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Darker Skinned facts

While investigating facts about Darker Skinned Races and Dark Skinned Models, I found out little known, but curios details like:

As a child, the French designer Christian Louboutin, being darker-skinned than the rest of his family, invented his own history of being Egyptian, due to his fascination with Pharaohs. At the age of 50, Louboutin discovered that his biological father was in fact an Egyptian man.

how is jaundice assessed in darker skinned infants?

Photography film was made with only Caucasian skin in mind and Kodak only really developed the technology to colour balance darker skin tone by chance- because of complaints over poor light calibration from makers of brown furniture.

What vitamins make your skin darker?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what makes your skin darker. Here are 21 of the best facts about Dark Skinned Anime Characters and Dark Skinned Chinese I managed to collect.

what is the selective pressure for darker skin color?

  1. An obscure Chinese company has become the top smartphone seller in Africa, largely because they adjusted their phones to work with darker skin tones.

  2. Certain black sororities and fraternities used to have a "brown paper bag test" where they wouldn't allow people to join if their skin was darker than a paper bag.

  3. Grey reef sharks are usually grey in color. Those that live in shallow water have darker skin due to tanning.

  4. Symptoms that people may experience, if they do have symptoms, can include fevers, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, pain in the abdomen, darker urine, darker bowel movements, and joint pain. Some people also experience jaundice, which is the yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin.

  5. Darker skin in animals is linked to lower intelligence and higher aggression

  6. Having darker skin reduces your risk of hearing loss.

  7. Black don't crack" isn't just a saying; darker skinned people tend to age less when compared to fairer skinned people.

  8. During the acute infection stage of hepatitis B symptoms may include jaundice (yellowing of the skin and or whites of the eyes), darker urine, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, and feeling extremely tired.

  9. Dark lines of color running top to bottom, possibly darker at the base of your nail can be a malignant melanoma—a potentially deadly skin cancer.

  10. People with darker skin need 5-10x more sun exposure to synthesize the same amount of Vitamin D as those with lighter skin

darker skinned facts
What makes skin darker?

Why is my skin getting darker?

You can easily fact check why is my skin getting darker without sun by examining the linked well-known sources.

The darker your skin color, the greatly reduced your risk of skin cancer.

There is a pseudoscientific belief that the darker somebody's skin, the smarter and more humane they are - source

Darker skinned people are safer from Box Jellyfish, the most venomous creatures on earth. They are more visible against the colour of the ocean and allow the jelly to see and avoid them. - source

There are two types of Melanocytes, Eumelanin and Pheomelanin, which determine pigmentation in the body. Higher amounts of Eumelanin equates to darker skin, hair, and eyes to help protect from UV rays. Higher amounts of Pheomelanin equates to lighter skin, blonde/red hair, and blue/green eyes.

The pseudoscience theory "Melanin Theory", wherein adherents believe that having darker skin (higher melanin) can even "convert light and magnetic fields to sound" - source

Does your skin get darker when pregnant?

Raven-Symoné Tanned '3 Or 4 Times A Week' To Have Darker Skin For 'That's So Raven'

How to look darker skinned?

The 'Black Don't Crack' stereotype is valid. Black skin ages well due to the amount of melanin (a natural sunscreen) present. "A specific type of melanin called eumelanin creates a dark skin tone; the more eumelanin your body produces, the darker your skin will be."

Eyes get a "tan" just like your skin, as your eyes change colour and go darker after you've been in the sun

White pepper is just black pepper with darker-coloured skin of the pepper fruit removed.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Darker Skinned. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Darker Skinned so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor