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Denver Airport facts

While investigating facts about Denver Airport Map and Denver Airport Delays, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Denver Int'l Airport (at 53 sq miles) is larger than Manhattan, San Francisco & Miami and is the 2nd largest airport in the world.

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Denver International Airport, the largest in the US, is one and a half times the size of Manhattan

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering where are rental cars at denver airport. Here are 31 of the best facts about Denver Airport Food and Denver Airport Car Rental I managed to collect.

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  1. The Blue Mustang statue, nicknamed Blucifer because of its glowing red eyes, in front of the Denver International Airport killed its creator in 2006 when its head fell on him and severed an artery in his leg

  2. The Denver International Airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall demon horse. "Blue Mustang" (or as locals like to call it, "Blucifer") is thought to be cursed largely because the sculptor, Luis Jiménez, was killed when a 9000 pound piece of the sculpture fell on him during construction.

  3. There is a statue of a blue horse with glowing laser eyes in front of the Denver International Airport nicknamed bluecifer. This statue killed his creator Luis Jiménez when a section fell on him.

  4. There is a statue of a giant, blue demonic horse named “Blucifer” outside Denver International Airport that is infamous for killing the artist that created it. Luis Jiménez’s artery was severed when the 4,100kg stallion’s head came loose and fell on the 65-year-old during construction.

  5. Only 29 people were caught trying to board planes with marijuana at the Denver International Airport in 2014, and all were allowed to board their planes after throwing out the weed.

  6. Denver International Airport is almost twice the size of Manhattan

  7. The Denver airport employs a team of 15 therapy dogs to help calm anxious travelers.

  8. The blue mustang sculpture outside the Denver International Airport fell over onto its artist while he was working on it in his studio; it severed an artery in his leg and killed him.

denver airport facts
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You can easily fact check why is denver airport big by examining the linked well-known sources.

A 32 foot statue of a cobalt colored horse with glowing red eyes installed in front of Denver International Airport in 2008 killed it's creator artist Luis Jimenez in 2006 when a section fell on his leg and severed an artery. His official name is Blue Mustang, but locals call him Blucifer.

A giant creepy horse statue at the Denver Airport named "Blucifer" fell and crushed it's creator - source

Some conspiracy theorists think the headquarters of the "new world order" is the Denver international airport due to its unusually large size, murals depicting a government takeover, alleged hidden symbols in the design

There are multiple conspiracy theories involving the Denver International Airport including some involving Nazis, the Knights Templar or Satan. - source

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The Horse Statue in Front of Denver Airport Literally Killed its Maker

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The Denver Airport has fully embraced the conspiracy theories that have been spread since its construction

There is artwork inside Denver International Airport that depicts death, chemical warfare, and a start of a new society after every was killed.

The Denver International Airport's blue mustang sculpture (aka Blucifer or DIAblo) killed its creator and also survived a petition to be relocated due to it being possessed.

The former Stapleton International Airport in Denver had a runway that ran directly over the top of Interstate-70, meaning vehicle traffic drove underneath airplanes via a tunnel

Denver International Airport contracted for an automated baggage handling system and after years of trying to get it finished and working properly, scrapped it for a fully manual system in 2005.

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There is a 32-foot-tall fiberglass statue of a rearing horse at the Denver airport that killed its sculptor, Luis Jiménez, as he was working on it.

There is a conspiracy theory that the headquarters of the New World Order are hidden under Denver International Airport

Feb 1, 1976, Elvis Presley was at Graceland, entertaining friends. Discussing the Fools Gold Loaf sandwich, Presley decided he wanted one right then. Presley had been to the restaurant that made them before, while in Denver. They drove to the Memphis airport and took Presley's jet to Denver

Denver International Airport is larger than Manhattan

The seat of illuminati evil is located deep below the Denver airport. Sinister artworks throughout the airport are clues to its true purpose.

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Specially trained dogs roam Denver International Airport to calm frayed nerves of frenzied travelers

Denver International Aiport CONSPIRACY, free Masons, and New World Order throughout the Airport! Photos & facts.

There are conspiracy theories surrounding the Denver International Airport

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Denver Airport. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Denver Airport so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor