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Crowd Funded facts

While investigating facts about Crowd Funded Real Estate and Crowd Funded Real Estate Investing, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There is a 'game' called Space Engine that simulates the entire universe and allows you to explore all of it. Areas of the known universe are represented using actual astronomical data. It is crowd-funded, and it's future goals involve making itself into a full SP game. It supports Oculus Rift.

how to get crowdfunded?

A crowd funding campaign raised over £20,000 to replace all adverts in a London Underground station with pictures of cats.

What is crowd funded?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the alternatives to crowdfunded investment. Here are 17 of the best facts about Crowdfunded Loans and Crowd Funded Real Estate Uk I managed to collect.

what is crowd funded real estate?

  1. A satellite launched in 1978, and thought to be shutdown in 1997, was actually discovered in 2008 still be fully operational with plenty of fuel. Through efforts of crowd funding and approval from NASA, a group successfully established contact and fired the engines for the first time since 1987

  2. There are plans to rebuild the Colossus of Rhodes that is being funded by donations and crowd sourcing. It's planned to be 5x the size of the original, include a museam, culture center, and be completely powered by solar energy!

  3. Pornhub once led a crowd funding campaign to raise money to be the first to film a pornographic film in space. The film was to be slated for 2016, to include 6 months of training for 2 performers and a 6 person crew.

  4. The creator of The Boondocks tried to raise money for a live action Uncle Ruckus film, soley through crowd-funding. However, the fundraiser ended $70,000 short so the movie was never made.

  5. In 1997, British rock band Marillion announced they couldn't afford a US tour. Fans raised $60,000 to finance the tour. Marillion went on to become the first band to successfully crowd-fund music

  6. The most crowd funded project ever is a video game called Star Citizen, it has raised more than 70 000 000 $ and was over funded by 14000% and has over 735000 backers

  7. American Muslims crowd funded more than $200,000 to help the families of shooting victims in San Bernardino attack

  8. The highest crowd-funded project was for a video game (113 million).

  9. In 1987 18 year old Mike Hayes crowd funded college by asking 2.6 million people for a penny

  10. PornHub attempted to crowd fund the first ever attempt at making a sex video in space, requiring the two stars and a crew of six to train for the event

crowd funded facts
What is crowd funded film?

Why do we say as the crow flies?

You can easily fact check why do they say as the crow flies by examining the linked well-known sources.

Rapper B.o.B. has been a vocal proponent of the theory that claims the Earth is flat and started a crowd-funding campaign to prove it

There exists a crowd-funded, manned space program, building and launching the most advanced amateur rockets in the world only on people's donations! That's how they test their homemade parachutes: - source

I learned about Kung Fury - An epic, crowd-funded homage to 80s action movies, including a song by The Hoff - source

The original crowd funding goal of Star Citizen was only 23 million dollars and was achieved in 2013

The 19th Century sport of Pedestrianism form a of competitive walking, often professional and funded by wagering, which grew out of a man loosing a bet where he had to walk almost 400 miles across america, brining in crowds of 50,000+ - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Crowd Funded. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Crowd Funded so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor