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Urban Legends facts

While investigating facts about Urban Legends Movie and Urban Legends Bloody Mary, I found out little known, but curios details like:

It is not illegal to drive barefoot, and the thought that it is illegal is simply a wide-spread urban legend

how many urban legends movies are there?

Widespread date-rape drink spiking is an 'urban legend' and has been debunked by academic research, showing the majority of those claiming to have had their drink spiked simply consumed too much alcohol

What are the urban legends in the movie?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the meaning of urban legends. Here are 50 of the best facts about Urban Legends Final Cut and Urban Legends Tv Show I managed to collect.

what is the definition of urban legends?

  1. "The Green Man", a man severely disfigured as a child who would take long walks only at night in western Pennsylvania. Urban legends at the time said he glowed green, whereas in fact he was real person who was liked by his family and neighbors.

  2. In 1983, a struggling Atari dumped tons of unsold, unsalable inventory into a pit in Alamogordo, New Mexico. This was considered an urban legend until 30 years later, when they were unearthed by an excavation crew. The haul included E.T., Atari catalogs, and Raiders of the Lost Ark promotionals.

  3. Poisoned Halloween candy is mostly urban legend and there haven't be any deaths as a result of stranger poisoning.

  4. That, due to an urban legend, it's common belief among brazilians that you might die from poisoning if you eat mango fruit mixed with milk

  5. There is a common urban legend that there was no looting after the devastating 2011 earthquake in northern Japan. In fact, numerous ATMs were stripped and looted in the weeks following the earthquake.

  6. In the 1990s, a story aired by the Trinity Broadcasting Network claimed the Russians had drilled to a depth of 14 km, penetrating Hell, and the screams of the tormented were recorded with a microphone. It was among the first Internet urban legends.

  7. The 1972 Miami Dolphins are the only team to win the Super Bowl with a perfect season. There's an urban legend that every season, whenever the last remaining undefeated NFL team loses its first game, all surviving members of the '72 Dolphins open bottles of champagne in celebration.

  8. It was rumored that the Apple Inc. logo had a bite taken from it to represent the poison apple that computer scientist and mathematician, Alan Turing, allegedly laced with cyanide to kill himself with. The designer has said, it wasn't, but “It’s a wonderful urban legend.”

  9. In 1974, a man poisoned his son with cyanide laced Pixie Stix and used the old urban legend of malicious strangers handing out tainted candy on Halloween to try to cover the crime.

urban legends facts
What are the best facts about Urban Legends?

What is true about urban legends?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Cow tipping is an urban legend, as cows do not actually sleep standing up.

The urban legend that artificial banana flavor "tastes fake" because it's based on the Gros Michel banana is untrue - source

The publisher of Dungeons & Dragons once made an Indiana Jones game, and Lucasfilm made them put a ™ after each character's name. The company accidentally printed some figures labeled Nazi™, leading to a persistent urban legend that they tried to trademark the term. - source

Thousands of unsold Atari cartridges, including the infamous E.T. video game, were buried in a New Mexico landfill. This was believed to be an urban legend until they were dug up in 2014.

Cow Tipping' is generally considered to be an urban legend, and that no one individual is capable of pushing over a cow. - source

According to Japanese urban legends, there is a woman called Kuchisake-onna who asks you if she's pretty twice, if you say no one of those times, you are killed. If you say yes both times she slits your mouth so you look like her.

There is a Japanese urban legend believing that a spirit may stab you to death if you use the fourth stall in a restroom

The founders of also created "The Repository of Lost Legends" or T.R.O.L.L., which contained a series of fabricated urban folklore tales to demonstrate the perils of over-reliance on the internet as authority.

There is an Urban Legend in Japan which states that a bookstore can create an urge to defecate

The commonly-held belief that the children's song "Ring Around the Rosy" is actually about the Black Plague is actually an urban legend from the 1950's. The song's lyrics likely have nothing to do with death or disease.

of Raymond Robinson, the basis for the urban legend of the "Green Man." When he was nine, he was seriously injured, losing his eyes, nose, and right arm. He stayed inside during the day, due to his appearance, and would go for walks at night, creating the legend.

Interesting facts about urban legends

About an urban legend which claimed Zima was not detectable by a breathalyzer, boosting its popularity among the young and gullible.

S. Koreans believe that leaving a fan on in a room while sleeping can kill you. Even the news occasionally alludes to this, supporting this urban legend.

Ronald Clark O'Bryan, The Candy Man killed his son on the Halloween of 1974. He hoped to rely on the famous urban legend of poison in trick or treat candies as an alibi. He was later put to death on the Halloween of 1984.

There used to be an 'urban legend' that the first Europeans to discover America were Welsh. And that their descendants had integrated with Native American tribes, supposedly even integrating some Welsh words in to their own language.

It is a widely believed urban legend that "Elizabethan" or "Shakespearean" English speech remained intact in USA's Appalachian region. It was so prevalent that the NC tourism division had leafleted a booklet titled "A Dictionary of the Queen's English" to help tourists learn the local dialect.

Polybius, a fictitious arcade game subject of an urban legend allegedly part of a government-run psychology experiment

Purple Aki, a Liverpool man who is obsessed with touching and measuring young mens' muscles. He has gotten in trouble with the law numerous times since the 1980s for his behavior, which he fully denies is sexual. He has become somewhat of an urban legend in North West England.

A persistent urban legend held that children's TV series Captain Pugwash contained several sexual double meanings with characters named Master Bates, Seaman Staines, and 'Roger' the Cabin Boy. In 1991 the writer, John Ryan, successfully sued two publications who printed this legend as fact

The FDA was forced to create a hotline to assure parents that their children would not explode from eating too many Pop Rocks. This came about from the urban legend that Pop Rocks and Soda would cause a chemical reaction that made your stomach explode.

The whole "humans only use 10% of their brain potential" is an urban legend.

An urban legend that states that if an equestrain statue horse is rearing (both front legs in the air),the rider died from battle; one front leg up means the rider was wounded in battle; and if all four hooves are on the ground, the rider died outside

There is an urban legend about German "almost" being an official language of the newly formed United States, in which Congress debated postponing the idea, but it was defeated by one vote, that vote being from House Speaker Frederick Muhlenberg, him being of German heritage himself.

It was thought that a Japanese woman traveled to North Dakota and froze to death in search of the buried cash from the fictional movie Fargo. Turns out to be an urban legend. She killed herself.

The song "Gloomy Sunday," also called the "Hungarian Suicide Song," composed in 1933. An urban legend links it to many suicides, and the BBC banned a version during the war to not hurt morale. The composer later killed himself by jumping out a window, surviving, then choking himself to death.

Before memes, there was Faxlore or Xeroxlore. These were humorous texts, folk art and urban legends that were shared via fax machine or photocopying.

There is an urban legend that the five Scooby-Doo characters' personalities were all based on the reputations of the schools in the Five College Consortium in Amherst, Massachusetts.

Finding a "star" or an "Indian" on a toostie roll pop wrapper really didn't mean you won a free one and was actually just an urban legend.

'Napoleon's buttons', the idea that the Grand Armee choosing cheaper tin buttons for their uniforms was a main reason for losing the Russian invasion of 1812 as the tin buttons would degrade and fall out. However, this is an urban legend.

Singer Mama Cass died at age 32 from heart failure though a persistent urban legend had it she died choking on a ham sandwich. Four years later The Who drummer Keith Moon died in the same London flat, also aged 32 years.

In 1999, there was an urban legend that February 2000 would have 30 days.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Urban Legends. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Urban Legends so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor