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Cross Eyed facts

While investigating facts about Cross Eyed Cricket and Cross Eyed Meme, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Renowned French philosopher and mathematician Descartes had a fetish for cross-eyed women.

how cross eyed see?

When opossums get overweight, their fat deposits cause their eyes to go cross eyed.

What's cross eyed?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the opposite of cross eyed. Here are 31 of the best facts about Cross Eyed Cat and Cross Eyed Baby I managed to collect.

baby cross eyed when looking at close objects?

  1. John Trevor, speaker of the House of Commons in the 1690s, who was so cross-eyed members of the House were frequently uncertain as to which of them had "caught the Speaker's eye", and would try to speak out of turn.

  2. White tigers, siamese cats, and other albino animals all tend to have crossed eyes, because the genes that cause albinism are directly linked to visual pathway abnormalities.

  3. When signing the Japanese's copy of their WWII surrender document, the Canadian representative (blind in one eye) accidentally signed below his line, causing the others to sign one line lower, forcing a US General to cross out and rewrite their titles to match

  4. Turkish Angora is a natural breed (it is not created via cross-breeding) and it is generally very healthy (it can suffer from cardiac and neuromuscular disorders). Cats with one or two blue eyes are usually deaf.

  5. Silent era comedian, Ben Turpin, believed that his crossed eyes were essential to his career; he would check the mirror if he received any blow to the head, and his friend would joke that they would pray for his eyes to be healed.

  6. The Mayans purposefully made their babies cross-eyed if they wished them to have traits of nobility.

  7. The Swedish Lion that was taxidermized by order of King Fredrik I in the 1700. The taxidermist had never seen a live lion and the result was less than ideal. This resulted in a lion with crossed eyes and flat teeth (like a herbivore). The lion can still be viewed at the Gripsholm Castle.

  8. Actress Demi Moore was cross-eyed as a child. Her condition was corrected by two surgeries.

  9. French philosopher Rene Descartes had a fetish for cross-eyed women, a fetish that turned out to shape his beliefs about free will and presage Freudian psychology.

  10. Siamese Cats cross their eyes purposely to be able to see one clear image

cross eyed facts
What does cross eyed mean?

Why do babies go cross eyed?

You can easily fact check why are siamese cats cross eyed by examining the linked well-known sources.

Botox is used medically to treat many conditions: migraines, overactive bladder, crossed eyes and more

The Maya found crossed eyes attractive and dangled objects over the eyes of babies to achieve the look - source

Botox was ‘invented’ by a pediatric ophthalmologist to fix crossed eyes - source

The Mayans idealized Yum Kaax, the Maize god, and thought that an elongated head and crossed eyes, as well as a large beaked nose and pointed teeth was the essence of beauty

Botox was originally designed for cross-eyed people (1978). It had a side-effect of reducing wrinkles. In 1992 it was proven to rejuvenate skin. - source

3d images when cross eyed?

Hannibal's sight was lost in his right eye in 217 B.C. by what was likely ophthalmia, inflammation of the eye. He lost the sight while crossing a swamp area on a four-day march through water early in his Italian campaign.

How to go cross eyed?

American silent film star Ben Turpin's eyes became crossed as a young man after an accident. Turpin was convinced that the crossed eyes were essential to his comic career and was rumored to have bought a $25K or $100K insurance policy with Lloyd's of London, payable if his eyes ever uncrossed.

Influential philosopher René Descartes had a fetish for cross-eyed women. He also often traveled with a mechanical life sized female companion/sex doll called Francine.

The ancient Maya viewed crossed-eyes, flattened foreheads, and pointy teeth as beautiful.

About the "Cripple" Stock shotgun. (Also known as the "Cross-eye" Stock.)

My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic' Features a Cross-Eyed, Clumsy Pony Named "Derpy"

When do babies stop going cross eyed?

Cross-eyed 3D - 3D without glasses. This is very interesting. Initially, I found it very hard to do but now it has become very easy and super fun.

For a rabbits foot to be really lucky it must be the left rear foot of a rabbit killed in a cemetery on a full moon on a Friday by a cross eyed man.

Former Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson's father in law won the Victoria Cross (British Equivalent of the Medal of Honor) in WW2. He burst his eardrum and lost sight in one eye. When he ran out of ammo he picked up a Mortar and started shooting them vertically at the Germans instead.

Descartes was attracted to cross-eyed women.

Descartes had a thing for cross-eyed ladies. As an added bonus, James Joyce had a fart fetish.

How do you become cross eyed?

The Library of Congress has a large collection of sterographic images that give a 3D effect if you cross your eyes when you look at them. Also, that doing so will give you a headache if you do it too much.

Having previously lost an eye and a hand in battle, Carton de Wiart, as commanding officer, was seen by his men pulling the pins of grenades out with his teeth and hurling them with his one good arm during the Battle of the Somme, winning the Victoria Cross.

Persistant Pupillary Membrane, a condition in which strands of the iris cross the pupil. It looks like zombie eyes, but doesn't usually have any symptoms. It's pretty awesome.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cross Eyed. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cross Eyed so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor