detention center by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2010, the Pitchess Detention Center in Los Angeles, CA paid for a 6-month trial of a directed energy weapon called an Active Denial System for crowd control and dispersal
Exploring ABANDONED Detention Center at Night (Skeleton Found) - source
The government of Thailand is breaching UN international law by imprisoning refugees - mothers and childrens - in inhumane conditions (horrid video from Immigrition Detention Center in Bangkok) - source
The USA has a system of 'detention quotas', meaning that immigrant detention centers are guaranteed a certain number of inmates at any given time by the government. These laws state that detention centers "shall maintain a level of not less than 34,000 beds" filled with bodies every night.
When did the detention camps start?
There is a McDonalds located at the Guantanamo Bay detention center. It is the only one in Cuba and is only available to compound employees except it has been served to detainees for complying with testimony.
How long do you stay in a detention center?
A 5 yr old girl, when asked by her barrister to write her name, wrote CLV0202. Which is her detention center number.
CCA, Corrections Corp of America, a private prison company runs ICE immigration detention centers including the one in Eloy, Arizona where a measles outbreak has occurred. CCA has a reputation for mismanagement, underpaying employees and prisoner abuse at its facilities -MotherJones.
The Nauru Detention Center, an island prison where Australia sends many foreign asylum seekers. It has been cited by the UN for "shocking" human rights violations and media is effectively banned from visiting.
The federal (US) government doesn't have the same obligations as state and local governments to report and analyze deaths of those being held in detention facilities like The Metropolitan Correctional Center
Steve Wozniak put a fake bomb in a locker during high school and spent the night in a juvenile detention center where he taught prisoners how to disconnect the ceiling fan wires and connect them to bars so it would shock people on touch.