Crossed Border facts
While investigating facts about Crossed Border Checks and Crossed Borderlands, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The US-Canadian Border was known by the Plains Indians as "The Medicine Line" for it's seemingly magical ability to keep US troops from crossing it.
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Target Canada was so poorly planned that Canadian consumers would continue to cross the border and shop at Target stores in the United States.
What is the most crossed border in the world?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what international border is crossed the most. Here are 50 of the best facts about Crossed Border Collie and Cross Border Terrier I managed to collect.
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Residents of the US, particularly those living near the Mexican border, now routinely cross the border into Mexico for medical care. Mexican dentists often charge 20 to 25 percent of U.S. prices, while other procedures typically cost a third what they would cost in the US
Target Canada was so poorly planned out and such a failure that Canadians continued to cross the border to shop at Target stores in the United States.
In 1985 Switzerland accidently bombed Liechtenstein during a drill. In 1992 they accidently 'invaded' their neighbor while setting up an observation post. In 2007 Swiss soldiers lost their way and crossed the border. A spokesman of Liechtenstein simply said "No problem, these things happen".
A Mexican amusement park offers a fake US-Mexico border crossing attraction, complete with fake smugglers and fake border patrol agents. The aim is to dissuade would be migrants from making the trip. For 3 hours, tourists endure sirens, chases and the fake border patrol yelling threats.
The Berlin Wall was opened accidentally. After being told wrong info, a Soviet spokesman stated that border crossings would be allowed, “immediately”. Crossings were actually planned to be allowed in limited circumstances. Thousands of East Germans then ran to the border and forced it open.
A war between Greece and Bulgaria that killed a total of 171 people, began when a Greek soldier accidentally crossed the border chasing his runaway dog.
There is a hotel that sits right on the border of Switzerland and France. A set of stairs started in France and ended in Switzerland upstairs. The upper rooms were thus ideal as a hideout for French Resistance members during WWII as the Nazis weren't allowed to cross into the Swiss side.
In 2013, the Indian Army began tracking Chinese spy drones that were illegally crossing its border. They did this for 6 months, until it turned out they were just tracking Venus and Jupiter.
A new bridge from Canada to the US is expected to become one of the largest international crossings in the world, but it almost wasn't built because post-recession Michigan couldn't afford it. Canada decided to pay for the bridge, land acquisition, and construction on both sides of the border.
In Mexico there's an adventure activity that simulates crossing the border into the USA, complete with fake border patrol and coyotes.
Crossed Border data charts
For your convenience take a look at Crossed Border figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about crossed border?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
When US tanks crossed the border into Iraq, they played The Ride of the Valkyries from humvee-mounted speakers
There are unmanned US-CAN border crossings. You talk officers using a videophone and hold your passport up for the camera. - source
Even though the barbed wire fence between Germany and the Czech Republic was torn down 20 years ago, Red Deer still refuse to cross the border - source
Because China only has one time zone, there is a 3 1/2 hour time change when you cross the border between China and Afghanistan, the greatest time change on the planet.
There's a country club on the US-Canada border that allows people to cross into Canada without going through customs. Founded in 1929, it allowed Americans to bypass Prohibition - source
When was the bering land bridge first crossed?
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the world's largest single machine and it crosses the border between Switzerland and France at four points, with most of it in France.
How cross border crime?
Frantisek Zahradka. He was arrested in 1949 in Czechoslovakia when he was in high school for assisting people to cross the border. He spent two years in solitary, and 18 years was forced to mine uranium ore for the government.
William Ellis, a Texas born slave who crossed the border to slavery free Mexico and became a millionaire. Later on he attempted to bring African Americans to Mexico and even served as diplomat of the US to the King of Ethiopia.
In 1965 a young American tourist illegally crossed the Norwegian-Soviet border, walked up to a Soviet border post and demanded the guards stamp his passport. He was arrested, sentenced to a detention camp and died on the train there.
125 people where shot crossing the Berlin wall whereas an estimated 6000 people died trying to cross the Mexico-US border in the past 15 years.
The swiss are so prepared for an invasion that there are explosives ready in every bridge and tunnel crossing the border.