Dead Redemption facts
While investigating facts about Dead Redemption 2 and Dead Redemption Red, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The creators of Westworld used Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption as research for the show.
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Lazlow, host of Grand Theft Auto Chatterbox FM is a real person. He had a real radio chat show before moving to Rockstar Games and was the audio director on Red Dead Redemption II
What is the best horse in red dead redemption 2?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is red dead redemption 2 about. Here are 14 of the best facts about Red Dead Redemption 3 and Red Dead Redemption Pc I managed to collect.
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Jonathan Nolan, co-creator of HBO's Westworld, took inspiration from video games like BioShock Infinite, Red Dead Redemption and Skyrim to deal with the show's questions about morality
Rockstar San Diego, the developers of Red Dead Redemption, was originally called Angel Studios and did CGI for movies and music videos
Following people from Red Dead Redemption 2 leads to surprising revelations about how detailed the game is but when I do this to my ex I got a restraing order. Go figure.
The same guy who directed and wrote the screenplay of Shawkshank Redemption is also the same person who created and developed the walking dead TV series.
The voice actor who played John Marston, the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption, gave up his life of fame to settle down and have a family. He truly is John Marston. (x-post gaming)
In Red Dead Redemption 2 your horses testicles will react to the weather. #immersion
In the game Red Dead Redemption, there is an achievement called "Heading South On A White Bronco". It requires players to accumulate a large bounty and avoid US Marshals while riding a white horse. It is a reference to O.J. Simpson's 1994 police pursuit while driving a white Ford Bronco.
The game engine used for Red Dead Redemption and GTA V was first used for a table tennis simulation game.
Animal Collective wrote a song for Red Dead Redemption
Dead Redemption data charts
For your convenience take a look at Dead Redemption figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why red dead redemption 2 is boring by examining the linked well-known sources.
Frank Darabont, developer and co-creator of 'The Walking Dead' TV Show, also directed 2 of the greatest films of all-time in 'The Shawshank Redemption' and 'The Green Mile'.
All the mission names in Red Dead Redemption are biblical references - source