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Deadly Weapon facts

While investigating facts about Deadly Weapons and Deadly Weapons Movie, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A Florida man tossed an alligator through a drive-thru window. He was charged with “assault with a deadly weapon.”

how to get assault with a deadly weapon charges dropped?

Texas charged a man who knew he was infected with HIV with assault with a deadly weapon after the man committed sexual assault. The court concluded that under Texas’ laws, infected semen could be considered a deadly weapon.

What is considered a deadly weapon?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Here are 40 of the best facts about Deadly Weapon Definition and Deadly Weapons List I managed to collect.

what is assault with a deadly weapon?

  1. In 1997 two men inspired by movie "Heat" tried to rob US bank while being heavily armed and wearing custom made body armor. In deadly shootout that followed police was so outgunned that had to borrow weapons from gun store nearby. Whole shootout was captured on camera from helicopter

  2. About a UN weapons inspector (David Kelly) who after declaring that Saddam Hussein had no WMDs (contradicting Britain's motive for involvement in the war) was found dead of an apparent suicide just 2 days later. His postmortem examination was then made classified for 70 years.

  3. Kinji Fukasaku, the director of 'Battle Royale,' had worked in a weapons factory that was frequently bombed during WWII. "We would try to get behind each other or beneath dead bodies to avoid the bombs... it made me understand about the limits of friendship."

  4. Martin Luther, once said "I think these things [firearms] were invented by Satan himself, for they can’t be defended against with (ordinary) weapons and fists. All human strength vanishes when confronted with firearms. A man is dead before he sees what’s coming."

  5. In Kentucky all public officials, including notaries, must swear that they have “not fought a duel with deadly weapons within this State, nor out of it.”

  6. He played a major role in developing German's chemical warfare weapons during World War I where he lead the team which developed and weaponized deadly chlorine gas.

  7. Thanks to all the nuclear weapons testing in the 40's to 60's, researchers can pinpoint the precise age of dead bodies, tissues within humans, or even individual cells, by measuring the amount of carbon-14 in them. This will no longer be possible after 2030.

  8. UN weapons inspector and UK government Bio-weapons expert David Kelly was found dead 2 days after testifying in parliament against Iraqi WMD claims. His autopsy was also meant to be sealed for 70 years by judge order.

  9. People that live in the areas where stingrays can be found use their spines to make a weapon (daggers). Venom remains deadly even if it is extracted from a dead stingray.

deadly weapon facts
What is the most deadly biological weapon?

What is true about deadly weapon?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Marco Polo believed the rhinoceros to be a fat unicorn who's most deadly weapons were its knees and tongue.

A Florida man was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after throwing a live alligator through the open drive-in window of a fast food restaurant - source

Seventh Day Adventists subjected themselves to deadly viruses and bacteria to test the effects of weapons instead of going to war. - source

In 1989, right before the gulf war Saddam Hussein launched a genocidal campaign against the Kurds of Northern Iraq culminating in the use to Chemical weapons on population centers and more than 100k dead Kurds.

Carfentanyl, an analog of fentanyl, is so deadly that there are concerns about its use as a chemical weapon, with its "toxicity being compared to that of nerve gas". - source

When are.your hands considered.a deadly weapon?

Kyle Myers AKA FPS Russia had his house raided by 40 ATF agents for using explosives and getting paid for it via YouTube. Also, his friend Keith Ratliff who was responsible for obtaining the weapons for his channel was found dead shot in the head. Also, he's not even Russian.

How many years for assault with a deadly weapon?

Troy McGill entered a Medal of Honor posthumously after holding his position at all costs. After his weapon ceased to work he ran at the enemy and fought them hand-to-hand until he was killed. 105 dead enemies were found around him the next day.

Eastern Grey Squirrels can be considered biological weapons, as they carry Squirrel Pox that does not effect them, but is deadly to the local Red Squirrel population

United States and New Zealand conducted secret tests in the 1940s of a 'tsunami bomb' designed to inundate coastal cities.A secret project during World War II sought to develop a way to use tsunamis as a deadly weapon.

Tony Kiritsis who kidnapped his mortgage broker and tethered a shotgun to his victims head with a "Dead Man's Switch" ensuring that if he was killed or incapacitated the weapon would fire.

Gary Webb, the reporter who broke the story about the CIA dealing crack to pay for weapons for Latin American guerrillas, was found dead in his home with two gunshot wounds to the head. It was ruled a suicide.

When are hands considered deadly weapons?

Professional fighters can be charged with assault with a deadly weapon if they fight outside the ring. Their fists are legally considered weapons.

A deadly fire aboard aircraft carrier USS Oriskany erupted, killing 44 and injuring 156, after a magnesium flare had inadvertently ignited and the sailor handling the flare panicked and threw it into the weapons locker where the flares were stored and then dogged the door shut.

In Florida throwing a live alligator at someone can result in assault charges. In 2016, Florida man Joshua James was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon for throwing an alligator through a Wendy's drive-thru window. No one was hurt and the gator was released to the wild.

OJ Simpson won parole in 2013 for his kidnapping, robbery, and burglary convictions. For his assault with a deadly weapon and weapons-related convictions, he will eligible for parole next year, when he turns 70.

During the apartheid era in South Africa, a secret program - known as Project Coast - attempted to biologically engineer deadly viruses (including Ebola), with the intent to weaponize them to target non-whites

How much is a bond for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon?

Black men are thugs. even without criminal records. even when they inform cops of that they have a concealed weapon and permit. if you are a black man do NOT trust COPS. ALWAYS RECORD COPS. Philando Castile is dead

Russians made deadly weapons to destroy their enemies their demonstration video is here stay tuned for more updates -

: that you don't need to be in possession of a weapon to be shot dead in cold blood.

A.Q. Khan is single handedly responsible for the (or once active) nuclear weapons programs of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Pakistan and that the CIA wanted him dead

The U.S. has done human experimentation. They've exposed their own citizens to chemical and biological weapons, infected citizens with deadly diseases, radiation, done injection of toxic chemicals such as plutonium, uranium, surgical and mind control experients causing schizophrenia on children.

A Florida man once tossed an alligator through a drive-thru window. He was charged with ”Assault with a deadly weapon”

King Louis the Great of France was offered to buy the first biological weapon by an Italian chemist that could eradicate other European countries through disease. He refused to buy anything and paid the chemist the highest possible amount of annual salary to keep his deadly discovery a secret.

"The 40-Year-Old Virgin" actor Shelley Mathew Malil is currently serving a life sentence for attempted premeditated murder and assault with a deadly weapon.

During the Cold War the Soviets had a 'Dead Hand' system that could autonomously launch all of the USSR's nuclear weapons and that was created to ensure that even if the Soviet leadership was wiped out, a nuclear response could still be launched.It is possibly still on today.

In the 1980s, after Iraq killed thousands of people with chemical weapons, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) sent several biological samples to the Iraqi government to use - including "plague, botulism, and anthrax, among other deadly diseases."

.gif animated images are now deadly weapons by U.S law.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Deadly Weapon. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Deadly Weapon so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor