Day Saints facts
While investigating facts about Day Saints Crossword and Latter Day Saints, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Frank Gusenberg, who was shot fourteen times during the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, when asked by the police who shot him replied "Nobody shot me."
how to celebrate all saints day?
On Saint Patrick's Day began as a "feast day" in honor of the anniversary of the day he died. To honor him, Christians could put aside their Lenten restrictions on food and alcohol consumption on this day, which is why excessive drinking has become so permanently linked to the celebration.
What do latter day saints believe?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what saints day is today. Here are 50 of the best facts about Latter Day Saints Beliefs and Modern Day Saints I managed to collect.
what is all saints day?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints purchased advertisements in many playbills for the musical "The Book of Mormon", with phrases like "The book is always better" and "you've seen the play, now read the book."
Although many Evangelicals oppose the 'Harry Potter' series, prominent leaders of the Latter-day Saints (Mormon) church have recommended the series and spoke of being fans because the books teach morality and show good being victorious over evil
17 March is not only Saint Patrick's Day, its also Saint Gertrude of Nevilles Day. She's the patron saint of cats and cat lovers!
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has advertised in the playbill for the “The Book of Mormon” musical. One advertisement says “You’ve seen the play…now read the book.” Another reads “The book is always better.”
Valentine's day remembers Saint Valentine, who was arrested, beaten by clubs, and beheaded for refusing to stop performing marriages
St. Fiarce is a patron saint of hemorrhoids. He miraculously cured his inflamed anus by placing it upon a blessed rock. The stone survives to this day, imprinted with his holy hole, and many still flock to it hoping to cure themselves.
Joseph Smith, the leader of the Latter Day Saint movement, denied that he took polygamist wives. He did, however, marry over 30 different women, two of which were a mother and a daughter, and one wife was only 14 when he married her while in his late thirties.
Santa Claus (St. Nick) used to give gifts on his saint day, December 6, but this eventually moved to December 25 after the Protestant-created reactionary figure Christkindl (a baby Jesus gift-giving figure) gave the gifts on Christmas Day instead
On All Saints" Day Portuguese children go door to door receiving gifts of sweets, candies, nuts, and cakes, similar to Halloween.
All Saints" Day in Mexico falls on the same day as the beginning of the Day of the Dead, which honors infants and children who have died.
Day Saints data charts
For your convenience take a look at Day Saints figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is all saints day celebrated?
You can easily fact check why are they called latter day saints by examining the linked well-known sources.
All Saints" Day is a public holiday in Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, Croatia, France, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and in some parts of Switzerland and Germany.
The liturgical color of All Saints" Day is white.
Saint Patrick's Day was created to honor its namesake who banished snakes from Ireland and taught the Irish about the Trinity, represented by the three-leaf clover - or shamrock.
Mollywood, the Mormon film industry which makes films from a Church of Latter Days Saints perspective and has featured actors like Anne Hathaway, Sean Astin and Wilford Brimley
All Saints" Day is celebrated on November 1st in Western Christianity and the first Sunday following Pentecost in Eastern Christianity.
When is all saints day?
The o-rings that failed causing the Challenger space shuttle to explode killing all on board were developed by a company owned and operated by the cult Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) and the prophet Warren Jeffs.
How many latter day saints are there?
The color green is known around the world as being associated with Ireland, and is commonly featured on Saint Patrick's Day memorabilia and at events around the world. It is common for beer to be served with green food coloring on Saint Patrick's Day, which falls on March 17th each year.
Shakespeare referred to All Saints" Day as Hallowmas.
Most Greek babies are named after religious saints. On a specific day of each year the saint is celebrated by the church and anyone named after that saint celebrates "Name Day". The name day celebration is more important than birthdays in Greek culture and is celebrated by visits from friends and family with small gifts and good wishes.
Up until the 1970s Irish law required all pubs to be closed on Saint Patrick's Day.
Symbols that are commonly associated with All Saints" Day include images of specific saints, the crown, the hand of God, and a sheaf of wheat.
Day saints infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Day Saints numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.