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Curse Words facts

While investigating facts about Curse Words In Spanish and Curse Words In Korean, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Actor Samuel L. Jackson had a stuttering problem as a child and still sometimes battles with it today. To combat the stutter he uses the curse word "motherf**ker" as an affirmation word.

how curse words were invented?

Saying curse words when you're in pain actually reduces your suffering. The psychologist who showed this said, "I would advise people, if they hurt themselves, to swear."

What curse words can you say on tv?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what curse words are allowed on tv. Here are 27 of the best facts about Curse Words In German and Curse Words In English I managed to collect.

what curse words are in the bible?

  1. You're not allowed to swear if playing in Wimbledon. As such, line judges have to learn curse words in every language.

  2. Cobalt (as in cobalt blue) is named for the German word for goblin, Kobold. It got the name because cobalt hinders the extraction of silver, and emits toxic fumes when burned, leading to the deaths of several miners. Mine-dwelling goblins were blamed for leaving behind these ‘cursed’ rocks.

  3. The word echo comes from a nymph in Greek myth, Echo, who was cursed with a speech impediment so that she could only repeat what others said.

  4. Humans are not the only primate that curse. Chimps do it to. In project Washoe, chimps being taught sign language internalized taboos around the toilet, with the sign “dirty” representing something shameful. They started using that sign as an admonition or to express anger, like a swear word.

  5. The real last words of Cameron Todd Willingham, executed in 2004 but now widely believed to be innocent, were a stream of curses directed at his ex-wife who was watching the execution and who claimed that he had confessed to her

  6. The FCC can't fine networks for using curse words or showing nudity anymore

  7. Samuel L. Jackson had stuttering problem during childhood which he conquered by developing an affinity for the use of the curse word, motherfucker! in his vocabulary.

  8. Swedish curse words are not bad enough, so Swedes borrow curses from English, German, and Finnish

  9. Maya Angelou, while on set, saw a young man cursing and went to talk to him. Her words were so powerful that it lead the man to tears. As she was walking back to her trailer, Janet Jackson said "Dr.Angelou I don't believe you actually spoke to Tupac Shakur"

curse words facts
What curse words can you say on the radio?

Why curse words are curse words?

You can easily fact check why curse words are offensive by examining the linked well-known sources.

There are no words for ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in Gaelic (Irish), nor are there curse words per se, however there are many lively ways to curse people.

Russian profanity, or mat, consists mostly of 4 root curse words combined with the extensive prefixes and suffixes of the Russian language and can fill 12 volumes of reference material. - source

Coprolalia, the rare characteristic of Tourette syndrome that causes you to curse involuntarily comes from the Greek words kopros (feces) and lalia (talk) - literal shit talk - source

The Street Fighter Movie received a G rating after being edited to bring down the original R rating. The studio added one curse word to bring it to a PG-13.

Will Smith had a rap book when he was a kid where he wrote his rap songs. When his grandmother found it, she was disappointed to find curse words in it. She left him a message in his book expressing her disappointment. From that point on, Will Smith vowed never to use profanity in his music: - source

When curse words were invented?

Samuel L. Jackson had a stuttering problem during his childhood which he conquered by developing an affinity for the use of the curse word, motherfucker, in his vocabulary.

How many curse words are there?

A 2009 study found that people who cursed, while having their hand submerged in ice water, could last twice as long as people who used non-curse words.

There was a feud between some of the cast of Seinfeld and Roseanne Barr in the 1990's, sparked when Julia Louis-Dreyfus parked in Barr's husbands' spot on the studio lot. The fight peaked when Dreyfus found a photo of someone's ass stuck to her windshield, alongside a curse word written in soap

Cleveland tried to stop everyone from using curse words.

The kind of Tourettes syndrome where you shout curse words is called Coprolalia, which translates to "To talk shit".

Saying curse words when you're in pain actually reduces your suffering. The psychologist who showed this said, "l would advise people, if they hurt themselves, to swear."

When did curse words start?

When using voice to text on android phones it censors your curse words f******* b*******. You can fix it though.

English sexual curse words such as 'fuck', 'cunt' and 'cock' are all borrowed from the Vikings' language of Old Norse and the reason they're considered vulgar is because of the emotional and ethnical impact of the invasions of the English islands over a thousand years ago

Cancer" (kanker) is a strong curse word in Dutch, and a 2008 court found against someone who called a police officer a "cancer sufferer."

The word albatross can be used to refer to a burden or a curse.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Curse Words. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Curse Words so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor